Bhadra Yoga

Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition 2020).

Bhadra Yoga

Bhadra Yoga is formed by Mercury in a horoscope and it is considered as one of the five most auspicious Yogas in Vedic astrology called Panch MahaPurusha Yogas where the other four Yogas in this class are Hamsa Yoga, Malavya Yoga, Ruchaka Yoga and Shasha Yoga. According to the prevalent definition of Bhadra Yoga, when Mercury is present in Kendra or Center from Ascendant in a horoscope, which means when Mercury is present in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house from Ascendant in a horoscope in any one of the two signs namely Gemini and Virgo, Bhadra Yoga is formed in the horoscope.

Bhadra Yoga can bless the native with many good things depending on the strength of this Yoga in the horoscope as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. Mercury is the planet associated with intellect, wisdom, analytical ability, speech, communication skills, versatility, physical fitness, flexibility, writing abilities, management skills, mathematical skills, youthful appearance, good health, business skills and many other things. Accordingly, the formation of Bhadra Yoga in a horoscope can bless the native with good results related to a number of businesses, creative fields, fields related to media and communication, authority, recognition, politics, scientific fields, mathematical fields, astrology and many other good results related to the significances of Mercury, depending on his overall horoscope.

The natives under the strong influence of Bhadra Yoga can be seen successful as reporters, journalists, writers, lawyers, judges, advisors, consultants, businessmen, astrologers, politicians, teachers, speakers, management professionals, traders, actors, singers, sportsmen, designers, architects and many other kinds of professionals, depending on their overall horoscopes. Some of these natives may achieve great professional success as well as name and fame on national or international level, if their overall horoscopes are supportive. Some natives under the strong influence of Bhadra Yoga may also become very successful as politicians, diplomats and sportsmen; and some of these natives may achieve national or international fame through these professions.

We know that all these qualities and achievements are found rarely and they are not found in a great number of people. Therefore the formation of Bhadra Yoga in a horoscope should also be a rare phenomenon and it should not be something that may repeat in a number of horoscopes. This is because horoscopes only reflect our personalities and our destinies based on those personalities. Hence if a person is blessed with certain special attributes, they are shown in the horoscope also. Since the natives with such qualities are rare, it means there should not be many horoscopes featuring strong Bhadra Yoga.

Analyzing the definition of Bhadra Yoga, we can find out that according to its prevalent definition, this Yoga is present in every 18th horoscope on average as there are only 12 houses and 12 signs in a horoscope. Looking at the formation of Bhadra Yoga, Mercury can form Bhadra Yoga when present in first house in one of the two signs namely Gemini and Virgo, and hence the number of occurrences is 2. The same number of occurrences will be found in case of placements of Mercury in 4th, 7th and 10th houses which makes a total of 8 occurrences of Bhadra Yoga out of the total 144 placements of Mercury in 12 different houses and in 12 different signs. Hence this Yoga should be present in every 18th horoscope on average and accordingly every 18th person should be blessed with the great qualities and blessings rendered by this Yoga. This is obviously not the case in actual practice as such qualities and achievements are found rarely. It means there is more to the formation of Bhadra Yoga in a horoscope and this Yoga can’t be confirmed merely on the basis of presence of Mercury in some particular houses and in some particular signs in a horoscope.

The most important factor for the formation of Bhadra Yoga in a horoscope is that Mercury should be working as a benefic planet in the horoscope, apart from being placed in any one of the already mentioned houses in any one of the already mentioned signs. On the other hand, malefic Mercury placed in any of the above mentioned four houses in any of the signs namely Gemini and Virgo may not form Bhadra Yoga and it may form some defect in the horoscope which may trouble the native with many types of problems. This is because benefic yogas are made by benefic planets only. Malefic planets can’t bless a person with very good results in the long run, though they may sometimes give some temporary gains to some natives, if their overall horoscopes are supportive for such gains.

For example, malefic Mercury placed in first house of a horoscope in Gemini or Virgo can render enhanced mental, intellectual, mathematical and communication abilities to the native but the native may use them negatively. Though this native may witness short term gains by virtue of these qualities, if the overall horoscope is supportive for such gains; the results in the long run may be very bad. Similarly, malefic Mercury present in any of the other three central houses of a horoscope can also cause problems for the native in one sphere of life or the other. Hence, the need for Mercury to be benefic is a must meet condition for the formation of Bhadra Yoga in a horoscope.

Hence the refined definition of Bhadra Yoga says, if benefic Mercury is placed in the any one of the central houses of a horoscope in any one of the signs namely Gemini and Virgo, Bhadra Yoga is formed in such horoscope. This yoga may bless the native with success, fame, money, authority, recognition, intellect, versatility, skills, good health and many other good results; depending on the overall horoscope of the native in question.

Once the formation of Bhadra Yoga is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. The strength of this Yoga is checked through the placement of Mercury in different houses, different signs, different nakshatras and different navamshas, as well as through the influence of other positive or negative planets on Mercury in a horoscope. For example, Bhadra Yoga formed due to the presence of exalted Mercury in the tenth house of a horoscope in Virgo can bless the native with good results through acting, sports, business, politics, manufacturing, media, communications, computers and software; event management industry, financial fields and many other good results, depending on his overall horoscope .

Moving on to conjunctions, if benefic exalted Mercury forms Bhadra Yoga in a horoscope and one or more than one benefic planet is placed with it, the benefic effects of such Bhadra Yoga will be enhanced and the native may benefit more. The type as well as quantum of such benefits depend on the planet in question as well as on the important attributes of such exalted Mercury and such planet. For example, if benefic exalted Mercury forms Bhadra yoga in the first house of a horoscope in Virgo and benefic debilitated Venus is placed with it, Neechbhang RajYoga may be formed in the horoscope which may bless the native with even better results. Such combination may bless the native with good results in a number of businesses, creative fields, artistic fields, sports, government services, politics and many other fields, depending on the overall horoscope of such native. For instance, If exalted Mercury is placed in Capricorn navamsha and debilitated Venus is placed in Pisces navamsha, the native may get blessed with a post of authority in the house of government through job or through politics, depending on his overall horoscope. Similarly, the presence of other benefic planets with Bhadra yoga in a horoscope can bless the native in various ways, depending on the relevant factors.

On the other hand, if exalted Mercury forms Bhadra yoga in a horoscope and at the same time, it is accompanied by malefic planets; such malefic planet or planets may dilute or corrupt the benefic effects of this yoga. For example, if benefic Mercury forms Bhadra Yoga in first house of a horoscope in Gemini and malefic Mars is also present along with it; the native may not enjoy benefits of such Bhadra Yoga; unless the rest of the horoscope is strong enough to counteract this affliction. The affliction of malefic Mars may spoil many good qualities rendered by Bhadra Yoga. As a result, the native may not have much control over his speech, he may become argumentative, he may speak too much and he may often land in trouble due to his words. Apart from this, the malefic influence of Mars can cause problems related to health, education, profession, mother, family and many other problems. In extreme cases, when supported by other malefic planets in horoscope, such malefic Mars can make the native engage in various types of criminal activities and the native may have to face court cases or even imprisonment due to them.

Looking at corrections, if a benefic combination of Moon and Jupiter is placed in tenth house of this horoscope in Pisces, forming Hamsa yoga as well as Gaj Kesari yoga; most of the malefic effects given by Mars may be cancelled or reduced. The combined effect of Hamsa yoga, Bhadra yoga and Gaj Kesari yoga may bless the native with wonderful results through profession as well as through many other spheres of life. Similarly, the conjunction of Mercury with other malefic planets in a horoscope can also dilute or corrupt the benefic effects of Bhadra yoga. The dilution, corruption and problems caused by such malefic planet depend on the overall horoscope of the native. Therefore, the effect of other good or bad planets on Mercury should also be checked before predicting the good or bad results indicated by Bhadra Yoga.

The next factor to check is the time of activation of Bhadra Yoga, like all other yogas. Even when actually formed in a horoscope, any good or bad Yoga may not be activated from the time of birth of the native and this activation may vary from person to person. It means that Bhadra Yoga present in different horoscopes may have different times of activation and accordingly, different natives may start benefitting from it during different ages. This is why you see some people witnessing such benefits at early ages, some during middle ages and some may witness such benefits late in their lives.

Above all, the overall theme of the horoscope having such Bhadra Yoga should be analyzed carefully as this is what matters the most. The overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and it can change everything. For example, if Bhadra Yoga is formed due to the presence of Mercury in the first house of a horoscope in Gemini and the overall theme of the horoscope is indicating authority, the native may get blessed with a post of authority in government or in a private organization, through job, politics or through business; depending on his overall horoscope. Looking deeper, if the horoscope is showing good trends related to education, the native may achieve such authority through government job, by virtue of his education. However, if Bhadra Yoga is present in first house in Gemini, the overall theme is authoritative, education aspect is not very good and public dealing as well as diplomatic aspect is strong, the native may achieve a post of authority through politics.

Similarly, if Bhadra Yoga is formed in first house in Gemini and the overall theme is creative due to the combination of various planets, the native may become an actor, writer, dancer or a singer. Going deeper, if verbal abilities are enhanced, the native may become a singer or an actor whereas if writing abilities are enhanced, the native may become a writer. The enhancement in physical energy and skills may bend this native towards the field of dance. Considering one more possibility, if Bhadra Yoga is formed in first house in Gemini and the overall theme of the horoscope is creative as well as physical, the native may become a sportsman. It should be noted that in this type of horoscope, physical energies should be stronger than creative energies as otherwise; the native may become a creative professional instead of becoming a sportsman. The reason for this trend has already been explained in the chapter named Ruchaka Yoga.

Likewise, if Bhadra Yoga is formed in first house in Gemini, the overall theme of the horoscope is creative and writing abilities are enhanced in the horoscope, the native may become a book writer, a magazine writer or a print media journalist, depending on the rest of his horoscope. Going deeper, if the horoscope of this native shows enhanced public dealing and the possibility of a job than the possibility of an independent practice, the native may become a journalist or a magazine writer. However, if the horoscope of the native shows strong tendencies of engaging in free practice and less public dealing, he may become a book writer. Looking at one more combination, if Bhadra Yoga is formed in first house of a horoscope in Virgo or Gemini and the overall theme of the horoscope supports income through business, the native may achieve good results through businesses related to the domain of Mercury. Hence this native may engage in the field of mobile phones, internet, finances, training, coaching, information and technology, trading, marketing, advertising, software industry, TV media services, ecommerce and other such fields. Once again, the type of field chosen by the native and the quantum of success achieved by him depend on the overall theme of his horoscope.

Many other such combinations are also possible and that is why the overall theme of a horoscope is what matters the most. There are no doubts that if Bhadra Yoga of good strength forms in a horoscope, the native must benefit from it and he must achieve good results. However, the type of good results achieved by this native, the timing and the quantum of those good results are indicted by the overall theme of his horoscope.

Generally speaking, you can simply tell that something good is going to happen to the native having Bhadra Yoga in his horoscope. Specifically speaking, you can’t tell what type of good, how much good and when can such good happen to this native? Therefore, the overall theme of the horoscope becomes very important if you are interested in the detailed applications of Bhadra Yoga or any other good or bad Yog present in a horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari