Pitra Dosh in 8th House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Eighth House

The eighth house of horoscope represents age, death, obstacles, accidents, losses, destruction, diseases, surgeries, crime, calamities, revolutions, murders, the occult, paranormal, supernatural, psychic perception, spiritual growth, secrets, mysteries, hidden operations, investigations and many other things.

Since the eighth house is a difficult to handle house, the formation of a defect like Pitra Dosh in this house may create problems which are higher in quantum than the ones created by Pitra Dosh formed in many other houses of horoscope. For example, when Pitra Dosh is formed in the tenth house of a horoscope, only the malefic planets involved in its formation may create problems for the native. It means the benefic planet and the tenth house may not create any problems. However, when Pitra Dosh is formed in the eighth house; this house may also create problems for the native, apart from those created by malefic planets. For this reason, Pitra Dosh formed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house may become much more troublesome than the same formed in many other houses of horoscope.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the eighth house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the eighth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the eighth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s begin with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the eighth house. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Gemini. Mercury is stronger than Sun in Gemini. Sun represents the tenth house in this case. Mercury represents the eighth and eleventh house.

When Pitra Dosh is formed in the eighth house, the significances of the malefic planet may also be troubled; not through the benefic planet but through the eighth house. When it comes to the benefic planet; it deals with problems created by the malefic planet as well as those created by the eighth house. It means in the present case, significances of Sun may be troubled by Mercury as well as by the eighth house. When it comes to Mercury, it may trouble the significances of Sun but its own significances may be troubled by the eighth house. Hence Pitra Dosh formed in the eighth house may prove more troublesome compared to the ones formed in many other houses of horoscope.

Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, immunity, courage, confidence, health, lifespan, profession, spiritual growth, mysterious events, unfortunate events, accidents, mental health and losses of various types; among other things. The type and quantum of such problems depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Sun and Mercury in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Gemini. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as that of the overall horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in Gemini in Punarvasu nakshatra; along with Sun and Mercury. Jupiter rules Punarvasu and it is strong in this nakshatra. Apart from that, the working of Punarvasu nakshatra is very much in tune with that of Jupiter. Hence the combination of these two may add significant amount of positivity to the eighth house.

As a result, such Pitra Dosh may significantly reduce in strength and the spheres affected by it may witness relief; though the extent of relief may be different for different spheres. The sphere of profession may benefit the most. Sun represents the tenth house and Mercury represents the eleventh house. Both these houses deal with profession. Jupiter represents the second house which deals with money and wealth; which is generally earned through profession. It means profession becomes the common meeting point for these three planets. Since Sun and Jupiter may dominate Mercury; and Mercury may also be interested in gains through specific professions; the sphere of profession may witness maximum relief.

Hence the native may achieve success as a doctor, scientist, researcher, writer, journalist, reporter, astrologer, healer, psychic, investigator, secret service agent, revenue officer or some other likewise professional; who uses the energy of the eighth house along with the other energies placed in this house. Taking an example, if benefic Saturn is placed in the fourth house in Aquarius, Venus is placed in the seventh house in Taurus and a benefic combination of Mars and Moon is placed in the tenth house in Leo; the native may become a government officer. Such native may become a revenue officer, a police officer or an army officer.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mercury form Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Gemini and malefic Venus is also placed in the eighth house. The negativity may increase significantly in this case, since Venus forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Hence the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may increase in number as well as in quantum. Suppose malefic Mars is also placed in the eighth house in Gemini and it forms yet another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Mars generally acts as a partly malefic planet in horoscopes with Scorpio ascendant. However, due to the malefic influences of Mercury, Venus and the eighth house; it may turn completely malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning into malefic planets has been explained in the chapter ‘Vipreet Rajyoga’ of the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology’.

Looking at the sphere of marriage in case of a male native; this sphere may be seriously damaged or completely destroyed; depending on overall horoscope. Venus is the general as well as specific signifier of marriage in this case; and it is in deep trouble. Hence strong benefic energies are required to repair this sphere. Taking an example, if a benefic combination of exalted Moon and Jupiter is placed in the seventh house in Taurus; the equation may improve. The native may witness one or two broken marriages but he may finally be able to settle in second or third marriage. On the other hand, if the recent placement of Moon and Jupiter is annulled; and a malefic combination of Saturn and Ketu is placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in Taurus; the native may not get married throughout his life.

Apart from marriage, the sphere of health and lifespan may be affected seriously. Hence the native may not survive for more than 35 years of his life; unless there are strong benefic influences which support his life. Taking an example, if a benefic combination of Saturn and Jupiter is placed in the first house in Scorpio and benefic Moon is placed in the third, fifth, seventh or ninth house; the native may live up to 65 years of age; depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, if Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Libra, debilitated Saturn is placed in the sixth house in Aries and Moon is placed in the second house in Sagittarius in the first part of Moola nakshatra; the native may die before his age of 35 years. Similarly, the other spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh may also be checked using the same guidelines.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s consider an example where Pitra Dosh is formed in the eighth house due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house by one or more than one malefic planets. Suppose a malefic combination of retrograde Mercury and Jupiter forms Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Taurus. Mercury represents the ninth and twelfth house whereas Jupiter represents the third and sixth house. It means Mercury also acts as partly malefic in this horoscope. Mercury is stronger than Jupiter in Taurus.

As a result, such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, brother, sister, religion, spiritual growth, profession, luck factor and health among other things. In case of a female native; such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to marriage and husband. The type and quantum of such problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Mercury and Jupiter in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Virgo. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Saturn is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope along with Jupiter and retrograde Mercury. Saturn is stronger than Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus. Hence it may reduce the malefic impact of such Pitra Dosh to a significant extent. As a result, the native may witness relief in most spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh.

Combing back to the combination of retrograde Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the eighth house; if benefic exalted Moon is also placed in the eighth house in Taurus; the equation may improve further. In this case; the malefic impact of Pitra Dosh may reduce a lot and the native may witness good results related to many spheres of his life; including some spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. Maximum benefits may be witnessed related to the profession of the native, followed by other spheres,

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose a malefic combination of retrograde Mercury and Jupiter forms Pitra Dosh in the eighth house of a horoscope in Taurus. Suppose malefic Ketu is also placed in the eighth house and malefic Rahu is placed in the second house. Malefic Ketu may afflict both Mercury and Jupiter; thereby forming Pitra Dosh and Guru Chandal Yoga in the eighth house. As a result, the quantum of problems created by such Pitra Dosh may increase a lot. The addition of malefic Venus to the eighth house may further deteriorate the equation.

Venus generally acts as a partly malefic planet in horoscopes with Taurus ascendant. However, due to the malefic influences of Jupiter, Ketu, Mercury and the eighth house; it may turn highly malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning into malefic planets has been explained in the chapter ‘Vipreet Rajyoga’ of the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology’.

Venus represents the first and the eighth house in this horoscope. Hence such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to the general as well as specific significances of Venus and those related to the general significances of Ketu; in addition to the problems created by a combination of Mercury and Jupiter. As a result, the native may witness serious problems related to his profession, health, lifespan, mental health, personality, finances, marriage, wife, father, brother, sister, religion, spiritual growth and luck factor; among other problems.

Let’s consider the sphere of profession. Such malefic combination may create various types of problems related to the profession of the native. The native may not engage in profession till late in his life, he may not achieve success through profession or he may witness financial losses, setbacks, bad reputation, litigations, court cases and other such problems through his profession. Looking at some other problems; the native may engage in various types of professions which may be considered immoral or illegal in his region. A female native suffering from such malefic combination may engage in prostitution and she may suffer from bad experiences. In an extreme case; a client of such female native may seriously injure her or kill her.

Such triple Pitra Dosh may prove very troublesome for health and lifespan of the native. Hence the native may suffer from various types of physical as well as mental health problems; depending on his overall horoscope. In an extreme case of this type, the native may develop a terminal disease and he may die at a young age; unless there are strong grace saving planets in the horoscope.

Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as into the overall theme of the horoscope.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari