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Sixth House of Horoscope
The sixth house of horoscope is called Ari Bhava in Vedic astrology; and it is also called Shatru Bhava. Looking at its characteristics/significances; the sixth house represents domestic servants, manual workers, stomach, small intestine, service, servitude, slavery, diseases, disputes, delays, difficulties, challenges, disagreements, arguments, litigations, court cases, financial debts, enemies, crime and a number of other things.
It can be seen from these characteristics that the sixth house is a difficult to handle house. Hence it is generally considered as a malefic house. However, there are two sides of every coin. The same holds true in case of the sixth house also.
The sixth house represents diseases but this characteristic can go both ways. It means the influence of sixth house or its lord can make you suffer from various types of health issues and diseases, if your overall horoscope is not capable of handling the energy of this house. On the other hand, the sixth house or its lord can make you a doctor who treats and cures diseases of other people; if your horoscope can properly channelize the energy of this house. In the same way, this house can make you an astrologer, consultant or some other likewise professional who deals with problems. The concept of malefic houses and their lords giving benefic results has been explained in the chapter ‘Vipreet Rajyoga’ of the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition)’.
Crime is represented by the sixth house though it may be represented by other houses and planets also. In this case also, there are three options. The influence of this house can make you a criminal or it can make you a sufferer who is troubled by a criminal or criminals. As the third option, it can make you engage in professions which fight against crime and disorder. Hence natives under the influence of the sixth house may become police officers, army officer and other types of defence officers who fight against crime, who try to maintain law and order; and who try to keep people safe and secure. Whether the influence of the sixth house turns you into a criminal, a sufferer or a professional fighting such crimes; depends on your overall horoscope. If your overall horoscope is strong enough to handle the energy of this house, you may become an officer.
Likewise, the sixth house deals with disputes, disagreements and court cases. Here again, the influence of this house can make you a party in one such dispute or court case, it can make you a lawyer who represents a dispute or court case or it can make you a judge who handles such dispute or court case. Once again, what you may become due to the influence of the sixth house depends on your overall horoscope.
The sixth house deals with financial debts, disagreements and other types of problems. Hence it has the potential to make you suffer from financial debts, problems due to disagreements or disputes and other types of problems. At the same time, it can make you a banker, a professional who deals in providing financial loans or a consultant who helps resolve disputes and disagreements. Here again, what you may become depends on your overall horoscope.
Though the sixth house can render good as well as bad results; it is generally called a malefic house. This is due to the reason that the energy of this house is difficult to handle and most people may not be able to channelize it properly. As a result, such energy may do what it wishes and it may end up creating various types of problems. This is why it is called a malefic house and its lord is considered malefic in horoscope. However, this house as well as its lord is fully capable of behaving positively; when supported by the overall horoscope. This concept has been explained in the chapter ‘Vipreet Rajyoga’ of the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition)’.
The sixth house is a difficult house and placements of weak, malefic, troubled or difficult planets in this house may create problems related to disputes, disagreements, difficulties, court cases, finances, debts, enemies, diseases, profession, marriage and a number of other problems; depending on the overall theme of horoscope under consideration.
Himanshu Shangari