Budhaditya Yoga

Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition 2020).

Budhaditya yoga

Budhaditya yoga is one of the most prominent yogas featured in Vedic astrology. According to its prevalent definition in Vedic astrology, when Sun and Mercury are placed in the same house of a horoscope, Budhaditya yoga is formed in the horoscope. This yoga can bless the native with intelligence, creativity, confidence, leadership abilities, intellect, analytical abilities, communication skills, mathematical skills, success, fame and many other good results.

Mercury as we know is the innermost planet of our solar system. It means that Mercury is the closest to the Sun. Accordingly, it is found present with Sun; almost in one third of the horoscopes. Hence Budhaditya yoga should be formed in all these horoscopes. It means that all these natives should be blessed with good results indicated by Budhaditya yoga. This is obviously not the case in actual practice; as we don’t see one third population of the world having these characteristics and achieving name and fame due to them. Hence there must be something more to the formation of Budhaditya yoga than what has been mentioned in the prevalent definition of this yoga.

The primary condition for the formation of any benefic yoga in a horoscope is that all the planets involved in the formation of such yoga should be benefic in that horoscope. Therefore, in order for Budhaditya yoga to be formed in a horoscope, both Sun and Mercury should be benefic in that horoscope. Sun and Mercury can broadly make four combinations when present in the same house of a horoscope. Out of these four combinations, the combination of benefic Sun with benefic Mercury may result in the formation of Budhaditya yoga.

On the other hand, the remaining three combinations may not form Budhaditya yoga in a horoscope. It means the combination of benefic Sun with malefic Mercury, the combination of malefic Sun with benefic Mercury and the combination of malefic Sun with malefic Mercury may not form Budhaditya yoga in a horoscope. This is because in these three combinations, either one or both the planets placed together are malefic. Hence these combinations may not result in formation of Budhaditya yoga. Instead, they may form malefic yogas; where the malefic planet may hit general as well as specific significances of the benefic planet.

For example, significances of Sun may suffer when this combination is present in a horoscope and Sun is benefic whereas Mercury is malefic. As a result, Pitra Dosh may form in the horoscope due to affliction from malefic Mercury to Sun. Such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native on many fronts of his life. Similarly, the general as well as specific significances of Mercury may suffer when malefic Sun is present in the same house of a horoscope with benefic Mercury. As a result, the native may face problems related to health, intellect, communication abilities and other problems indicated by this combination in such horoscope.

The worst kind of combination is found where both Sun and Mercury are malefic in a horoscope. In this case, significances of both Sun and Mercury may suffer. Malefic Sun may hit the significances of malefic Mercury and malefic Mercury may hit the significances of malefic Sun. Hence this combination may prove very bad for the native and he may face a number of serious problems related to many spheres of his life; depending on his overall horoscope. In all these combinations, whether Sun or Mercury may dominate the other; depends on the strength of these planets as well as on the overall theme of the horoscope in question. For example, if malefic Sun is placed with malefic Mercury in Aries or Leo, significances of malefic Mercury may be affected much more than the significances of malefic Sun.

This is because Sun is stronger in Aries and Leo. Hence it may dominate the results of this combination, whether such results are benefic or malefic. If Sun placed in Aries or Leo is benefic and Mercury placed along with Sun in one of these signs is malefic, the resultant may not be very troublesome, though it may still be troublesome. This is due to the reason that benefic Sun is stronger than malefic Mercury in this case. Hence Sun may be able to counteract the negative energy of malefic Mercury to a significant extent. As a result, the native may not suffer much. If a combination of malefic Sun and benefic Mercury is placed in Aries or Leo; significances of Mercury may be seriously affected. As a result, the native may suffer from various types of problems, depending on the areas of life, represented by Mercury.

Changing the equation, if a combination of malefic Sun and malefic Mercury is placed in Virgo or Gemini, significances of Sun may be affected much more than significances of Mercury. This is because Mercury is stronger in these signs, compared to Sun. Hence Mercury may dominate this combination. This means Mercury may be able to reduce the damage caused by Sun and it may also be able to cause more damage to Sun. Similarly, if malefic Sun is placed with benefic Mercury in Virgo or Gemini, the resultant though malefic; may not cause problems of high degree. Benefic Mercury being stronger than malefic Sun may reduce the damage caused by Sun. If benefic Sun is placed with malefic Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, Pitra Dosh may be formed in the horoscope. Through Pitra Dosh, malefic Mercury may seriously affect significances of Sun. As a result, the native may suffer from a wide variety of problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Therefore, both Sun and Mercury should be benefic in a horoscope, in order for Budhaditya yoga to form in such horoscope. Once the formation of Budhaditya yoga is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. The strength of Budhaditya yoga is checked through the placement of Sun and Mercury in different houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Mercury in a horoscope. Looking at signs, benefic results of Budhaditya yoga may decrease considerably if this yoga is present in Libra or Pisces. Sun is debilitated in Libra and Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. As a result, weak Sun or weak Mercury may not contribute much to Budhaditya yoga; even when both these planets are benefic in the horoscope. On the other hand, if this yoga is formed in Aries, Gemini, Leo or Virgo; the results may be very good. Such Budhaditya yoga may bless the native with many types of good results, depending on the overall theme of his horoscope.

Moving onto the next factor, influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Mercury in a horoscope should also be checked properly, before predicting results of Budhaditya yoga. This is a major factor and it can change the results; significantly or completely. Taking an example, suppose benefic Sun and Mercury form Budhaditya yoga in the first house of a horoscope in Leo. If malefic Saturn is also placed in the first house in Poorvaphalguni nakshatra, the results of this combination may dilute. Hence the native may not achieve very good results as mentioned earlier, though he may still witness some benefits. It means instead of being a high authority administrative officer, such native may become a low rank official in administrative department of government.

If at the same time, malefic Ketu is also placed in the first house; the results may become even weaker. The native may not benefit much from Budhaditya yoga in this case and he may face many ups and downs in his life. Looking at another variation, if malefic Moon is also placed in the first house along with Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Ketu; this combination may become disastrous. Benefic effects of Budhaditya yoga may be completely destroyed in this case and this combination may become malefic. As a result, the native may suffer from serious problems in various spheres of his life. If the rest of his horoscope is also negative in a specific manner; such native may die at a young age. You see, how the results indicated by Budhaditya Yoga may change when malefic planets join this combination.

The next factor to check is the field of impact of Budhaditya yoga. To calculate field of impact, the house of placement of this yoga as well as the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on this yoga should be checked. Just like signs, formation of Budhaditya yoga in various houses of a horoscope may bless the native with different types of benefic results. For example, if benefic Sun and Mercury form Budhaditya yoga in the second house of a horoscope in Leo, the native may benefit in different ways. Such native may achieve success as a singer, an astrologer, an actor or he may settle abroad, depending on the rest of his horoscope.

The next factor to check is the time of activation of Budhaditya yoga. Even when actually formed in a horoscope, any good or bad Yoga may not be activated from the time of birth of the native and the activation may vary from person to person. It means that Budhaditya yoga present in different horoscopes may have different times of activation. Accordingly, different natives may start benefitting from it during different ages. This is why you may see some people witnessing such benefits at early ages, some during middle ages and some of them during their ages above 50 or even 60.

Above all, the overall theme of the horoscope having Budhaditya yoga should be analyzed carefully as this is what matters the most. The overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and it can change everything. For example, if benefic Sun and Mercury form Budhaditya yoga in the first house of a horoscope in Sagittarius and the overall theme of the horoscope is indicating authority, this Yoga may bless the native with a post of authority.

Looking deeper, if the education aspect is stronger in the horoscope and the diplomacy as well as adventure aspect is relatively weaker, the native may achieve such authority through government job. On the other hand, if education aspect is not that strong and diplomacy, adventure and public interaction aspects are strong, Budhaditya yoga may bless the native with authority through politics. Likewise, if business aspect is strong in this horoscope, the native may become a highly authoritative businessman due to benefic effect of Budhaditya yoga. Similarly, if creative aspect is elevated in the horoscope, the native may become a highly authoritative writer or actor.

After this, the impact of running times should also be checked. The term ‘running times’ in this context means planetary periods, commonly known as Mahadashas. Running times are most important when it comes to check; when may the native receive maximum benefit from Budhaditya yoga. Any type of good or bad yoga becomes duly effective, if one of the planets involved in its formation rules the running time. Therefore, the native may witness the strongest benefits offered by Budhaditya yoga if he is hit by the planetary periods of Sun or Mercury during relevant years of his age. This simple looking fact may significantly change the quantum of success achieved by a native under strong influence of Budhaditya yoga.

In case a good or bad yoga is formed by more than one planet in a horoscope, an additional measure needs to be taken. The good or bad results of the highest order are likely to be seen during the running period of the planet which is the strongest among the planets involved in the formation of such yoga. For example, if Budhaditya yoga is formed in Leo, Sun is stronger than Mercury. Hence Sun dominates the results indicated by such Budhaditya yoga. In this case, the native may witness the best results offered by Budhaditya Yoga, during the main period of Sun.

You see, the definition of Budhaditya yoga looks very simple. However, the actual process of calculating the results indicated by Budhaditya yoga in a horoscope is complex. As there are billions of different people in the world, a horoscope should also feature billions of different combinations. If the science of Vedic astrology is absolutely true which it is; then each horoscope should be different from the other; just like the people having those horoscopes are different from one another. Therefore, each and every aspect in a horoscope should be checked properly; before concluding the formation of Budhaditya yoga in a horoscope or before predicting the type and quantum of results indicated by it.

Billions of combinations are possible in a horoscope. That is why the overall theme of a horoscope is what matters the most. There are no doubts that if Budhaditya yoga of good strength is formed in a horoscope, the native must benefit from it and he must achieve good results. However, the exact type of good results achieved by such native as well as the timing and the quantum of such good results are indicted by the overall theme of his horoscope.

Generally speaking, you can simply tell that something good is going to happen to the native having Budhaditya yoga in his horoscope. Specifically speaking, you can’t tell what type of good, how much good and when can such good happen to this native, without looking into the details. Therefore, the overall theme of the horoscope becomes very important if you’re interested in the detailed applications of Budhaditya yoga or any other good yoga present in a horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari