Pitra Dosh in 9th House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Ninth House

The ninth house of horoscope represents father, guru, ancestors, spiritual growth, luck factor, faith, religion, traditions, temples, holy places, higher education, universities, philosophy, international affairs and many other things.

As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and second category; and let’s start with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to the ninth house.

Suppose malefic Saturn forms Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Saturn represents the eleventh as well as the twelfth house in this horoscope and Pisces is the ascendant rising in this case. Saturn is not strong in Scorpio though it may do well in this sign. Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to every sphere of this native’s life. Hence the entire range of problems created by such Pitra Dosh may not be assessed.

When it comes to the quantum of these problems; it depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Saturn in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Scorpio. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Saturn; as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh. Let’s look into these factors.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope along with Saturn. In such case, the strength of such Pitra Dosh may decrease significantly. Hence the native may witness relief; in almost all spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. Just like a malefic planet placed in the ninth house may trouble the entire horoscope; a strong and clean benefic planet placed in the ninth house may bless the entire horoscope.

Jupiter is benefic in this horoscope and it is stronger than Saturn in the sign of Scorpio. Hence it may provide much relief in this case. At the same time, if benefic Mars is also placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Scorpio along with Jupiter and Saturn; the equation may improve further. Benefic Mars rules the second as well as the ninth house in this horoscope and it is strong in Scorpio. Hence it may add much more strength to the ninth house. In this case, the malefic impact of Pitra Dosh may reduce a lot and it may not cause serious or very serious damage. Hence the native may witness mild problems related to some spheres of his life and he may face significant problems related to some other spheres of his life; depending on his overall horoscope.

Due to strong benefic influences of Jupiter and Mars; the overall combination in the ninth house may become positive; though it may still show some negativity. The native under the influence of such benefic combination may witness good results in many spheres of his life; and the sphere of profession may benefit the most. This is because Jupiter rules the first and the tenth house and they both deal with profession. Saturn rules the eleventh house and this house also deals with profession. Mars rules the second house which influences profession indirectly. Since profession is a common meeting point among these three planets; the native may witness maximum benefits related to profession.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose malefic Saturn forms Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Scorpio and malefic Sun is also placed in the same house. The equation in this case may become more negative and it may also become complicated. Sun is the general signifier of ancestors, it is malefic in this horoscope and it afflicts the ninth house. Hence Sun forms another Pitra Dosh in the horoscope. At the same time, Saturn forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun in the ninth house.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may especially prove troublesome for the father of this native and much depends on the wellbeing of Mars in this horoscope. If Mars is strong and clean in this horoscope, the problems related to native’s father may reduce. Taking an example, if a benefic combination of Jupiter and Mars is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Sagittarius; such problems may reduce a lot. Both Mars and Jupiter are strong in Sagittarius and Jupiter may provide extra strength to Mars.

On the other hand, if Mars is weak, troubled or afflicted in this horoscope, the problems related to native’s father may become serious. For example, if a malefic combination of Mars and Ketu is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in Libra; the native may lose his father, early in life.

As more malefic planets are added to the ninth house of this horoscope, such Pitra Dosh may gain more strength. Accordingly, the number and quantum of problems faced by the native may increase a lot. Taking an extreme example; suppose a malefic combination of Sun, Moon, Saturn, retrograde Venus and Ketu forms Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Scorpio and Mercury is placed in the eighth house. In this case, the native may suffer from extreme types of problems in every sphere of his life and the scope of such problems is beyond description. Such native may face very serious problems related to profession, marriage, mother, father, health, lifespan, children and many other spheres. In an extreme case of this type; the native may die young or very young, along with his mother and father.

Let’s discuss Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the ninth house. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic exalted Mars form Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Capricorn. Sun represent the fourth house in this horoscope and Mars represents the seventh and twelfth house. Taurus rises as ascendant. Mars is much stronger than Sun in Capricorn.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to the general as well as specific significances of Sun; through the general significances of Mars as well as through those of the twelfth house. Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to health, overall wellbeing, mother, father, family, mental health, education, guru, ancestors, spiritual growth, luck factor, religion, traditions, higher education, philosophy, international affairs, lifespan, profession, children, siblings and personality; among other things.

The type and quantum of these problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placement of Sun and Mars in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Capricorn. Apart from this, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Mars; as well as the running times may also influence the strength of such Pitra Dosh.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Mercury is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope with Sun and Mars. The overall negativity of this combination may reduce significantly in this case. Mercury represents the second and fifth house in this horoscope. Hence the native may witness relief in most spheres troubled by such Pitra Dosh and maximum relief may be witnessed in the spheres of profession, children, education, mother and father.

Suppose benefic Moon is also placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Capricorn in the second part of Shravana nakshatra, falling in Taurus navamsha. Moon rules Shravana, Moon does well in Capricorn and it is strong in Taurus navamsha. Hence such benefic and strong Moon may add more positivity to this combination. As a result, the overall combination may turn benefic.

Hence the native may witness good results related to many spheres of his life; including a number of spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. The sphere of profession may benefit the most. Hence the native may achieve success through a number of professions, depending on his overall horoscope. Taking an example, if benefic Saturn is placed in the first house of this horoscope in Taurus, Venus is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio and Jupiter is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius, the native may become a high authority government officer.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Mars form Pitra Dosh in the ninth house of a horoscope in Capricorn; and malefic Ketu is also placed in the same house. The addition of malefic Ketu may increase the overall negativity in the ninth house. Hence the number and quantum of problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may increase. At the same time, if malefic debilitated Jupiter is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Capricorn in Cancer navamsha of Shravana nakshatra; the situation may deteriorate. Though Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, it is relatively strong in Cancer navamsha since it is exalted in this navamsha.

Jupiter may form another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun and the ninth house. The number as well as quantum of problems may increase a lot in this case; since Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu may also afflict one another; apart from afflicting Sun and the ninth house. As a result; the general significances of Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Ketu as well as the significances of the fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth, eleventh and twelfth house may face serious problems. Hence the overall theme of the horoscope may shift towards negativity in this case and both Mars as well as Jupiter may turn highly malefic.

Such malefic combination may create problems related to each and every sphere of native’s life; though the ones related to the aforementioned significances may be the most serious ones. Let’s consider the sphere of profession. The native may not witness professional success throughout his life; unless there are strong benefic influences in his horoscope, which support profession.

Let’s see what may happen when the overall horoscope also doesn’t support the profession of this native. Suppose such malefic combination is placed in the ninth house and malefic Rahu is placed in the third house in Cancer along with benefic Saturn. Malefic Jupiter is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius, Venus is placed in the eighth house in Sagittarius and debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio. In this case; the native may not achieve even significant amount of professional success throughout his life; despite his best efforts.

Such native may remain jobless for significant or long periods of time; ranging from 1 to 5 years, more than once in his life. It means such native may work for some years and he may then remain jobless for many years. He may again work for some time and he may again remain jobless for many years. In an extreme case of this type; the native may remain jobless for more than 20 years between his age of 20 and 50 years; and he may remain jobless throughout his life after his age of 50 years. Likewise, the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh related to the other spheres of this native’s life may be assessed by looking into the relevant details.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari