Pitra Dosh in 2nd House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Second House      

The second house of horoscope represents family, face, speech, money, wealth, memories, family traditions, family history, foods, eating and drinking habits; and many other things.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the second house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. We just discussed an example for Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss Pitra Dosh formed in the second house due to affliction to Sun.

Suppose a combination of benefic Sun and malefic Saturn forms Pitra Dosh in the second house of a horoscope in Pisces. Both Sun and Saturn may do well in Pisces though none of them is strong in this sign. Sun represents the seventh house in this horoscope. Saturn rules the first and second house.

In general, Saturn works as partly benefic and partly malefic planet for Aquarius ascendant. The percentages of benefic and malefic parts of Saturn may increase or decrease; depending on its placements in various houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as on the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Saturn; and on the overall theme of the horoscope.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native with problems related to his marriage, children, wife, father, money, wealth, family, speech, memory, immunity, health, confidence and many other things. Let’s try to look into some of these spheres and find out how the net results of such Pitra Dosh may change due to nakshatras, navamshas, influences of other benefic and malefic planets, overall theme of horoscope and running times.

Looking at the sphere of marriage, such Pitra Dosh may cause delay in the marriage of the native. Hence the native may not get married till late or very late in his life; depending on his overall horoscope. Venus is the general signifier of wife and Jupiter is the general signifier of husband. It means if Venus is strong and clean in the horoscope of a male native having such Pitra Dosh, he may not face serious problems related to his marriage. Likewise, if Jupiter is strong and clean in the horoscope of a female native having such Pitra Dosh, she may not face serious problems related to her marriage. Let’s proceed with the case of male native and see what may happen.

Suppose benefic Venus is placed in the fourth house of this horoscope in Taurus in Rohini nakshatra. In this case, the malefic impact of Pitra Dosh in delaying the marriage of this native may reduce significantly. Hence the native may get married between his age of 25 and 30; depending on the rest of his horoscope. Looking at this equation from the opposite angle, if Venus is placed in the twelfth house of this horoscope in Capricorn and malefic Moon is placed in the seventh house in Leo; the problem may intensify. In this case, such Pitra Dosh may delay the marriage of this native till 40 years of his age or the native may not get married throughout his life; depending on his overall horoscope. Similarly, if Jupiter and the seventh house is troubled in case of a female native; such Pitra Dosh may not allow her to get married till late in life or throughout her life.

Even if Venus is well placed in this horoscope in case of a male native; the native may face various types of problems after his marriage is conducted. Venus placed in the fourth house in Taurus in Rohini nakshatra may try to save the marriage of this native whereas Pitra Dosh formed in the second house may try to destroy his marriage. The final result depends on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. Such Pitra Dosh may cause maximum damage during the planetary period of Saturn, since Saturn forms Pitra Dosh in the horoscope.

Looking at the sphere of money and wealth, such Pitra Dosh may prove troublesome for these spheres; especially if the native is under the planetary period of Saturn; like in the present case. The second house also deals with eating and drinking habits. Hence such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native with various types of addictions. The native may lose money as well as health due to such addictions. Since the second house belongs to the family also; such addictions may create disturbances in the family. The native may lose significant amount of money and wealth earned by his parents or other family members; through various types of addictions and vices. Among the family members also, the native may especially prove destructive for wealth and money accumulated by his father. This is because such malefic Saturn afflicts Sun in the second house and Sun represents father.

Due to addictions, vices, bad company and engagement in immoral or even illegal activities during Saturn period; the native may trouble his entire family; especially his father. Native’s addictions and involvement in immoral and illegal activities may bring disgrace to the entire family. Such native may get captured by police a number of times; due to drug possession or due to other illegal activities. The father of this native may have to spend significant amounts of money to get the native out of trouble. Apart from this, such acts of the native may bring disgrace to the entire family.

The quantum of these problems depends on the overall horoscope of the native. If the rest of his horoscope is benefic and strong, the native may not face serious issues like the ones mentioned. However, if the overall horoscope is also malefic; the problems may touch extremes during Saturn period. In extreme cases when the overall horoscope is malefic in specific ways; the native may die because of drug overdose or he may serve prison sentence for more than 7 years. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner.

Suppose such Pitra Dosh is formed in Poorvabhadrapada nakshatra in Pisces in the second house. It means both Saturn and Sun are placed in Poorvabhadrapada nakshatra, which is a difficult to handle nakshatra. A malefic combination of Rahu, Moon and Mercury is placed in the first house in Aquarius where Rahu as well as Moon is placed in Shatabhisha nakshatra and Mercury is placed in Poorvabhadrapada or Shatabhisha nakshatra. Venus is placed in the twelfth house in Capricorn, Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Leo and a malefic combination of Mars and retrograde Jupiter is placed in the eighth house in Virgo.

In this case, the overall horoscope becomes highly negative. As a result, the native may get addicted to drugs and he may also engage in crimes. Such native may destroy a significant part of money and wealth gathered by his family and he may also bring disgrace to the family. Apart from this, such native may serve prison sentence for 10 years or more; or he may die due to drug overdose before 40 years of his age. Due to the overall setup of this horoscope, the native is not likely to get married. This horoscope also indicates serious problems for native’s father. Hence the native may lose his father while he may be serving prison sentence.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the second house of a horoscope in Pisces. Sun is placed in Leo navamsha of Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra and Saturn is placed in Pisces navamsha of Revati nakshatra. Sun is strong in Leo navamsha. Uttarabhadrapada as well as Revati is a benevolent nakshatra. Hence such Pitra Dosh may reduce in strength in this case. Suppose malefic Moon is placed in the first house in Aquarius in the fourth part of Shatabhisha nakshatra. Mercury is placed in the third house in Aries in Ashwini nakshatra and Venus is placed in the fourth house in Taurus. A benefic combination of Mars and Jupiter is placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in Magha nakshatra, Rahu is placed in the eleventh house in Sagittarius and Ketu is placed in the fifth house in Gemini.

In this case, the overall theme of the horoscope becomes benefic. As a result, the native may neither become drug addict, nor he may bring disgrace to his family. Such native may get selected as a defence officer, very likely as an army officer; during the planetary period of Saturn. He may do his duty well and he may earn good name for himself as well as for his family. Depending on the finer factors in the horoscope, the native may also achieve success through some other types of professions. Such native may also get married in time due to the benefic influence of various planets in his horoscope.

However, such Pitra Dosh may still be capable of breaking the first marriage of this native; depending on the finer factors as well as on the horoscope of his first wife. The term ‘finer factors’ in this context means the placement of various planets in various nakshatras as well as navamshas. For instance, if Mars and Jupiter are placed in the seventh house in Aries navamsha of Magha nakshatra and Venus is placed in the fourth house in Leo navamsha of Mrigashira nakshatra, the first marriage of this native may break.

On the other hand, if Mars is placed in Taurus navamsha and Jupiter is placed in Cancer navamsha of Magha nakshatra in the seventh house, the equation may improve. At the same time, if Venus is placed in Taurus or Cancer navamsha of Rohini nakshatra; the horoscope may become strong enough to deal with problems related to the first marriage of this native. As a result, the native may be able to save his first marriage despite some significant problems. As mentioned a number of times; the overall theme of a horoscope is the most important factor in it; since it can change anything and everything.

Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari