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Shankhpal kaal sarp yog is said to be formed in a horoscope when Rahu is placed in the fourth house of that horoscope, Ketu is placed in the tenth house of that horoscope and all the other planets are placed in the houses ranging from the fourth house to the tenth house of that horoscope. The formation of a Shankhpal kaal sarp yog in a horoscope can make the native suffer from various kinds of mental, psychological, professional and other problems. This is a very important type of kaal sarp yog as both Rahu and Ketu are placed in the two very important houses of the horoscope for the formation of this dosh. So this dosh can do serious damages and can cause serious problems related to some of the most important spheres of a person’s life.
Shankhpal kaal sarp yog when present in a horoscope can disturb the upbringing of a native during his childhood and it can also make the native indulge in bad habits and activity during his childhood. For example, some of the natives having Shankhpal kaal sarp yog have confessed to me that they used to steal money from their parents wallets and especially from their mothers wallet and they were caught many a times by them but they still kept on doing it until about the age of 14 to 18 years. Some natives bunk from their schools and indulge in bad company during their childhood due to the presence of this dosh in their horoscopes. Smoking at an early age during the childhood is one of the other concerns that may be witnessed in case of some natives due to the formation of Shankhpal kaal sarp yog in their horoscopes. Gambling during the childhood is one more vice which can be observed in some cases of Shankhpal kaal sarp yog. However it should be noted that many of the vices like stealing, gambling and irresponsible behavior caused due to the presence of Shankhpal kaal sarp yog are observed during the childhood only in most of the cases and as a sense of maturity comes, the natives get rid of these bad habits in most of the cases as this dosh is likely to cause most of the above mentioned problems during the childhood years only.
Professional sphere of a native’s life is what can be affected very badly due to the presence of this dosh in his horoscope. Shankpal kaal sarp yog can cause various kinds of problems in the professional life of a native depending upon the strength of this dosh and the overall tone of the horoscope under consideration. For example, it can cause some natives to change their jobs or professions many times during their lifetimes. Such natives can be seen switching jobs and professions almost every 2 to 5 years depending upon the strength of this dosh. Shankpal kaal sarp yog can also make some natives keep on changing their city of residence by virtue of a change in their job or profession. Some natives remain underpaid or do a job which is below their actual qualification for most of their lives due to the presence of this dosh in their horoscopes. In some cases where this dosh is strong to very strong, the native affected by this dosh remain unemployed or out of job for many years of their lives and in extreme cases where this dosh is very strong in a horoscope, the native remains jobless and out of profession for most of his life and has to depend on other people to meet with his day to day life necessities.
Some natives having Shankhpal kaal sarp yog in their horoscopes may face problems related to their married life and in many of such cases it can be observed that the married life of such natives are disturbed due to some external factors like some relatives of the native or some relatives of native’s spouse trying to spoil the marriage and other such things. Some natives suffering from this dosh are likely to see bad dreams or sometimes they can even experience very bad or paranormal visions which can seriously disturb them. I have witnessed some cases where Shankhpal kaal sarp yog was present in a horoscope, and the natives told me that they keep on having paranormal and very mystic visions belonging to some other worlds and many times they see very scary kinds of creatures and species in their dreams and a few of them have even confirmed that their mothers used to have very bad dreams 2 to 4 months before the birth of these natives which is a period when these natives were in the wombs of their mothers.
There are many other kinds of problems and troubles that Shakhpal kaal sarp yog can impart on the native having this dosh in his horoscope, like facing bad reputation or defame due to indulgence in bad deeds or professions and due to some other reasons, losses in business, engaging in illegal professions and many other problems but it is important to note that though the presence of Shankhpal Kaal sarp Yog in a horoscope can cause one or more than one of the above mentioned problems to the native depending upon the overall horoscope of the native in question, the conditions like placement of Rahu in the fourth house and Ketu in the tenth house and the placement of all the other planets inside Rahu and Ketu axis in a horoscope alone are not sufficient for the formation of this dosh and there are other important conditions which should be met in a horoscope before deciding the formation of a Shankhpal kaal sarp Yog in a horoscope. These conditions have been discussed in details in the articles named Kaal Sarp Yog and Anant Kaal Sarp Yog, so kindly read these articles to know about the other conditions which are necessary to be met in a horoscope in order for a Shankhpal kaal sarp Yog to be present in that horoscope. It should also be noted here that in some horoscopes, some of the planets may not be placed inside Rahu-Ketu axis, but this dosh may still be present in these horoscopes if all the other conditions for the formation of this dosh are met in these horoscopes.
Shankhpal kaal sarp Yog has different strengths in different horoscopes and accordingly the bad results shown by this dosh can vary considerably. For example, a weak Shankhpal Kaal sarp Yog present in a horoscope will only cause some of the above mentioned problems and these problems are very likely to be of lesser intensity whereas a strong Shankhpal Kaal sarp Yog present in a horoscope can cause many of the above mentioned problems on very serious levels and the native of such a horoscope is likely to be seriously troubled for most of his life. The bad effects of Shankhpal Kaal sarp Yog can be reduced with the help of specifically guided astrological remedies.
Himanshu Shangari