Pitra Dosh in 1st House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Pitra Dosh in First House

The first house of horoscope represents physical body, strength, vitality, immunity, overall health, lifespan, personality, independence, profession and many other things.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the first house and see what may happen in each case. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the first house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the first house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Suppose a combination of benefic Sun and malefic Saturn forms Pitra Dosh in the first house of a horoscope in Cancer. Sun rules the second house in this horoscope. Hence it represents father, the ability to produce children, immunity, confidence, money, wealth, speech and family among other things. It should be noted that Sun represents the ability to produce children in case of male natives only. In case of female natives, this ability is represented collectively by Moon and Venus.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to immunity, health, lifespan, personality, profession, father, children, money, wealth, speech and family; among other things. The type and quantum of such problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, the overall horoscope and the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh is checked through the placements of Sun and Saturn in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Cancer. Apart from this, influences of benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Saturn should also be checked.

Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to family, wealth and speech. Considering family, if the second house and Moon are blessed, this problem may also reduce in quantum. For example, if Moon is placed in the second house of this horoscope in Leo; this problems may be reduced a lot.

On the other hand, if the second house or Moon is troubled; the quantum of such problems may increase. For example, if malefic Rahu or Ketu is placed in the second house in Leo and Moon is placed in the fifth, sixth, eighth or twelfth house; the quantum of these problems may increase.

Let’s look at the speech aspect now. The formation of such Pitra Dosh may create problems or defects related to the speech patterns of this native. As a result; he may often land in trouble; due to what he says. He may also face problems due to keeping quiet when he should speak. Mercury is the general signifier for speech and second house is the specific signifier. It means if the second house itself is clean and Mercury is well placed; the speech aspect may not face many problems. For example, if benefic Venus is placed in the second house in Leo and Mercury is placed in the third house in Virgo; the speech aspect may not face much trouble. On the other hand, if malefic Rahu or Ketu is placed in the second house in Leo and debilitated Mercury is placed in the ninth house in Pisces; the problems related to speech may aggravate.

Looking at the wealth part; such Pitra Dosh may create health problems and unfortunate events from time to time; and the native may have to spend a lot of money to deal with them. Such health issues or troublesome events may not necessarily attack the native directly; and they may attack his family members also. Since Saturn is afflicting Sun, Pitra Dosh may create such problems through the father of this native. It means the native may have to spend a lot of money in order to manage the health and other affairs of his father.

Let’s consider the wellbeing of the father. Such Pitra Dosh indicates serious issues related to the wellbeing of native’s father. If the ninth house as well as its lord Jupiter is healthy; such problems may reduce significantly. For example, if Jupiter is placed in the fifth house in Scorpio and benefic Moon is placed in the ninth house in Pisces; these problems may reduce significantly. On the other hand, if the ninth house and its lord are troubled; the quantum of such problems may increase. For example, if malefic Rahu or Ketu is placed in the ninth house and a malefic combination of Jupiter and Mercury is placed in the twelfth house; the problems may intensify.

In such case; the native may lose his father at an early age. If his father’s horoscope is not strong; he may die. If his father’s horoscope is strong; the native may lose him through other ways. For example, native’s parents may get divorced and his mother may get his custody. Looking at another example, native’s father may be imprisoned for more than 10 years by virtue of a crime; he may or may not have committed.

When it comes to profession, the tenth house and its lord Mars carry primary importance. Apart from this, the first house and its lord, the third house and its lord as well as the eleventh house and its lord also carry secondary importance. If these houses and their respective lords are healthy; the native may not face many problems related to his profession.

On the other hand, if these houses as well as their lords are troubled; the quantum of such problems may increase. For example, if a malefic combination of Mars and Mercury is placed in the twelfth house in Gemini and benefic debilitated Venus is placed in the third house in Virgo along with malefic Ketu; the problems may intensify. In this case, the native may not witness proper professional settlement; throughout his life; due to the combined effect of such Pitra Dosh and other malefic plants.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of such Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s discuss Pitra Dosh formed in the first house due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house by one or more than one malefic planet. Suppose benefic Mars and malefic Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the first house of a horoscope in Pisces. In this case, Mars represents the second and ninth house whereas Saturn represents the eleventh and the twelfth house. Both Mars and Saturn are not strong in Pisces.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to health, lifespan, profession, personality, father, children, family, money, wealth, speech, religion, guru, spiritual growth, losses, delays, addictions, vices, perversions and illusions; among other things.

Let’s look into some of these problems. Starting with father, this type of Pitra Dosh may cause various types of problems related to the father of this native. Such Pitra Dosh in itself may generally not be capable of causing extreme physical damage to the father. It means that in most cases, such Pitra Dosh may not cause the death of this native’s father on its own; unless supported by the rest of the horoscope. However, such Pitra Dosh may trouble the health and overall wellbeing of native’s father.

Apart from this, such Pitra Dosh indicates bad results related to profession and financial status of the father. In case such Pitra Dosh is supported by the overall horoscope; native’s father may leave the family and he may disappear. His father may leave the family in search of spiritual wisdom or he may simply run away as he may not be able to cope up with the pressure of family responsibilities. Hence the native may suffer from a wide variety of problems related to his father; depending on his overall horoscope. However, this type of Pitra Dosh may not be capable of causing the death of native’s father on its own.

Let’s look at other aspects affected by such Pitra Dosh in the first house. We have already discussed aspects like speech and profession in case of Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun. Let’s consider some other aspects. This type of Pitra Dosh may cause significant or serious issues related to courage, bravery, initiative and overall immunity of the native. If there are compensating factors in the horoscope for some of these aspects; such aspects may perform better. If there are no supportive factors for some of these aspects; such aspects may underperform. However, if there are factors which further cause damage to some of these aspects; such aspects may seriously suffer.

In cases where Pitra Dosh is formed by benefic Sun or lord of the ninth house and a malefic planet; the problems posed by it may be relatively low in quantum. However, if Pitra Dosh is formed by malefic Sun or lord of the ninth house and a malefic planet; the problems may become higher in quantum. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner.

Suppose malefic Sun and malefic Mars form Pitra Dosh in the first house of a horoscope in Virgo. Since both these planets are malefic, the intensity of such Pitra Dosh may be higher or much higher than an average type of Pitra Dosh. As Pitra Dosh is formed in the first house; the primary targets are likely to be native’s health, overall wellbeing, lifespan, profession and personality. Let’s follow native’s health and lifespan. Such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native with serious types of health issues, diseases and accidents. It may reduce the overall lifespan of the native where the quantum of reduction depends on the overall horoscope of the native. If Mercury is strong and clean; and the overall horoscope is supportive; the native may live up to the age of 65 years or even more.

For example, suppose benefic Mercury is placed in the second house in Libra along with benefic Moon and Venus. Benefic Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in the fourth house in Sagittarius, exalted Ketu is placed in the third house in Scorpio, exalted Rahu is placed in the ninth house in Taurus and Saturn is placed in the fifth house in Capricorn. The native in this case may live up to the age of 60 or 65 years.

Looking at this equation from the opposite angle, suppose a malefic combination of Mercury and Ketu is placed in the twelfth house of this horoscope in Leo and malefic Rahu is placed in the sixth house in Aquarius with Jupiter. Venus is placed in the eleventh house in Cancer, Moon is placed in the fourth house in Sagittarius and Saturn is placed in the ninth house in Taurus. In this case, the native may die before his age of 60 years, likely between 45 and 50.


Himanshu Shangari