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Pitra Dosh

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

What is Pitra Dosh / Pitra Dosham?

The literal meaning of Pitra is ancestor or ancestors and the literal meaning of dosh is defect. By combining these two terms; we can reach an idea that the name Pitra Dosh suggests some type of defect which has some kind of relationship with the ancestors. Once we reach this conclusion, the process of finding such relationship begins and different finders come up with different definitions. In some cases, this process gives us the proper definition of defects like Pitra Dosh at early stages whereas in some other cases; this process gives us confusing or completely inappropriate definitions of such terms.

Karmic Debt of the Lineage

We all inherit a number of good as well as bad things from our family lines, in different percentages. Speaking about such things, we may inherit in different percentages from our family lines; our faces, our body structures, the tendency to be lean or fat, short or tall, specific types of immunities, vulnerabilities to certain specific diseases as well as immunity towards certain specific diseases; blood groups, residences, wealth; properties, debts, good name, bad name and so many other such things. Likewise, we may inherit habits or personality traits like creativity, anger, kindness, cruelty, patience, impulsiveness, being spiritual or material in approach; and many other good and bad things, qualities and traits.

In the same way, we inherit from our family lines, in different percentages, a carry forward of their good or bad karmas performed in certain specific domains. For instance, if your father and grandfather have repeatedly engaged in bad Karmas related to women in your family as well as those related to women in general, they carry the debt formed by these bad karmas which fall in the domain of Venus; since women in general are ruled by Venus. As you are born in this family line, you may carry a part of this debt formed by their bad karmas; and this debt reflects as Pitra Dosh in your horoscope. To be precise, it reflects as Pitra Dosh formed by Venus in your horoscope.

Nine Types of Pitra Dosh

Similarly, there are eight other types of Pitra Doshas and nine in total; formed by each one of the nine planets or Navagraha. Based on what type of karmic debt your ancestors have created, if they have done so to start with; Pitra Dosh may be formed in your horoscope by one, two or even more than two planets. Such Pitra Dosh can trouble you in many different ways which we will discover later on; and the root cause of such troubles is likely to be the significances of the planet which causes such Pitra Dosh. Now that we have achieved clarity on this topic, let’s try to look at the actual meaning of Pitra Dosh; which may originally have been mentioned in our ancient Vedic scriptures.

Angry Pitras or Cursed Pitras?

If Pitra Dosh is formed in your horoscope, it does not mean that your Pitras are cursing you; it means that your Pitras are themselves cursed; and a part of this curse or karmic debt has been forwarded to you through inheritance. Yes, Pitra Dosh is an inheritance of karmic debt of the family line and you have to accept it, whether or not you want to. It means that Pitra Dosh is not the kind of inheritance like money or wealth which you may refuse to accept. Pitra Dosh is the kind of inheritance like the good or bad name of your ancestors or like their genetic strengths and weaknesses; which you simply can’t choose to reject. If your father was awarded with a badge for bravery as he served his country selflessly; this is what you receive as inheritance whether or not you want to. It means people may treat you with respect because you are the son of this father who did so much good for his country. Likewise, the son of a traitor may be disrespected by people in general; and such son has no say in it.

Karmic Debt of the Ancestors

Hence Pitra Dosh indicates the karmic debt accumulated by your ancestors; and a part of this accumulation has been forwarded to you. Moving on, just like the son of a martyr can end up losing all the respect by virtue of his own bad karmas; the son of a traitor can also end up earning respect; by virtue of his own good karmas. It means that even if Pitra Dosh is formed in a horoscope; it can be cleared with good as well as specifically guided karmas, which need to be performed by the native. When he does that, not only the native is relieved, but his ancestors are also relieved of their debts, in the proportion of the good karmas done by the native. If people hate your father for being a traitor; you serve great value to your country, and people start respecting you a lot; is it now possible for these people to hate your father with same quantum? The answer as we understand is no.

This karmic transfer of good or bad deeds in not one way and it is a two way process. It means that if good or bad karmas done by your ancestors will affect you through good or bad yogas like Pitra Dosh; the good or bad karmas done by you will influence them also; in whichever worlds they may be living. If you have served your country extremely well and you have earned the greatest formal honor as well as the love of the people of your country; the people simply can’t hate your father or grandfather for their bad deeds, the same way as they did before. This is because you are born in the same family; you have done so much good; and you have earned so much love as well as respect, which means so much positive energy. A part of this positive energy will be transferred to your ancestors also and it will now become difficult for the people to hate them with the same intensity; like they did before. Looking at a simple one, your father broke something that belonged to someone; and you fixed that thing or did even more good than merely fixing that thing. The other party simply can’t stay offended with your father in the same way now. The same theory holds good for Pitra Dosh and for two way transfer of good or bad energy between us and our ancestors.

Therefore, if Pitra Dosh is formed in your horoscope, it means that your ancestors are under some type of karmic debt and you are also carrying a part of that karmic debt. It further means that your ancestors are not cursing you but they are themselves cursed due to their karmic debt. Hence the remedial approach in this case is not to pray to them or offer them things; but to understand the specific type of karmic debt by knowing the type of Pitra Dosh you have; and then try to clear it as much as you can. It’s like the bad name earned by your traitor father won’t be reduced in quantum; even if you go to his grave and offer flowers every day. In order to relieve him of such bad name; you will need to create more good than the bad he did; and then you may feel him relieved.

How to Break the Chain of Pitra Dosh?

This is why in Vedic cultures; good children are considered as the best blessings whereas bad children are considered as the worst punishments; since they can change the flow of your entire family line. It means a bad son born in a family line can train his son to be bad; such son may train his son or daughter to be bad and this process may continue for many generations; forming more and more karmic debt on the family line. Such karmic debt further creates stronger and stronger Pitra Doshas of various types with each passing generation until this chain is broken in some generation and the rectification process is started by a good son or daughter born in such family line. Likewise, a good son born in a family line can educate his children to be good, who can educate their children to be good and this chain continues; earning more and more karmic rewards for the family line. Such karmic rewards may spell into good or very good yogas in the horoscopes of the members of this family line; and they may bless them with beautiful things.

How is Pitra Dosh Formed in Horoscope?

Now that we have attained clarity about Pitra Dosh and its relevance in our lives; let’s see how Pitra Dosh is formed in a horoscope. The Sun among planets is the giver of all forms of life, it is considered as the seed of a child and it represents the entire lineage of ancestors; as its general significance. It means that Sun will generally signify the ancestors; in each and every horoscope. When it comes to specific significances for the ancestors; the ninth house of every horoscope deals with father; forefathers and ancestors. Knowing this much; it can be guessed that any type of malefic influence on these factors signifying the ancestors will form Pitra Dosh. Let’s now look at the formal definition of Pitra Dosh.

If in a horoscope; the Sun, the ninth house or the Lord of the ninth house is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet; Pitra Dosh is formed in such horoscope. For example, if Aries is rising as ascendant in a horoscope, Sun is placed in fourth house of this horoscope in Cancer and malefic Ketu is placed in ninth house in Sagittarius; Pitra Dosh is formed in this horoscope by Ketu. Malefic Ketu placed in ninth house will afflict it and hence it will form Pitra Dosh in the horoscope. Like this, each one of the nine planets including Sun; can be malefic in a horoscope; afflict the ninth house and form Pitra Dosh. Considering another formation; if Aries is the ascendant rising and Sun is placed in fourth house in Cancer along with malefic Mercury; Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope; since Sun has been afflicted by Mercury. Looking at another possibility; if Aries is the ascendant rising in a horoscope; Jupiter being the Lord of the ninth house is placed in the fifth house in Leo along with malefic Saturn; Pitra Dosh is formed by Saturn; due to its affliction to Jupiter.

Three Methods of Formation of Pitra Dosh

  • Direct affliction to ninth house
  • Affliction to the Sun
  • Affliction to the lord of the ninth house

These are the three methods by which Pitra Dosh can be formed in a horoscope. Among these three methods; Pitra Dosh formed by direct affliction to the ninth house is the most troublesome one in general; whereas Pitra Doshas formed due to affliction to Sun and to the Lord of the ninth house are relatively less troublesome in general.

Calculating the Strength of Pitra Dosh

Once the formation of Pitra Dosh in a horoscope is confirmed, the next step is to calculate its strength. The strength of Pitra Dosh is calculated through the placement of the planets involved in the formation of this defect; in various houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Pitra Dosh. After that, the field of impact of Pitra Dosh is calculated through the placement of this defect in various houses of horoscope. Then the overall theme of the horoscope is assessed. Apart from this, the timing of activation as well as the timing of impact of Pitra Dosh is calculated. The timing of impact is calculated with the help of planetary periods of the planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh. Once we have done all this, we know what type of Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope, what its net strength is, which areas of the life it is going to attack and what the timing of impact of such Pitra Dosh is going to be.

How Does Pitra Dosh Work in a Horoscope?

Let’s now try to understand the working of Pitra Dosh in a horoscope, with the help of an example. Suppose, benefic retrograde Jupiter is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Pisces along with Sun, malefic Saturn is placed in ninth house in Scorpio, forming Pitra Dosh; benefic Mars is placed in sixth house in Leo and the rest of the horoscope varies. The basic setup of this horoscope suggests that Pitra Dosh formed in this horoscope can primarily trouble the native with problems related to his father’s health and life, the profession of this native and the health of the native himself. Let’s further suppose that the strength of such Pitra Dosh is about 70%. This Pitra Dosh is formed by Saturn and it will try to cause damage to the already mentioned spheres. Whichever of these spheres have grace saving factors, they will suffer less damage; whichever have no grace saving and no aggravating factors; they will receive due damage; and whichever have no grace saving factors but they have aggravating factors; they will receive maximum damage through this Pitra Dosh.

For instance, if benefic Moon is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Sagittarius, malefic Ketu is placed in sixth house with Mars, forming Pitra Dosh; and a malefic combination of Rahu and Mercury is placed in twelfth house in Aquarius, here is what may happen. Considering the profession of this native first; tenth house of the horoscope primarily deals with profession; and the presence of benefic Moon in this house will boost its significances. Apart from this, benefic Jupiter being the Lord of the tenth house as well as being the Lord of the first house is placed in first house in Pisces, which means it is strong. Since these two factors are serving as grace saving factors for the profession of this native; Pitra Dosh formed in this horoscope may not cause much damage to his profession. It is the time to note that any planet which reduces the impact of a malefic planet or a malefic defect like Pitra Dosh, is called grace saving factor for that horoscope. Since this horoscope has two grace saving factors for profession; the profession of this native is in a safer zone.

Moving on, as far as the health of this native is concerned, the presence of benefic Jupiter in first house in Pisces will serve as a grace saving factor. Though the presence of benefic Mars in sixth house in Leo should also serve as a grace saving factor; since sixth house deals with diseases among other things; it may not be of much help in reality. This is because the presence of malefic Ketu in the same house will cause affliction to the sixth house as well as to Mars, forming Pitra Dosh; since Mars is the Lord of the ninth house in this horoscope. Hence we have one grace saving factor and one aggravating factor when it comes to the health of this native. It is the time to know that any planet which tries to increase the impact of a malefic planet or defect like Pitra Dosh, is called an aggravating factor for that horoscope. Based on this analysis; the native should face problems related to his health though such problems should not become serious till late in his life; as Jupiter is present as a grace saving factor.

When it comes to the father of this native, it is the primary target of such Pitra Dosh since it is formed in the ninth house. On top of that, another Pitra Dosh is being formed in sixth house where Ketu afflicts the Lord of ninth house, which is Mars. Looking at a grace saving factor, benefic Jupiter may try to provide strength to Sun present along with it; but this may not provide much help. This is because Sun is placed in Pisces which doesn’t give it extra strength like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. At the same time; Mars is in a troublesome situation as well as in a difficult to handle house; the sixth house. Based on this analysis; it can be said that the Pitra Dosh formed by Saturn and Ketu in this horoscope is going to attack the father of this native; since there is not much defence against it. Hence this native may lose his father in different ways; depending on the time of activation of Pitra Dosh as well as on the horoscope of his father.

Remedies for Pitra Dosh

  • Gemstones
  • Poojas
  • Donations
  • Yantras

After understanding Pitra Dosh, let’s now look at the remedies which can be used to reduce the strength of this defect in a horoscope. Vedic astrology uses remedies like Poojas, gemstones, donations and yantras to reduce the malefic impact of defects like Pitra Dosh. In general, Pitra Dosh Nivaran Pooja is performed to rectify this defect in a horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari  

Get in touch with us for horoscope analysis and for the remedial measures for Pitra Dosh.

Pitra Dosh

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This is one of the most important concepts of Vedic astrology and it is called Pitra Dosh. It is generally defined by many astrologers as the curse of ancestors, which means the forefathers of the person having Pitra Dosh in his horoscope are unhappy with him and therefore they are cursing the native and due to that curse; the native may suffer from debt, diseases, failures all around, being childless and in the worst cases, early death due to accident or serious diseases. These astrologers believe that the native under the impact of Pitra Dosh has not completed the after death rituals of his forefathers like grandfather. The ancestors of the native are troubled in other worlds due to not receiving proper rituals and hence they are cursing the native for not doing his duty; and this curse is called Pitra Dosh.

We have already discussed misconceptions related to many important concepts in Vedic astrology. In case of Pitra Dosh, the misconception starts right from its definition which states that it is the curse of ancestors. Pitra Dosh is not a curse of the ancestors for sure and here is how. The horoscope of a person is drawn and decided right at the time of his birth and accordingly any types of defects are decided at the time of his birth which includes defects like Kaal Sarp Yog, Manglik Dosh and Pitra Dosh among other defects.

Coming to the defect called Pitra Dosh, if this defect is decided at the time of birth of a person, what has this person done in this life to get cursed by the ancestors? It means if a person grows older and does some bad Karmas or bad deeds which may bring disgrace to the good and fair name of ancestors, then it may be considered that the ancestors are cursing that person. But why curse a person before his birth? For the people reading this article who may have an opinion that the person may have done some bad Karmas or bad deeds related to the ancestors in the past lives and that is why he has got Pitra Dosh in his horoscope, let me tell you that in most cases, a person born in a family line is none other than one of his own ancestors. For example a person born in a family line is usually one of the forefathers of that family who has reborn in that family again.

According to the theory of Karmic astrology, most people are born in the same family lines with same friends and same enemies in many of their lives until their Karmic debts, duties and rewards are all cleared from that particular group of people or we can call them particular group of souls. It should not be difficult to understand that if a soul has unfinished business related to some particular souls, whether such business is positive or negative, such soul is logically supposed to be born along with these souls only; and that also in close relation to these souls, so that it may finish its unfinished business with these souls.

Considering an example, a native works very hard towards the betterment of his family line and he creates great fortunes for his sons and grandsons to enjoy. Before this native enjoys those fortunes properly, he may die. His sons as well as grandsons are all indebted to this native for providing them so many fortunes and pleasures; and they want to serve him and repay him. As a result, this native may be born in the same family as his grandson or great grandson so that he may enjoy all the pleasures of the fortunes initially created by him and at the same time, he may give opportunities to his sons or grandsons to serve him and fulfill their desires.

Similarly, if a native engages in all types of vices and money wasting practices; and he destroys the fortunes made by his ancestors so that the coming generations of his family line may have to struggle a lot in order to rebuild such fortunes; the native may be born as his grandson or great grandson in this case also. This native may be reborn in this family at the time when financial struggles are at their peak and he may have to go through many types of problems in order to get through such financial troubles, so that that he may face the fruits of bad karmas that he had committed in his past life. Likewise, a soul may be born in the same family line due to many other reasons. Since most souls have maximum number of unfinished businesses with their family members, whether such businesses are positive or negative, it is but logical for such souls to be reborn in the same families, so that they may attend to their unfinished businesses.

Coming back to the point, what actually is this Pitra Dosh if it is not a curse of the ancestors? Let’s look into the matter and find out what is Pitra Dosh. Pitra Dosh is not a curse of the ancestors, but it is a Karmic debt of the ancestors which the native having Pitra Dosh in his horoscope is supposed to pay. In simple words, Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope of a native due to bad Karmas or bad deeds done by the ancestors of that native and this native is supposed to pay that Karmic debt by suffering the punishments decided for those debts in different spheres of his life.

Such native may suffer until the debt is cleared either through punishment or through the good deeds done by the native having such Pitra Dosh in his horoscope. So Pitra Dosh in a horoscope doesn’t mean that the ancestors are cursing the native having Pitra Dosh in his horoscope, it means that the ancestors of such native are themselves cursed. Hence the native has to engage in more and more good karmas so that his ancestors as well as he may get rid of the sufferings caused by such Pitra Dosh. This theory may sound confusing to some people, so let’s try to explain it on the basis of scientific as well as Karmic logics.

Starting with science, it is a well known fact that there are a number of diseases found today which are genetic in nature, which means that they are passed from mothers or fathers to their children. A common example of such diseases is diabetes which is prevailing throughout the world and in many cases it is passed from generation to generation, though it may not affect some of the children born to a diabetic mother or father. In the same way, a son generally inherits the assets and liabilities of his father which may have come from the forefathers also. Likewise, a son may inherit his father’s physical or mental strength and he may also inherit his father’s physical or mental weakness. The same goes for physical shape and looks, which means that children can inherit their parents’ good or bad looks as well as their good or bad physical shapes.

Similarly other examples can be considered to validate the theory that the good or bad things earned, owned and owed by the parents or forefathers are passed on to the children of the family line. The theory of Karmic debts also works in the same way with the only difference that it shows the results in the present life based on the Karmas done in previous lives. As I have already mentioned that most people are born in the same family lines and they have the same circle of friends, so an ancestor suitable for the punishments for the Karmic debt formed on a family line according to the bad Karmas done by him in his previous lives, is sent on earth to pay those debts and bear the punishments.

As this person does good or bad deeds in his present life, it contributes to the negative or positive Karmic balance of that family line where the negative balance means the debt and positive balance means the rewards which are going to be enjoyed by the coming generations of that family. This is why so much emphasis is put on doing good Karmas and it is often preached that the bad Karmas done by a person are going to affect the family line of that person which includes his children and their children. In the same way, the good Karmas done by a person earn Karmic rewards which are paid to the future members of his family line, who may enjoy good or great fortunes due to the good deeds done by their fathers and forefathers, just like a person enjoys the wealth earned and owned by his father. Let’s now go deeper into this theory of Karmic ancestral debts and rewards with the help of an example taken from Hindu Mythology.

This example belongs to the birth of the holiest river belonging to Hindu religion, which is called Maa Ganga by Indians and is commonly known as river Ganges by rest of the world. Long time back, there was a king named Sagar who was an ancestor of Lord Rama. Due to some misunderstanding, the sons of king Sagar attacked a great sage Kapil and they all died with the burning flames coming out of the eyes of angry sage Kapil. Sages are given great respect in India due to which insulting and attacking a great sage like Kapil formed a heavy Karmic debt on the family line of king Sagar, which was going to trouble all the coming generations of this family. Knowing this, Anshuman the grandson of king Sagar went to sage Kapil, asked for his forgiveness and requested him to prescribe a way to relieve the family of this ancestral debt. It was then told by sage Kapil that if the holy river Ganga is brought to the earth from the heavens and the ashes of the burnt princes are offered to holy river Ganga, this debt can be cleared.

Accordingly, Anshuman worshiped throughout his life to bring Ganga to earth but he didn’t succeed and the duty was passed on to his son king Dilip who also worshiped throughout his life to bring Ganga to earth to clear the Karmic debts of his forefathers. However, king Dilip also didn’t succeed and the duty was passed on to his son king Bhagirath who also worshiped Lord Brahma very dedicatedly. One day, Lord Brahma came to answer his prayers and he blessed him with his wish that Ganga would be sent to earth to relieve his family and forefathers of their Karmic debts. As Lord Brahma blessed Bhagirath, king Bhagirath posed a question to Lord Brahma, which goes something like this.

“O Great Lord Brahma Ji, I have a question to ask and kindly bless me with the answer to this question. My grandfather Anshuman and my father Dilip worshipped you throughout their lives but you didn’t answer their prayers whereas you have answered my prayers. Was there any defect in their way of worship or was something else wrong due to which you didn’t listen to the prayers of my father and my grandfather?”

Hearing this Lord Brahma smiled and said, “Insulting and attacking a great sage like Kapil caused a very heavy karmic debt on your family line and all of it needed to be paid in order for me to come and bless a member of your family line with his wish. Your father and grandfather worshipped throughout their lives and they were able pay most of this debt through such worship, but as this debt was not cleared, so I didn’t come to grant their wish. As you started worshipping, the Karmic debt has been cleared and after that you have earned sufficient Karmic rewards for your wish to be granted by continuously worshipping me; and that is why I am here to bless you with your wish. Worship never goes waste Bhagirath. Had your father and grandfather not worshipped me so hard, your worship may not have succeeded”. After that, Maa Ganga was sent to earth to bless the souls of Bhagirath’s forefathers as well as those of many others.

The moral of the story is that the karmic debt levied on the forefathers of king Bhagirath needed to be cleared before the family line could be blessed again with good fortunes. Therefore, three generations of his family worshipped the Lord to clear this Karmic debt and earn Karmic rewards which led to the good results like the incarnation of Lord Rama in the same family line, which shows that the positive karmic balance of this family line was extremely great because a family line which witnessed the birth of Lord himself, was without any doubt the most prestigious Karmic family line of that time.

Coming back to Pitra Dosh, it should now be easy to understand that Pitra Dosh is not a curse of the ancestors as defined by some astrologers, but it is the debt formed as a result of bad deeds done by the ancestors and this debt has to be paid by the present generation; either by taking the punishments decided according to that debt or by doing some specific types of good Karmic deeds which may help paying this debt so that the degree of punishment may be decreased. After knowing so much about the definition of Pitra Dosh, let’s find out how this defect is formed in a horoscope.

If the Sun which is an indicator of the self and the ancestors, is afflicted by a malefic planet, Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope and depending on the afflicting planet as well as on some other factors, the kinds and results of Pitra Dosh change. For example, the worst kind of Pitra Dosh is formed by the affliction of Rahu and Ketu to the Sun by placement and aspect, and the Pitra Dosh where Sun and Rahu are placed in the same house, is a very serious Pitra Dosh and can even prove fatal for the native if the afflictions are strong. The affliction to the Sun by malefic Saturn also forms a serious Pitra Dosh and similarly any malefic planet afflicting the Sun forms Pitra Dosh which can trouble the native in different ways depending on the afflicting planet, the strength of the afflicting planet and the Sun, the placement of the afflicting planet as well as the Sun and some other factors.

Apart from this, Pitra Dosh is also formed if ninth house of a horoscope which stands for ancestors among other things; is afflicted by a malefic planet and the results should be predicted in the same way as in case of afflictions to the Sun. Afflictions to the Lord of ninth house also form Pitra Dosh in a horoscope. In the same way, if the Moon is afflicted by a malefic planet or planets, Matru Dosh is formed in the horoscope and the worst type of Matru Dosh is formed by the placement of Ketu with Moon.

The formation of Pitra Dosh in a horoscope can trouble the native under its impact with many types of problems depending on the type of Pitra Dosh as well as depending on the overall tone of his horoscope. For example, Pitra Dosh formed due to the presence of Sun along with malefic Saturn in the fifth house may delay the birth of the children till late or very late in the life of the native suffering from it. However, Pitra Dosh formed due to the presence of Sun in the fifth house of a horoscope along with malefic Mars may deny the possibility of children to the native or it may trouble the native with the death of many children before birth, and only then this native may witness a live child.

Similarly, Pitra Dosh formed due to the presence of Sun in the tenth house of a horoscope along with malefic Saturn can delay the professional success of the native due to which the native may not witness significant professional success before his age of 41. On the other hand, Pitra Dosh formed due to the presence of Sun in the tenth house of a horoscope along with malefic Saturn and Mars can either keep the native away from professional success throughout his life, or such native may become a criminal and he may have to spend many years of his life in prison by virtue of being convicted for a serious crime.

Considering one more possibility, Pitra Dosh formed due to the presence of Sun in the seventh house of a horoscope along with malefic Mercury can delay the marriage of the native under its impact and hence the native may not get married till his age of 35. On the other hand, Pitra Dosh formed due to the presence of Sun in the seventh house of a horoscope along with malefic Saturn and malefic Ketu may deny the possibility of marriage to the native, unless there is a strong marriage promoting planet in his horoscope. Even if such marriage promoting planet is there, the native suffering from such Pitra Dosh may get married after his age of 41 and he may also have problems in having children or some other types of problems related to children.

Let’s try to understand this concept with the help of a practical example. If Sun is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Cancer and malefic Saturn also joins Sun in the fifth house, Pitra Dosh is formed in this horoscope. Since the fifth house of a horoscope deals with children along with many other things, the native may not witness the birth of his first child till 35 years of his age. Looking at a couple of different combinations from here, if benefic Moon is placed in the first house of this horoscope in the sign of Pisces along with benefic Jupiter when Sun and malefic Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the fifth house, the native may surely have children. This native may have children soon after his age of 35 and he may enjoy many good things through such children.

On the other hand, if malefic Moon is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo along with malefic Rahu; and malefic Ketu is placed in the twelfth house of this horoscope in the sign of Aquarius when malefic Sun and Saturn are placed in the fifth house, the problem may aggravate. The native troubled by such Pitra Dosh and other malefic planets may have to wait till the age of 41 in order to have children. If this native has a child before the age of 41, such child may be either physically handicapped or mentally challenged, due to the malefic impact of such Pitra Dosh and other malefic planets mentioned in this example. Similarly, Pitra Dosh may form in all other houses of a horoscope in many possible combinations, and it may trouble the native under its impact with a variety of problems depending on the overall tone of his horoscope.

Vedic astrology mentions many remedies to rectify Pitra Dosh present in a horoscope. However it should be noted that Pitra Dosh is a very technical defect and general remedies may not be sufficient in order to get rid of it. Hence it becomes very important to first indentify the planet or planets which form Pitra Dosh in a horoscope by afflicting Sun, ninth house or the lord of ninth house. Once the planet or planets forming Pitra Dosh are identified, appropriate remedies should be practiced to rectify such Pitra Dosh.

For the people who are told that Pitra Dosh is a curse of the ancestors and it can be rectified by doing poojas and charities to pacify and please their ancestors, you should know that such remedies are not going to do much good for you because your ancestors are not cursing you, they are themselves cursed. Hence you don’t need to pray to them, but you need to pray for them. Therefore in order to relieve yourself and your ancestors of the Pitra Dosh present in your horoscope, identify the planet or planets causing Pitra Dosh in the horoscope and then do specific remedies to pay the debts of that planet or planets so that the quantum of punishment rendered to you by this defect may be gradually reduced.

Himanshu Shangari

Pitra Dosh in 12th House

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Twelfth House

The twelfth house of horoscope represents foreign lands, hospitals, ashrams, refugee camps, prisons, sleep, dreams, imaginations, fantasies, perversions, mediation, spiritual growth, liberation, paranormal, supernatural, the occult, mysteries, illusions, losses, delays, addictions, vices, confusions, secret missions, investigations and many other things.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the twelfth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the twelfth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s start with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the twelfth house. Suppose benefic Sun and Malefic Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Cancer. Sun rules the first house whereas Saturn rules the sixth and seventh house. Both these planets are not strong in Cancer.

When Pitra Dosh is formed in the twelfth house, the significances of the malefic planet may also be troubled; not through the benefic planet but through the twelfth house. When it comes to the benefic planet; it deals with problems created by the malefic planet as well as those created by the twelfth house. It means in the present case, significances of Sun may be troubled by Saturn as well as by the twelfth house. When it comes to Saturn, it may trouble the significances of Sun but its own significances may be troubled by the twelfth house. Hence Pitra Dosh formed in the twelfth house may prove more troublesome compared to the ones formed in many other houses of horoscope.

Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, immunity, courage, confidence, health, lifespan, profession, personality, spiritual growth, mysterious events, unfortunate events, accidents, losses, mental health, sleep, dreams, marriage, husband, wife and many other types of problems.

The type and quantum of such problems depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placements of Sun and Saturn in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Cancer. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Since twelfth house is a difficult to handle house, the placements of more and more benefic planets in this case may not provide relief to the native. Though such placements may reduce the strength of Pitra Dosh, a number of other problems may be created if they are not able to handle the energy of the twelfth house; which may happen in majority of such cases.

When Sun and Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Cancer, there may be no benefic planet which may reduce the strength of such Pitra Dosh by virtue of its placement in the twelfth house; without creating problems. Hence the only way for benefic planets to reduce malefic effects of such Pitra Dosh may be through the overall theme of the horoscope.

Let’s see how relief may come through the rest of the horoscope. Sun represents the first house and Saturn represents the sixth and the seventh house. It means such Pitra Dosh may create major problems related to health, lifespan, personality, profession, marriage and father of the native though it may create a number of other problems also. In this case, each house which also reflects the same significances must be empowered by benefic planets. Among these houses, the first house becomes the most important. Hence it must be empowered by benefic planet or planets so that majority of the problems may be contained.

Taking an example, suppose a benefic combination of Mars, Mercury and Venus is placed in the first house of this horoscope in Leo. The first house is highly empowered in this case. Hence the problems related to health, lifespan, personality and profession may reduce a lot. Mars represents the ninth house in this case, it is strong in Leo and is supported by two other benefic planets. Hence native’s father may also not witness serious problems; though he may still face problems.

Venus is the general signifier for marriage and wife in case of male natives. Since Venus is supported by two benefic planets; the problems related to marriage may also reduce significantly; in case of a male native. If Jupiter is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope in Sagittarius; the problems related to the marriage of the female native may also reduce a lot.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Sun and Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Cancer and malefic Rahu is also placed in the same house. Rahu forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Hence the strength of Pitra Dosh as well as the overall negativity in the twelfth house may increase significantly. If malefic Moon is also placed in the twelfth house along with Sun, Saturn and Rahu; the problems may aggravate. Malefic Moon forms yet another Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house.

The overall combination in this case becomes highly malefic and even Sun may turn significantly malefic in this case. In general, Sun is highly benefic for Leo ascendant. However, things may change in this case. Sun is not strong in Cancer and it is being afflicted by three malefic planets. In addition to that, the twelfth house is a difficult to handle house and it may also trouble Sun. Hence Sun may not be able to protect its significances and such malefic combination may corrupt Sun. As a result; Sun may turn 50 to 70% malefic in this case; depending on the nakshatra and navamsha placements of these four planets; within the sign of Cancer.

Since the lord of ascendant is seriously afflicted by three malefic planets; the scope of damage caused by such triple Pitra Dosh is beyond description. The native may face problems related to each and every house of his horoscope. The overall health, mental health and lifespan of the native may be hit most severely.

Let’s look into the sphere of mental health. Since Moon is also afflicted by Saturn and Rahu; the native may face serious or very serious types of psychological problems. Such native may suffer from severe depression, madness, insanity, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder among other problems. If there are no grace saving factors in the horoscope, the native may suffer from such problems throughout his life and he may never get out of them. The native may also kill himself under the influence of such serious medical conditions.

The type and quantum of the problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s now consider Pitra Dosh formed in the twelfth house, due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Suppose benefic Venus and malefic Sun form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Leo. Virgo rises in the ascendant in this case. Venus represents the second and ninth house whereas Sun represents the twelfth house. Sun is much stronger than Venus in Leo.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to marriage, wife, father, finances, wealth, spiritual growth, health issues, disease, addictions and a number of other problems. The type and quantum of problems caused by such Pitra Dosh depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placements of Venus and Sun in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Leo. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Though the previous case of Sun and Saturn in the twelfth house didn’t offer opportunities for benefic planets to reduce the strength of Pitra Dosh by virtue of their placements in the twelfth house; the present case offers such opportunities. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Leo in Cancer navamsha.

The addition of benefic Jupiter may reduce the negativity of such Pitra Dosh, without causing side effects. Hence the native may witness relief related to many spheres of his life, affected by such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Mercury is also placed in the twelfth house in Leo in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo navamsha. In this case, the strength of such Pitra Dosh may reduce a lot and the overall combination in the twelfth house may become benefic. Due to strong influence of three benefic planets, even Sun may become partly benefic in this case.

As a result, the native may witness good or very good results related to many spheres of his life; including the ones affected by such Pitra Dosh; provided the rest of his horoscope is strong. The twelfth house must be supported by the overall horoscope; even for the benefic planets to produce their optimum results. Suppose benefic exalted Moon is placed in the ninth house in Taurus, benefic exalted Rahu is placed in the first house in Virgo, Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Pisces, Saturn is placed in the tenth house in Gemini and Mars is placed in the fourth house in Sagittarius.

In this case, the native may become a high authority government officer in his own country or he may achieve such authority in a foreign country. Depending on the finer factors as well as on the running times; the native may settle in a foreign country; but he may not work for government. Instead he may engage in a practice or business of his own and he may witness good or very good results; depending on his overall horoscope. Such benefic combination may also get the native married to a woman who may belong to foreign origin.

Let’s look this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Venus and Sun form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Leo and malefic Mars is also placed in the same house. Mars is strong in Leo. Hence it may cause serious affliction to Venus though it may not do the same to Sun; since Sun is stronger than Mars in Leo. However, Sun may cause serious affliction to Mars. As a result; such Pitra Dosh may gain additional strength and the overall combination may become more negative. Mars forms Pitra Dosh by afflicting Venus as well as Sun.

Suppose malefic Rahu is also placed in the twelfth house of this horoscope. Rahu may form Pitra Dosh by afflicting Venus and Sun; thereby aggravating the situation. The overall combination in the twelfth house may become highly malefic and even Venus may turn partly malefic in this case.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native with problems related to family, wealth, money, speech, profession, siblings, lifespan, accidents, losses, destruction, diseases, surgeries, crime, calamities, murders, the occult, paranormal, supernatural, father, religion, higher education, spiritual growth, luck factor, mysteries, illusions, perversions, delays, addictions, vices and confusions; among other things.

Such malefic combination may trouble the native with various types of addictions and health problems caused because of such addictions. Hence the native may get addicted to various types of drugs, he may consume alcohol in heavy quantities, he may smoke a lot and/or he may engage in other likewise practices. Apart from causing health problems; such addictions and vices may trouble the native with loss of money and wealth as well as loss of reputation and respect. Since the second as well as the ninth house is involved in this combination; the native may waste significant part of money and wealth earned by his family; through such addictions.

The native may also bring disgrace to his family and especially to his father. Such native may also engage in various types of criminal activities and he may serve prison sentence; more than once in his life. Both Sun and the lord of the ninth house are seriously afflicted. Hence this troublesome combination may also make the native lose his father at a young age; unless there are grace saving planets in his horoscope. Taking an example, if benefic exalted Moon is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Taurus; native’s father may not die. However, the native may trouble his father a lot; through his addictions, criminal activities, financial losses, professional failures and a number of other problems.

Looking at profession, the native may engage in profession if Mercury is strong in the horoscope. However, the success may not sustain and the native may end up in losses; a number of times. It means the native may lose his job many times in his life or he may face serious losses through business and he may go out of business; more than once in his life.

Though such malefic combination may trouble this native with a number of other problems; the horoscope may still be saved if strong benefic planets are placed appropriately. Taking an example, suppose benefic exalted Mercury forms Bhadra Yoga in the first house of this horoscope in Virgo and Saturn is placed in the fifth house in Capricorn. Benefic exalted Moon is placed in the ninth house in Taurus, benefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the eleventh house in Cancer and Mars is placed in the seventh house in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra. In this case, the native may do well related to profession, father, health, lifespan, reputation, marriage and a number of other spheres; though all these spheres may face ups and downs due to strong malefic combination in the twelfth house.

Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari



Pitra Dosh in 11th House

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Eleventh House

The eleventh house of horoscope represents profession, financial gains, increments, expansions, friends, associates, networks, economies, stock markets, sudden gains, profits, goals, ambitions and greed; among many other things.

Let’s discuss the formation of Pitra Dosh in the eleventh house of horoscope. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the eleventh house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the eleventh house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the eleventh house of a horoscope in Aquarius. Sun rules the fifth house whereas Mercury rules the third and sixth house in this case. Mercury is stronger than Sun in Aquarius.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, children, love life, creativity, spiritual growth, reputation, health, profession, finances, friends, associates, networks, stock markets, sudden losses, goals, ambitions and greed; among many other things.

The type and quantum of these problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Sun and Mercury in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Aquarius. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Mercury; as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as that of the overall horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose Sun and Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the eleventh house of a horoscope in Aquarius and benefic Venus is also placed in the eleventh house. The addition of benefic Venus may significantly reduce the strength of such Pitra Dosh. Accordingly, the native may witness significant relief related to the spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh; and the spheres of profession and finances may benefit the most.

As a result, the native may achieve success through a number of professional spheres, though he may witness delays, setbacks and losses from time to time; due to malefic effect of such Pitra Dosh. Such native may achieve success as a singer, actor, musician, dancer, writer, sportsman, astrologer, consultant, journalist, professional dealing in movie industry, media industry, radio industry, television industry, music industry, fashion industry, sports industry, internet industry, ecommerce, social media networks, travel industry, hotel industry, logistics industry, food industry, liquor industry; and many other types of professional; depending on his overall horoscope.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Sun and Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the eleventh house in Aquarius and malefic Ketu is also placed in the eleventh house. Ketu forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Hence the quantum of problems may increase in this case. If malefic Mars is also placed in the eleventh house in Aquarius; the problems may aggravate. Mars forms yet another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun in the eleventh house.

Mars generally acts as a partly malefic planet for Aries ascendant; and its benefic part may be much higher than the malefic part. However, the influence of malefic Mercury and Ketu may increase the strength of malefic part of Mars. Hence Mars may behave as a significantly or highly malefic planet in this case; depending on the placements of these four planets in different nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Aquarius.

The addition of malefic Mars may significantly increase the number as well as quantum of problems posed by such Pitra Dosh. Apart from Mars afflicting Sun; Mars, Ketu and Mercury may also afflict one another, thereby creating more problems. Due to the malefic influence of these planets; Sun may also turn partly malefic in this case. In general, Sun may act as a highly benefic planet for Aries ascendant.

Coming back to Pitra Dosh, such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to the general significances of Sun, Mars, Mercury and Ketu; as well as those related to the significances of the first, third, fifth, sixth, eighth and eleventh house. As a result, the native may suffer from a wide variety of problems related to different spheres of his life; affected by such Pitra Dosh.

Such malefic combination may trouble the native with a number of health issues and diseases; and one or two of them may be terminal. Such malefic combination is also capable of getting the native killed in an accident at a young age. Taking an example, if Jupiter is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in Virgo along with Saturn, the native may die young due to heart attack, stomach cancer, brain cancer or blood cancer.

Such Pitra Dosh may also prove troublesome for profession and it may create a number of problems related to this sphere, depending on the overall horoscope. Such Pitra Dosh may turn the native into a criminal. Such native may engage in various types of crimes; he may serve prison sentence of more than 10 years, he may get killed in an encounter or he may get murdered before the age of 45; depending on the overall horoscope.

The native having such malefic combination may develop strong tendencies for various types of gambling practices and he may witness serious financial losses through them; time and again in his life. If Saturn is strong and clean in the horoscope; the equation may improve. However if Saturn is weak or afflicted in the horoscope; the native may face serious financial losses through various types of gambling practices as well as through risky professional deals.

Since Sun represents the ability to produce children in male natives and it also represents the fifth house in this horoscope; such Pitra Dosh may prove troublesome for children. As a result, the native may not be able to have his first child till late in his life. Apart from this; at least one of his children may suffer from serious physical or psychological health problems; right from his birth. Such Pitra Dosh may also make the native lose one or more than one child, during their ages below 15 years.

Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking at the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s now discuss Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house in the eleventh house of a horoscope. Suppose debilitated Saturn and Ketu form Pitra Dosh in the eleventh house of a horoscope in Aries. Saturn represents the eighth and ninth house in this horoscope. Hence it is partly malefic. Ketu is much stronger than Saturn in Aries. As a result, such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to the spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to profession, finances, friends, father, luck factor, spiritual growth, religion, health and lifespan among other things.

The type and quantum of these problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Saturn and Ketu in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Aries. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Saturn and Ketu; as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose Saturn and Ketu form Pitra Dosh in the eleventh house of a horoscope and Sun as well as Jupiter is placed in the same house. Sun is placed in Taurus navamsha of Ashwini nakshatra and Jupiter is placed in Cancer navamsha of Ashwini nakshatra. In this case, the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as the overall negativity in the eleventh house may reduce significantly. Hence the native may witness good results related to some spheres of his life; which are affected by such Pitra Dosh. The spheres of profession and finances are likely to benefit the most, since this combination is placed in the eleventh house.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Saturn and Ketu form Pitra Dosh in the eleventh house of a horoscope in Aries and malefic Mars is also placed in the same house. In this case, the overall negativity may increase significantly. Mars forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Saturn. Mars rules the sixth and the eleventh house. Hence it may add greed, disagreements, tendency to engage in crimes and various other negative characteristics to this combination. As a result, the native may engage in risky ventures, gambling practices, criminal activities and other likewise affairs which may create various types of problems for him.

If Mercury is not strong and clean in this horoscope; the native may lose his life at a young age; through one such risky venture. For example, if benefic Mercury is placed in the tenth, eleventh or twelfth house of this horoscope; the native may lose his life through a risky venture. Mercury is debilitated in Pisces which falls in the tenth house of this horoscope. Mercury may get seriously afflicted if it is placed in the eleventh house. Mercury may not provide much support when it is placed in the twelfth house, though it may not be as troubled in this house in this case; as it may be when placed in the tenth or eleventh house. Hence these three placements of Mercury may not add more years to native’s life.

Moving on, such Pitra Dosh may also trouble the native with various type of health problems and diseases. The native may also witness problems related to his father. If Sun as well as the ninth house is strong and clean in the horoscope, such problems may reduce. For example, if benefic Jupiter is placed in the ninth house in Aquarius and benefic Sun is placed in the third house in Leo, the father of this native should do fine. On the other hand, if a malefic combination of Sun and Venus is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in Capricorn and there is no benefic planet in the ninth house; the native may lose his father, early in his life.

Apart from these problems, such Pitra Dosh may create many other types of problems for the native. For example, such native may face losses, setbacks, failures, financial debts, bankruptcy, bad reputation, court cases, penalties, punishments and imprisonment through his profession; depending on his overall horoscope.

The type and quantum of these problems as well as the problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari


Pitra Dosh in 10th House

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Tenth House

The tenth house of horoscope represents profession, reputation, public image, visibility, recognition and authority among other things. Pitra Dosh formed in the tenth house may cause damage to the significances of this house as well as to those of the planets involved in the formation of this defect.

As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the tenth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the tenth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s begin with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun by a malefic planet. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Ketu form Pitra Dosh in the tenth house of a horoscope in Cancer. Sun represents the eleventh house in this horoscope. Both Sun and Ketu are not strong in the sign of Cancer.

The type and quantum of these problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placements of Sun and Ketu in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Cancer. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Ketu; as well as the running times may also affect the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Ketu form Pitra Dosh in the tenth house of a horoscope in Cancer. If benefic Moon is also placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Cancer in Punarvasu or Pushya nakshatra; the strength of such Pitra Dosh may decrease significantly. As a result, the native may witness significant relief in the spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. The sphere of profession may benefit the most since Moon rules the tenth house in this horoscope.

Moving on, if benefic Saturn is placed in the fourth house of this horoscope in Capricorn along with Rahu, the equation may become better. Benefic Saturn in the fourth house casts direct aspect on the planets in the tenth house; thereby reducing the strength of such Pitra Dosh even more. In this case, the native may witness good or very good results related to many spheres of his life; including the spheres represented by such Pitra Dosh. The influences of these benefic planets may especially prove good for profession. Hence the native may achieve success as a government officer, politician, doctor; professional dealing in real estate, hospitality industry, entertainment industry, hotel industry, travel industry, airline industry, movie industry, internet industry, music industry and many other types of professional.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Sun and Ketu form Pitra Dosh in the tenth house in Cancer and malefic exalted Jupiter is also placed in the tenth house in Cancer in Ashlesha nakshatra. Jupiter is malefic in this horoscope, it is exalted in Cancer and Ashlesha is a troublesome nakshatra. As a result, such Pitra Dosh may gain more strength since Jupiter also forms Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Apart from this, Jupiter and Ketu may also afflict each other; thereby increasing the number as well as quantum of problems. If malefic Mercury is also placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Cancer, the problems may increase further.

Mercury generally acts as a partly malefic planet for Libra ascendant where the benefic part is much higher than the malefic part. However, due to the strong influence of malefic Jupiter and Ketu; Mercury may turn into a proper malefic planet in this case. To have an idea; Mercury may become about 80% malefic and 20% benefic.

Malefic Mercury may form another Pitra Dosh in the tenth house by afflicting Sun. Since Mercury is the lord of the ninth house in this horoscope; the affliction to Mercury by Jupiter and Ketu may form yet another Pitra Dosh in the tenth house.

The overall theme of the horoscope may go negative in this case. Hence the native may face serious or very serious problems related to all the spheres covered by such malefic combination; depending on his overall horoscope. Since this malefic combination is placed in the tenth house; the sphere of profession may suffer the most. Such malefic combination may keep the native jobless for long periods of time and it may also make the native suffer from serious or very serious financial losses through profession.

This type of Pitra Dosh has significant tendency to make the native engage in criminal activities. Hence the native may become a criminal; unless there are strong benefic influences working against this tendency. Taking an example, if benefic exalted Saturn forms Shasha Yoga in the first house of this horoscope in Libra and benefic Moon is placed in the ninth house in Gemini in Punarvasu nakshatra; the native may not become a criminal.

On the other hand, if a combination of Saturn and Mars is placed in the sixth house in Pisces, benefic Moon is placed in the seventh house in Aries and Venus is placed in the eleventh house in Leo; the native may become a criminal. Such native may become a drug trafficker and he may also engage in various other types of crimes.

Such malefic combination may also bring bad reputation to the native; even when the native may not be a declared criminal. In such case, the native may face charges of corruption, he may get involved in a scandal related to his profession or his methods of earning money may bring him bad reputation; depending on his overall horoscope. The term ‘methods of earning’ in this context means that though the native may engage in a legitimate profession; he may often engage in immoral or illegal activities in order to make more money.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s now discuss Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house in the tenth house of a horoscope. Suppose a malefic combination of Mercury and Jupiter forms Pitra Dosh in the tenth house of a horoscope in Libra. Capricorn rises as ascendant in this case. Mercury represents the sixth and ninth house whereas Jupiter represents the third and twelfth house. Jupiter is highly malefic in this case; and Mercury is partly negative and significantly positive. Mercury is stronger than Jupiter in Libra.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, religion, guru, spiritual growth, profession, siblings, luck factor and health among other things. The type and quantum of such problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placements of Mercury and Jupiter in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Libra. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of benefic and malefic planets as well as that of the overall horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic exalted Saturn is placed in the tenth house along with Mercury and Jupiter. The addition of Saturn may significantly reduce the strength of such Pitra Dosh; since Saturn is very strong in Libra. Accordingly, the number as well as quantum of problems created by such Pitra Dosh may reduce significantly.

If benefic Venus is also placed in the tenth house in Libra along with Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn, the equation may become even better. In this case, the malefic influence of Pitra Dosh may reduce a lot and the native may witness good or very good results related to many spheres of his life; including the ones which are affected by such Pitra Dosh.

Saturn forms Shasha Yoga and Venus forms Malavya Yoga in the tenth house of this horoscope. The addition of these two strong benefic planets may change the functional nature of Mercury as well as Jupiter. Hence Mercury may become almost benefic and Jupiter may also witness significant reduction in negativity though it may still not turn benefic.

The overall combination may become strongly benefic. Since this combination is placed in the tenth house, maximum benefits may be received the by the significances of this house. The primary benefits may appear in profession. Depending on his overall horoscope, such native may earn millions or billions as a businessman dealing in airline industry, travel industry, hotel industry, liquor industry, tobacco industry, casino industry, media industry, movie industry, music industry, television industry, automobile industry, real estate and many other fields of profession.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Mercury and Jupiter form Pitra Dosh in the tenth house in Libra and malefic Rahu is also placed in the same house. Rahu may afflict Mercury and form another Pitra Dosh. Hence the overall combination may become more malefic and the number as well as quantum of problems may increase. If malefic Sun is also placed in the tenth house in Libra in Aries navamsha of Vishakha nakshatra; the equation may deteriorate. Though Sun is debilitated in Libra; it is relatively strong in Aries navamsha within this sign.

Malefic Sun forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Mercury. Under the malefic influence of Sun, Jupiter and Rahu; Mercury may also turn significantly malefic. Hence Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu may afflict Sun; forming another Pitra Dosh. Since the general as well as specific signifier of father is seriously troubled in the horoscope; the native may lose his father at a young age; unless there are strong grace saving factors. For example, if a benefic combination of Moon and Saturn is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Virgo; the native may not lose his father till his age of 40 years.

Let’s look into the sphere of profession. The native under strong influence of such malefic combination may face losses, financial debts, setbacks, bad reputation, accusations, litigations, court cases, penalties and punishment through his field of profession. Such native may also turn into a criminal and he may engage in various types of crimes. The native may have to serve prison sentences; more than once in his life.

Such malefic combination may also create problems related to the health of the native. Hence the native may suffer from various types of health issues; depending on his overall horoscope. Since Rahu is also involved in this combination, the native may get addicted to harmful drugs. Such drugs may trouble the health of this native along with causing a number of other problems. Hence the overall lifespan of the native may be reduced. If Saturn is also weak or afflicted in this horoscope; the native may die young due to drugs. For example, if debilitated Saturn is placed in the fourth house of this horoscope in Aries with malefic Ketu and Venus is placed in the twelfth house in Sagittarius; the native may die before his age of 35 years. Such native may die due to drug overdose or due to serious health issues created due to consumption of harmful drugs over a long period of time.

Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari


Pitra Dosh in 9th House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Ninth House

The ninth house of horoscope represents father, guru, ancestors, spiritual growth, luck factor, faith, religion, traditions, temples, holy places, higher education, universities, philosophy, international affairs and many other things.

As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and second category; and let’s start with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to the ninth house.

Suppose malefic Saturn forms Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Saturn represents the eleventh as well as the twelfth house in this horoscope and Pisces is the ascendant rising in this case. Saturn is not strong in Scorpio though it may do well in this sign. Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to every sphere of this native’s life. Hence the entire range of problems created by such Pitra Dosh may not be assessed.

When it comes to the quantum of these problems; it depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Saturn in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Scorpio. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Saturn; as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh. Let’s look into these factors.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope along with Saturn. In such case, the strength of such Pitra Dosh may decrease significantly. Hence the native may witness relief; in almost all spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. Just like a malefic planet placed in the ninth house may trouble the entire horoscope; a strong and clean benefic planet placed in the ninth house may bless the entire horoscope.

Jupiter is benefic in this horoscope and it is stronger than Saturn in the sign of Scorpio. Hence it may provide much relief in this case. At the same time, if benefic Mars is also placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Scorpio along with Jupiter and Saturn; the equation may improve further. Benefic Mars rules the second as well as the ninth house in this horoscope and it is strong in Scorpio. Hence it may add much more strength to the ninth house. In this case, the malefic impact of Pitra Dosh may reduce a lot and it may not cause serious or very serious damage. Hence the native may witness mild problems related to some spheres of his life and he may face significant problems related to some other spheres of his life; depending on his overall horoscope.

Due to strong benefic influences of Jupiter and Mars; the overall combination in the ninth house may become positive; though it may still show some negativity. The native under the influence of such benefic combination may witness good results in many spheres of his life; and the sphere of profession may benefit the most. This is because Jupiter rules the first and the tenth house and they both deal with profession. Saturn rules the eleventh house and this house also deals with profession. Mars rules the second house which influences profession indirectly. Since profession is a common meeting point among these three planets; the native may witness maximum benefits related to profession.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose malefic Saturn forms Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Scorpio and malefic Sun is also placed in the same house. The equation in this case may become more negative and it may also become complicated. Sun is the general signifier of ancestors, it is malefic in this horoscope and it afflicts the ninth house. Hence Sun forms another Pitra Dosh in the horoscope. At the same time, Saturn forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun in the ninth house.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may especially prove troublesome for the father of this native and much depends on the wellbeing of Mars in this horoscope. If Mars is strong and clean in this horoscope, the problems related to native’s father may reduce. Taking an example, if a benefic combination of Jupiter and Mars is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Sagittarius; such problems may reduce a lot. Both Mars and Jupiter are strong in Sagittarius and Jupiter may provide extra strength to Mars.

On the other hand, if Mars is weak, troubled or afflicted in this horoscope, the problems related to native’s father may become serious. For example, if a malefic combination of Mars and Ketu is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in Libra; the native may lose his father, early in life.

As more malefic planets are added to the ninth house of this horoscope, such Pitra Dosh may gain more strength. Accordingly, the number and quantum of problems faced by the native may increase a lot. Taking an extreme example; suppose a malefic combination of Sun, Moon, Saturn, retrograde Venus and Ketu forms Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Scorpio and Mercury is placed in the eighth house. In this case, the native may suffer from extreme types of problems in every sphere of his life and the scope of such problems is beyond description. Such native may face very serious problems related to profession, marriage, mother, father, health, lifespan, children and many other spheres. In an extreme case of this type; the native may die young or very young, along with his mother and father.

Let’s discuss Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the ninth house. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic exalted Mars form Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Capricorn. Sun represent the fourth house in this horoscope and Mars represents the seventh and twelfth house. Taurus rises as ascendant. Mars is much stronger than Sun in Capricorn.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to the general as well as specific significances of Sun; through the general significances of Mars as well as through those of the twelfth house. Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to health, overall wellbeing, mother, father, family, mental health, education, guru, ancestors, spiritual growth, luck factor, religion, traditions, higher education, philosophy, international affairs, lifespan, profession, children, siblings and personality; among other things.

The type and quantum of these problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Sun and Mars in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Capricorn. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Mars; as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Mercury is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope with Sun and Mars. The overall negativity of this combination may reduce significantly in this case. Mercury represents the second and fifth house in this horoscope. Hence the native may witness relief in most spheres troubled by such Pitra Dosh and maximum relief may be witnessed in the spheres of profession, children, education, mother and father.

Suppose benefic Moon is also placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Capricorn in the second part of Shravana nakshatra, falling in Taurus navamsha. Moon rules Shravana, Moon does well in Capricorn and it is strong in Taurus navamsha. Hence such benefic and strong Moon may add more positivity to this combination. As a result, the overall combination may turn benefic.

Hence the native may witness good results related to many spheres of his life; including a number of spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. The sphere of profession may benefit the most. Hence the native may achieve success through a number of professions, depending on his overall horoscope. Taking an example, if benefic Saturn is placed in the first house of this horoscope in Taurus, Venus is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio and Jupiter is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius, the native may become a high authority government officer.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mars form Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Capricorn; and malefic Ketu is also placed in the same house. The addition of malefic Ketu may increase the overall negativity in the ninth house. Hence the number and quantum of problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may increase. At the same time, if malefic debilitated Jupiter is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Capricorn in Cancer navamsha of Shravana nakshatra; the situation may deteriorate. Though Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, it is relatively strong in Cancer navamsha since it is exalted in this navamsha.

Jupiter may form another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun and the ninth house. The number as well as quantum of problems may increase a lot in this case; since Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu may also afflict one another; apart from afflicting Sun and the ninth house. As a result; the general significances of Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Ketu as well as the significances of the fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth, eleventh and twelfth house may face serious problems. Hence the overall theme of the horoscope may shift towards negativity in this case and both Mars as well as Jupiter may turn highly malefic.

Such malefic combination may create problems related to each and every sphere of native’s life; though the ones related to the aforementioned significances may be the most serious ones. Let’s consider the sphere of profession. The native may not witness professional success throughout his life; unless there are strong benefic influences in his horoscope, which support profession.

Let’s see what may happen when the overall horoscope also doesn’t support the profession of this native. Suppose such malefic combination is placed in the ninth house and malefic Rahu is placed in the third house in Cancer along with benefic Saturn. Malefic Jupiter is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius, Venus is placed in the eighth house in Sagittarius and debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio. In this case; the native may not achieve even significant amount of professional success throughout his life; despite his best efforts.

Such native may remain jobless for significant or long periods of time; ranging from 1 to 5 years, more than once in his life. It means such native may work for some years and he may then remain jobless for many years. He may again work for some time and he may again remain jobless for many years. In an extreme case of this type; the native may remain jobless for more than 20 years between his age of 20 and 50 years; and he may remain jobless throughout his life after his age of 50 years. Likewise, the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh related to the other spheres of this native’s life may be assessed by looking into the relevant details.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari


Pitra Dosh in 8th House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Eighth House

The eighth house of horoscope represents age, death, obstacles, accidents, losses, destruction, diseases, surgeries, crime, calamities, revolutions, murders, the occult, paranormal, supernatural, psychic perception, spiritual growth, secrets, mysteries, hidden operations, investigations and many other things.

Since the eighth house is a difficult to handle house, the formation of a defect like Pitra Dosh in this house may create problems which are higher in quantum than the ones created by Pitra Dosh formed in many other houses of horoscope. For example, when Pitra Dosh is formed in the tenth house of a horoscope, only the malefic planets involved in its formation may create problems for the native. It means the benefic planet and the tenth house may not create any problems. However, when Pitra Dosh is formed in the eighth house; this house may also create problems for the native, apart from those created by malefic planets. For this reason, Pitra Dosh formed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house may become much more troublesome than the same formed in many other houses of horoscope.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the eighth house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the eighth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the eighth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s begin with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the eighth house. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Gemini. Mercury is stronger than Sun in Gemini. Sun represents the tenth house in this case. Mercury represents the eighth and eleventh house.

When Pitra Dosh is formed in the eighth house, the significances of the malefic planet may also be troubled; not through the benefic planet but through the eighth house. When it comes to the benefic planet; it deals with problems created by the malefic planet as well as those created by the eighth house. It means in the present case, significances of Sun may be troubled by Mercury as well as by the eighth house. When it comes to Mercury, it may trouble the significances of Sun but its own significances may be troubled by the eighth house. Hence Pitra Dosh formed in the eighth house may prove more troublesome compared to the ones formed in many other houses of horoscope.

Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, immunity, courage, confidence, health, lifespan, profession, spiritual growth, mysterious events, unfortunate events, accidents, mental health and losses of various types; among other things. The type and quantum of such problems depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Sun and Mercury in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Gemini. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as that of the overall horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in Gemini in Punarvasu nakshatra; along with Sun and Mercury. Jupiter rules Punarvasu and it is strong in this nakshatra. Apart from that, the working of Punarvasu nakshatra is very much in tune with that of Jupiter. Hence the combination of these two may add significant amount of positivity to the eighth house.

As a result, such Pitra Dosh may significantly reduce in strength and the spheres affected by it may witness relief; though the extent of relief may be different for different spheres. The sphere of profession may benefit the most. Sun represents the tenth house and Mercury represents the eleventh house. Both these houses deal with profession. Jupiter represents the second house which deals with money and wealth; which is generally earned through profession. It means profession becomes the common meeting point for these three planets. Since Sun and Jupiter may dominate Mercury; and Mercury may also be interested in gains through specific professions; the sphere of profession may witness maximum relief.

Hence the native may achieve success as a doctor, scientist, researcher, writer, journalist, reporter, astrologer, healer, psychic, investigator, secret service agent, revenue officer or some other likewise professional; who uses the energy of the eighth house along with the other energies placed in this house. Taking an example, if benefic Saturn is placed in the fourth house in Aquarius, Venus is placed in the seventh house in Taurus and a benefic combination of Mars and Moon is placed in the tenth house in Leo; the native may become a government officer. Such native may become a revenue officer, a police officer or an army officer.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Gemini and malefic Venus is also placed in the eighth house. The negativity may increase significantly in this case, since Venus forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Hence the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may increase in number as well as in quantum. Suppose malefic Mars is also placed in the eighth house in Gemini and it forms yet another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Mars generally acts as a partly malefic planet in horoscopes with Scorpio ascendant. However, due to the malefic influences of Mercury, Venus and the eighth house; it may turn completely malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning into malefic planets has been explained in the chapter ‘Vipreet Rajyoga’ of the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology’.

Looking at the sphere of marriage in case of a male native; this sphere may be seriously damaged or completely destroyed; depending on overall horoscope. Venus is the general as well as specific signifier of marriage in this case; and it is in deep trouble. Hence strong benefic energies are required to repair this sphere. Taking an example, if a benefic combination of exalted Moon and Jupiter is placed in the seventh house in Taurus; the equation may improve. The native may witness one or two broken marriages but he may finally be able to settle in second or third marriage. On the other hand, if the recent placement of Moon and Jupiter is annulled; and a malefic combination of Saturn and Ketu is placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in Taurus; the native may not get married throughout his life.

Apart from marriage, the sphere of health and lifespan may be affected seriously. Hence the native may not survive for more than 35 years of his life; unless there are strong benefic influences which support his life. Taking an example, if a benefic combination of Saturn and Jupiter is placed in the first house in Scorpio and benefic Moon is placed in the third, fifth, seventh or ninth house; the native may live up to 65 years of age; depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, if Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Libra, debilitated Saturn is placed in the sixth house in Aries and Moon is placed in the second house in Sagittarius in the first part of Moola nakshatra; the native may die before his age of 35 years. Similarly, the other spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh may also be checked using the same guidelines.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s consider an example where Pitra Dosh is formed in the eighth house due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house by one or more than one malefic planets. Suppose a malefic combination of retrograde Mercury and Jupiter forms Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Taurus. Mercury represents the ninth and twelfth house whereas Jupiter represents the third and sixth house. It means Mercury also acts as partly malefic in this horoscope. Mercury is stronger than Jupiter in Taurus.

As a result, such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, brother, sister, religion, spiritual growth, profession, luck factor and health among other things. In case of a female native; such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to marriage and husband. The type and quantum of such problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Mercury and Jupiter in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Virgo. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Saturn is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope along with Jupiter and retrograde Mercury. Saturn is stronger than Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus. Hence it may reduce the malefic impact of such Pitra Dosh to a significant extent. As a result, the native may witness relief in most spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh.

Combing back to the combination of retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the eighth house; if benefic exalted Moon is also placed in the eighth house in Taurus; the equation may improve further. In this case; the malefic impact of Pitra Dosh may reduce a lot and the native may witness good results related to many spheres of his life; including some spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. Maximum benefits may be witnessed related to the profession of the native, followed by other spheres,

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose a malefic combination of retrograde Mercury and Jupiter forms Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Taurus. Suppose malefic Ketu is also placed in the eighth house and malefic Rahu is placed in the second house. Malefic Ketu may afflict both Mercury and Jupiter; thereby forming Pitra Dosh and Guru Chandal Yoga in the eighth house. As a result, the quantum of problems created by such Pitra Dosh may increase a lot. The addition of malefic Venus to the eighth house may further deteriorate the equation.

Venus generally acts as a partly malefic planet in horoscopes with Taurus ascendant. However, due to the malefic influences of Jupiter, Ketu, Mercury and the eighth house; it may turn highly malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning into malefic planets has been explained in the chapter ‘Vipreet Rajyoga’ of the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology’.

Venus represents the first and the eighth house in this horoscope. Hence such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to the general as well as specific significances of Venus and those related to the general significances of Ketu; in addition to the problems created by a combination of Mercury and Jupiter. As a result, the native may witness serious problems related to his profession, health, lifespan, mental health, personality, finances, marriage, wife, father, brother, sister, religion, spiritual growth and luck factor; among other problems.

Let’s consider the sphere of profession. Such malefic combination may create various types of problems related to the profession of the native. The native may not engage in profession till late in his life, he may not achieve success through profession or he may witness financial losses, setbacks, bad reputation, litigations, court cases and other such problems through his profession. Looking at some other problems; the native may engage in various types of professions which may be considered immoral or illegal in his region. A female native suffering from such malefic combination may engage in prostitution and she may suffer from bad experiences. In an extreme case; a client of such female native may seriously injure her or kill her.

Such triple Pitra Dosh may prove very troublesome for health and lifespan of the native. Hence the native may suffer from various types of physical as well as mental health problems; depending on his overall horoscope. In an extreme case of this type, the native may develop a terminal disease and he may die at a young age; unless there are strong grace saving planets in the horoscope.

Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as into the overall theme of the horoscope.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari

Pitra Dosh in 7th House

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Seventh House

The seventh house of horoscope represents the event of marriage, happiness in marriage, longevity of marriage, husband, wife, partnerships, alliances, genitals, sexual acts and many other things. Venus is the general signifier of wife in case of male natives and Jupiter is the general signifier of husband in case of female natives. However, both husband and wife are specifically represented by the seventh house. Hence the lord of the seventh house represents both husband as well as wife.

Pitra Dosh formed in the seventh house may cause damage to the significances of this house as well as to the planets involved in the formation of this defect. Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the seventh house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the seventh house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the seventh house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s begin with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun by a malefic planet. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mars form Pitra Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Taurus rises as the ascendant in this case. Mars is stronger than Sun in Scorpio. Sun rules the fourth house and Mars rules the seventh as well as the twelfth house in this horoscope.

Therefore, such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to the general significances of Sun as well as those of the fourth and seventh house; through the general significances of Mars as well as through those of the twelfth house. Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to marriage, husband, wife, partnerships, health, overall wellbeing, mother, father, family, mental health and education among other problems.

The type and quantum of these problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Sun and Mars in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Scorpio. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Mars; as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh. Let’s look into these factors.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose malefic debilitated Rahu is also placed in the seventh house of this horoscope, forming another Pitra Dosh. Malefic debilitated Ketu is placed in the first house in Taurus. The negativity in this case may increase significantly. Hence the number as well as quantum of problems faced by the native may increase a lot. If malefic Venus is also placed in the seventh house with Sun, Mars and Rahu; this combination may become destructive.

Venus is the lord of the first house for Taurus ascendant type horoscopes and it may not act as a highly malefic planet for this ascendant in general; and it may act as a partly malefic planet. Since the overall combination in the seventh house is strongly malefic; Venus may also turn into a significantly malefic planet in this case. The concept of benefic planets turning into malefic planets has been explained in the chapter ‘Vipreet Rajyoga’ of the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology’.

Hence Venus may also afflict Sun, forming yet another Pitra Dosh. Venus represents the first and sixth house in this horoscope. In this case, the malefic planets may afflict Sun and they may also afflict each other. In this case, such malefic combination may create problems related to profession, lifespan, overall wellbeing, personality, diseases, disputes, crimes, court cases, addictions, vices, prostitution and many other problems; in addition to the problems indicated by Pitra Dosh formed by Sun and Mars.

Looking at the sphere of marriage, such Pitra Dosh may break one, two, three or more marriages of a male native. Since the lord of the seventh house as well as Venus is involved in this malefic combination; the sphere of marriage for a male native may be seriously damaged or completely destroyed; even if some benefic influences try to save it. In case the native is a female, strong and clean placement of Jupiter may bring hope, though she may still face serious problems. Taking an example, if exalted Jupiter is placed in the third house of this horoscope in Cancer; the native may settle in her second or third marriage; depending on the overall horoscope. It means such malefic combination may still break one or two marriages of this native.

When it comes to profession, such Pitra Dosh may create a number of serious problems related to this field also. Sun and Mars are generally important for profession and both of them are in serious trouble; especially Sun. Venus rules the first house which is important for profession; and Venus is also troubled. The key to profession is held by Saturn and Moon in this case, since they represent the tenth and third house respectively. Therefore, if Saturn and Moon are strong and clean in this horoscope; the native may do well in profession, despite all the problems created by the malefic combination in the seventh house.

Let’s see what may happen to the profession, health, lifespan, mother and father of the native if there are no grace saving planets. Suppose a malefic combination of Sun, Venus, Mars and Rahu forms Pitra Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Scorpio and malefic Ketu is placed in the first house in Taurus.

Looking at the sphere of profession, the native suffering from such Pitra Dosh may become a criminal and he may engage in crimes involving violence, drugs and women. Hence such native may become a woman trafficker, a killer, land mafia, terrorist, drug trafficker or some other likewise professional. Since the lifespan of this native is also troubled; he may die before his age of 35 years; unless the overall horoscope opposes this event. Such native may get killed through an encounter, bomb blast, accident, murder or due to drug overdose. Taking an example, if a malefic combination of Jupiter and Moon is placed in the fifth house in Virgo and debilitated Saturn is placed in twelfth house in Aries; the native may get killed by a rival gang or he may die due to drug overdose, before his age of 35 years.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

If such Pitra Dosh is formed by Sun and one malefic planet in the seventh house; the planetary period of Sun may significantly reduce the quantum of problems created by such Pitra Dosh. However, if such Pitra Dosh is formed due to affliction to Sun by three or four planets; like in the present case; even the planetary period of Sun may produce malefic results.

Let’s discuss Pitra Dosh formed in the seventh house due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house by one or more than one malefic planets. Suppose a combination of benefic Mars and malefic Sun forms Pitra Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Virgo. The equation has reversed in this case compared to the first case. Sun is malefic and Mars is benefic in this case. Sun represents the sixth house whereas Mars represents the second as well as the ninth house. Both Mars and Sun are not strong in Virgo and they have comparable strengths, though Sun is somewhat stronger.

Through such Pitra Dosh, the general and specific significances of Mars may be troubled by the significances of Sun. Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to family, wealth, money, speech, memory, family traditions, father, luck factor, spiritual growth, religion, immunity, courage, bravery, initiative and many other things.

The type and quantum of such problems depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope. The strength of such Pitra Dosh is checked through the placement of Mars and Sun in various nakshatras and navamshas; within the sign of Virgo. Apart from this; influences of other benefic and malefic planets and that of the running times may also affect the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as that of the overall horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic exalted Mercury is also placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in Virgo. In this case, the malefic impact of such Pitra Dosh may reduce significantly since Mercury adds more positivity to this combination. If benefic Moon is placed in the first house of this horoscope in Pisces and it casts direct aspect on the planets in the seventh house; the equation may improve further. In such case; the native may only face mild or significant problems related to some spheres of his life and such Pitra Dosh may not cause serious or very serious problems.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose benefic Mars and malefic Sun form Pitra Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Virgo and malefic exalted Rahu is also placed in the seventh house. Malefic Ketu is placed in the first house in Pisces. Malefic Rahu forms double Pitra Dosh in this case; by afflicting the general as well as specific signifier of ancestors. Hence this equation becomes more troublesome. In this case, such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to native’s father since both Mars and Sun have been afflicted by Rahu.

Suppose malefic retrograde Saturn is also placed in the seventh house of this horoscope. The negativity may increase a lot in this case as Saturn may form Pitra Dosh by afflicting Mars and Sun. This combination now afflicts the general significances of Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu as well as the significances of the second, sixth, ninth, eleventh and twelfth house. As a result; the native may face a number of serious or very serious problems related to the spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh and the overall theme of this horoscope may also turn malefic. Since such Pitra Dosh is formed in the seventh house; the significances of this house may face maximum damage.

Whether the native is a male or a female; such malefic combination may cause serious damage to the marriage of the native. Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking at the factors relevant to those spheres as well as into the overall theme of the horoscope. Taking an example, if malefic Venus forms yet another Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of this horoscope in Scorpio; the native may lose his father early in his life. On the other hand, if benefic Jupiter is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Scorpio; the native may not witness serious problems related to his father; though he may still witness significant problems.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari


Pitra Dosh in 6th House

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Sixth House

The sixth house of horoscope represents diseases, disputes, disagreements, arguments, litigations, court cases, financial debts, enemies and crime among other things.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the sixth house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the sixth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the sixth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s begin with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the sixth house. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Venus form Pitra Dosh in the sixth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Gemini rises as ascendant in this case. Sun and Venus have comparable strength in Scorpio through Sun is stronger in general. Sun rules the third house and Venus rules the fifth as well as the twelfth house.

So far, we have discussed Pitra Dosh formed in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth house of horoscope. Among all these placements of Pitra Dosh, one thing is common. The malefic planet which afflicts the benefic planet creates problems and it may not suffer from problems itself; unless there is another malefic planet. This is because the benefic planet in such combination may not cause damage to the significances of the malefic planet.

However, when Pitra Dosh is formed in the sixth house, the significances of the malefic planet may also be troubled; not through the benefic planet but through the sixth house. When it comes to the benefic planet; it deals with problems created by the malefic planet as well as those created by the sixth house. It means in the present case, significances of Sun may be troubled by Venus as well as by the sixth house. When it comes to Venus, it may trouble the significances of Sun but its own significances may be troubled by the sixth house. Hence Pitra Dosh formed in the sixth house may prove more troublesome compared to the ones formed in many other houses of horoscope.

Such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native with problems related to father, children, marriage, wife, profession, health, siblings, love life, diseases, losses, delays, unfortunate events and many other types of problems. The type and quantum of these problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Sun and Venus in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Scorpio. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Venus as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as that of the overall horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. If benefic Mercury is placed in the sixth house along with Sun and Venus, the negativity of such Pitra Dosh may reduce significantly. As a result, the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce in quantum. The spheres of profession and health may witness maximum relief in this case. The spheres of children, siblings, marriage and father may also witness good amount of relief. Depending on the overall horoscope, such native may achieve success as a doctor, astrologer, scientist, researcher, consultant, psychiatrist, tantric, psychic, spiritual teacher, banker, police officer, army officer or some other professional.

On the other hand, if malefic planets are placed in the sixth house of such horoscope; the impact of such Pitra Dosh may become even stronger. For example, if malefic Mars is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope along with Sun and Venus; double Pitra Dosh may be formed as Mars also afflicts Sun in this case. At the same time; Mars and Venus also afflict each other. Since Mars is the lord of the sixth house; it has maximum strength in this house among all three planets. As a result, the native may suffer from serious problems related to profession, health, father, wife, children, love life and many other spheres of his life.

Suppose malefic exalted Ketu is also placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in Scorpio and it forms yet another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. In this case, the overall combination may become very troublesome and the overall theme of the horoscope may become negative. Hence strong benefic influences may be required to restore balance in this horoscope. On the other hand, if the rest of the horoscope is weak or malefic; such Pitra Dosh may create destructive results related to some spheres of native’s life.

Let’s consider an example where Pitra Dosh is formed in the sixth house due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house by one or more than one malefic planets. Suppose a malefic combination of Jupiter and exalted Mercury forms Pitra Dosh in the sixth house of a horoscope in Virgo. Mercury rules the third and sixth house in this case. Jupiter rules the ninth and twelfth house. Hence Jupiter is also partly malefic in this horoscope. Mercury is exalted in Virgo and Jupiter is not strong in this sign. It means such Pitra Dosh may be strong or very strong; depending on the relevant factors.

As a result, such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, religion, guru, spiritual growth, profession, finances, luck factor and health among other things. In case of a female native; such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to marriage and husband. The type and quantum of such problems depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Jupiter and Mercury in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Virgo. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Since this type of Pitra Dosh carries special relevance in case of female natives; let’s consider the horoscope of a female native having such Pitra Dosh. Suppose malefic exalted Rahu is also placed in the sixth house of this horoscope along with Jupiter and Mercury; and malefic Ketu is placed in the twelfth house in Pisces. In this case, malefic Rahu also afflicts Jupiter and forms one more Pitra Dosh.

As a result, all the spheres hit by such Pitra Dosh may face serious or very serious problems. Let’s look into the sphere of marriage. Based on the condition of the seventh house as well as that of Venus; such Pitra Dosh may create different types of problems related to the marriage of this native. For example, such Pitra Dosh may delay the marriage of this native beyond her age of 35 years or even more. Looking at another option, such Pitra Dosh may not delay the marriage of the native but it may break one, two, three or more marriages of this native; depending on her overall horoscope.

Such Pitra Dosh may also get the native married to a native who may be a criminal, he may suffer from a serious disease or diseases, he may witness serious financial problems or he may abuse her physically as well as mentally. Apart from this, such Pitra Dosh may create a number of other problems related to the marriage of this native; depending on her overall horoscope. Taking an example, if Venus is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in Scorpio; the marriage of this native may get delayed. At the same time, if malefic Saturn is also placed in the eighth house with Venus; the native may not get married throughout her life.

Let’s take another example and let’s start with the basic setup of Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu in the sixth house. If benefic Venus is placed in the fourth house of this horoscope in Cancer and the seventh house is clean; the native may get married in time. However, such Pitra Dosh may create serious problems in her marriage and it may break the first marriage of this native. At the same time, if malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of this horoscope in Libra; the native may witness two or three broken marriages; depending on the rest of the horoscope as well as on the running times.

Let’s consider another example and start with the basic setup of double Pitra Dosh in the sixth house. If malefic Mars is also placed in the sixth house of this horoscope along with Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu; the native may get married to a criminal or her husband may develop a terminal disease. Hence the native may suffer a lot because of her husband’s engagement in crimes or because of a troublesome disease he may develop. In extreme cases when the overall horoscope is also malefic; the husband of this native may get killed by police or by another criminal; or he may die because of a terminal disease; like stomach cancer or liver failure.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari

Pitra Dosh in 4th House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Fourth House

The fourth house of horoscope represents mother, home, family, community, nation, traditions, beliefs, security, education, properties, vehicles, mental health, emotional wellbeing, peace of mind and many other things.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the fourth house and see what may happen in each case. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of its formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the fourth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the fourth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s start with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun by a malefic planet. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic retrograde Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the fourth house of a horoscope in Aquarius. Scorpio rises in the ascendant in this case. Mercury is stronger than Sun in Aquarius. Hence such Pitra Dosh is likely to be strong or very strong; depending the placements of Sun and Mercury in various nakshatras and navamshas.

Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, mother, children, mental health, education, properties, vehicles, immunity, courage, confidence, health, lifespan, profession, spiritual growth, mysterious events, unfortunate events, accidents and losses of various types; among other things.

The type and quantum of such problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placements of Sun and Mercury in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Aquarius. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Let’s consider the influences of benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh formed by Sun and Mercury. Taking an example, suppose malefic Rahu is placed in the fourth house with Sun and Mercury and malefic Ketu is placed in the tenth house in Leo. Rahu also forms Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun in this case. The native under the malefic influence of this combination may face serious problems related to his mother, profession, overall wellbeing, immunity, physical health, mental health, education, family, properties, vehicles and a number of other problems; depending on his overall horoscope.

Among the spheres attacked by this malefic combination; whichever spheres are influenced by benefic planets; they may face less damage. Whichever spheres are influenced neither by benefic nor by malefic planets; they may receive significant damage. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also; may receive the maximum amount of damage due to such troublesome combination. Let’s consider the sphere of health and especially mental health.

Rahu rules mysteries, illusions, fears and phobias among other things. The fourth house deals with mental health among other things. The eighth house deals with phenomena which may be far beyond the reach of human brain and intellect. This house deals with mysteries, the occult and the paranormal among other things. Hence a malefic combination of all these energies in the fourth house may seriously disturb the mental health of this native. As a result, the native may suffer from various types of psychological disorders; depending on his overall horoscope.

When it comes to relief; much depends on Moon and Saturn. Moon represents emotional wellbeing in general and Saturn represents the fourth house in this case. Therefore, if Moon and Saturn are strong and clean in this horoscope, the native may not face serious or significant problems related to his mental health; though he may still face problems. On the other hand, if Moon and Saturn are weak, afflicted or troubled in this horoscope; the native may suffer from serious psychological problems.

Let’s see if a horoscope is capable of managing such malefic combination in the fourth house in Aquarius. Suppose this combination is placed in the fourth house in Aquarius and benefic Moon is placed in the second house in Sagittarius. Benefic Saturn is placed in the seventh house in Taurus in Rohini nakshatra and Venus is placed in the sixth house in Aries in Ashwini nakshatra. Exalted Mars is placed in the third house in Capricorn in Shravana nakshatra and benefic Jupiter is placed in the fifth house in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra.

In this case, the horoscope becomes much more balanced. Hence the native may not face serious or significant psychological disorders and he may do fine. Due to the combined effect of intense as well as troubled combination in the fourth house and the benefic planets in various houses of his horoscope; the native may become an astrologer, doctor, scientist, spiritual guru, tantric or some other likewise professional. If the native becomes a doctor; he is very likely to be a psychiatrist. It means instead of suffering from psychological disorders; he may now be able to help other people manage such disorders or get rid of them.

Since the combination in the fourth house also deals with mysteries, the occult and the paranormal; the native may also succeed as an astrologer, tantric, psychic or a spiritual guru. Once again, the overall theme of horoscope is the most important factor in it and it can change anything.

Let’s discuss Pitra Dosh formed in the fourth house due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house by one or more than one malefic planet. Suppose a malefic combination of Jupiter and Rahu forms Pitra Dosh in the fourth house of a horoscope in Libra and malefic Ketu is placed in the tenth house in Aries. Jupiter rules the ninth as well as the sixth house in this case. Hence Jupiter also becomes partly malefic.

When Pitra Dosh is formed by Jupiter and Rahu in the fourth house of a horoscope in Libra; both these planets may afflict each other. It should be noted that according to a set of beliefs, the lord of the ninth house is always benefic in a horoscope; regardless of which other house it may rule in such horoscope. In reality, this theory doesn’t hold well. In general, the lords of the first, fifth and ninth house have strong tendencies to be benefic. However, they may also be partly malefic or more than partly malefic; depending on the overall theme of a horoscope in question.

In general, Jupiter works as partly benefic and partly malefic planet for Cancer ascendant. The percentages of benefic and malefic parts of Jupiter may increase or decrease; depending on its placements in various houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as on the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Jupiter; and on the overall theme of the horoscope. In the present case, Jupiter may be 30 to 50% malefic; depending on relevant factors. This percentage may increase or decrease depending on what other changes may happen in this horoscope.

Hence when Jupiter and Rahu form Pitra Dosh in the fourth house of a horoscope in Libra, they may both afflict each other. Much depends on functional nature of Jupiter which further depends on the overall horoscope in this case. Such Pitra Dosh may cause problems related to mother, education, mental health, properties, vehicles, father, religion, spiritual growth, luck factor, overall wellbeing and many other types of problems. The quantum of these problems depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh and the strength of this defect depends on the placements of Jupiter and Rahu in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Libra. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Jupiter and Rahu; and the running times may also affect the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Here again, whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most. Let’s take an example and consider the sphere of overall health versus addictions of various types which may be created by such Pitra Dosh.

If Saturn, Sun and Mars are strong as well as clean in this horoscope; the native may not fall victim to serious addictions. Hence he may not face serious health issues induced by such addictions like drug addiction. For example, if benefic Mars is placed in the second house in Leo in Magha nakshatra, Sun is placed in the fifth house in Scorpio in Jyeshtha nakshatra and Saturn is placed in the seventh house in Capricorn, the native may not face serious problems related to addictions.

On the other hand, if these planets are weak or troubled; the native may suffer from various types of addictions which may cause various types of health issues; among other problems. For example, if a malefic combination of Sun and Mercury is placed in the twelfth house in Gemini; a combination of Venus and retrograde Saturn is placed in the first house in Cancer and Mars is placed in the eighth house in Aquarius; the native may suffer a lot. In this case, the native may get addicted to harmful drugs and he may face health issues, financial losses, reputation loss, family problems and other issues due to such addictions.

If Moon is not strong and well placed in this horoscope; such native may die due to drug overdose. Taking an example, if Moon is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra; the native may not face fatal problems due to drug addiction.

In the same way, the malefic impact of such Pitra Dosh may be assessed on other spheres of native’s life; by looking into the planets and houses which represent such spheres. If the other factors are favourable for a particular sphere, such spheres may not suffer much. On the other hand, if such factors are also troublesome; the native may face serious problems related to that sphere.

When it comes to the running times; the results given by the planetary period of Jupiter depend on the overall theme of one such horoscope. When the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than Rahu may increase the quantum of such problems. When Rahu period is in effect, such Pitra Dosh may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari