Number 1 in Numerology

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We have already learnt in the previous article that numerology is the science of predicting future events of a native based on numbers which are primarily obtained from various combinations of date of birth and name of a person and then such numbers are studied for their characteristics and accordingly the native is supposed to be under the similar kind of effects. In this article we will learn about the significance and importance of number 1 in numerology and we will also look at the positive and negative characteristics attached to this number.

                       1 as we know is the beginning of all the numbers which means that it stands for the beginning of all new events in a person’s life and accordingly number 1 is associated with all kinds of beginnings in numerology which means that the natives under the influence of number 1 possess creative minds and adventurous spirits and they are always ready to start new experiments and always ready to embark on new missions. Number 1 at the same time is associated with the quality of leadership which is obvious from the fact that 1 stands on top of all the numbers and accordingly it is born leader of all the numbers which makes the natives under the influence of this number possess strong leadership qualities and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this number are said to lead in most of the situations in various spheres of their lives. Many experts of numerology believe that the natives under the strong influence of number 1 are born leaders and they will certainly claim one kind of authority or the other in various walks of their lives. Number 1 is considered as the source of immense energy and as a result the natives under the strong influence of number 1 are considered to be very energetic and adventurous which makes them ready to take on new challenges and do new experiments many times in their lives. This number is also associated with the power of mind and the characteristic of quick thinking and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of number in are said to be very quick in making decisions and they are also considered equally good in executing their decisions in practical terms.

                         Taking a look at the relation of number 1 with astrology and navagraha, number 1 is associated with the Sun among navagraha which explains many of the characteristics possessed by this number. Sun as we know is the king among navagraha according to vedic jyotish and it possesses strong leadership abilities, great determination, courage, adventurous spirit, the ability to make decisions and the ability to execute those decisions and many other characteristics and accordingly most of these characteristic of Sun are seen exhibited through number 1 in numerology. As Sun is considered as the protector and giver of all kinds of life in vedic jyotish, accordingly number 1 is also considered to have a life giving and protecting influence due to which the natives under the strong influence of this number are full of life and they are protective towards their nears and dears and towards the people who follow these natives. Sun is considered to have a very good sense of judgment which makes him separate the right from the wrong so that justice may be done which is the duty of Sun being the king among navagraha, and this quality of Sun is also exhibited through number 1 in numerology which means that the natives under the strong influence of number 1 have good judgment abilities and they generally choose to do the right and just things in most of the situations in their lives. Vedic jyotish associates Sun with great insight and core understanding of the matters and this characteristics of Sun is also displayed through number 1 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong influence of this number are blessed with good or great insight to the core of matters due to which such natives have a very good ability to understand even the most difficult subjects with ease and accordingly such natives can make very good learners and scholars.

                        The Sun is also considered as the most independent planet among navagraha and this tendency of Sun to love independence is also reflected through number 1 due to which the natives under the strong influence of this number love their independence more than anything and they generally do not give up their independence for anything in this world. It is very difficult or sometimes impossible to make such natives succumb to any kind of pressure and make them do certain things that they are not willing to do as such natives are very headstrong and they almost never give to any kind of difficult situations or pressure and they keep on fighting with their circumstances until they are completely broken or they emerge out as winners either of which can be the case depending upon the overall nature and strength of horoscope of such natives. The natives under the strong influence of number 1 in numerology are said to do good in many kinds of creative fields and accordingly such natives can be seen successful in various types of creative spheres as well as in the spheres which require new initiatives and leadership ability. Many expert numerologists believe that the natives under the strong influence of number 1 are capable of reaching at the top in their respective professional spheres due to the ability of this number to remain at the top and accordingly such natives rise to top position soon after entering a profession suitable for them. Such natives love making original creations and they do not believe in copying others or following others in order to achieve success as the natives under the strong influence of this number do not believe in following trends and they believe in setting trends. Hence such natives draw new lines and they set new paths and traditions for other types of natives to follow.

                    As every planet among navagraha has its negative side also along with the positive side, similarly the corresponding numbers in numerology also exhibit certain negative characteristics which are generally passed on to them by their corresponding planets in vedic jyotish. Sun is associated with aggression, anger, violent nature, love of war and other such characteristics and these characteristics are relayed through number 1 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong influence of number 1 may become very aggressive and violent at times and they may get themselves caught up in some kind of dispute, argument or fight many times in their lives due to which such natives may have to face setbacks, delays and losses though such natives have a strong tendency to emerge as winners from such situations of arguments and fights but still such incidents can hinder and slow down the progress of such natives. Pride is another quality that is associated with Sun in vedic jyotish and this quality of Sun is also relayed through number 1 in numerology. Pride is a double edged word which in its positive sense can do wonderful things for the native and which in its negative sense can make the native pick up disputes even with the closest of people and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of number 1 are likely to possess a high degree of pride which in its negative aspects can turn into deceit and egoism as there is a very fine line between pride and ego and the natives under the influence of this number always run the risk of walking past that fine line and enter into the realm of ego while thinking that they are still in the realm of pride.

                          The natives under the strong influence of this number should always keep a check on their ego, anger and aggression as these are their strongest negative points and these negative characteristics can make them suffer on various fronts of their lives many times in their lives. The natives of number 1 are also prone to do bad in their relations particularly in their relations with their love partner or lover due to their aggressive nature and egoistic disposition and therefore such natives may have to suffer from more than one broken relationships in their lives as they generally do not give sufficient space, respect and value to the other ones involved in relationship and they generally like to dictate their terms to other people due to inherent leadership quality of Sun possessed by them. Hence the natives of number 1 should learn to give space to their nears and dears and they should also learn to keep their ego under check and to tame their anger so that such anger could be used at proper time and proper place. Pride, leadership ability and aggression are the characteristics which can win the most number of rewards for number 1 natives and these are also the characteristics which can easily get out of control and they can turn into ego, dominative nature, anger and violence due to which such natives may have to suffer losses many times and in many spheres of their lives.

Himanshu Shangari