In this case, you may have spent the same amount of money, but you’ve offered yourself also at the disposal of these kids. You’ve spared your time, you’ve offered your services in a sincere way and you’ve tried to ensure that the kids are benefitted in the best possible way. Hence you’re rewards are likely to be faster and bigger than those in the first case. It’s interesting that though you don’t expect rewards in this case and you enjoy the act itself, the rewards become bigger and faster. This is what Nishkaam karma can do for you; as it teaches you do draw all the pleasure from the karma itself, rather than depending on the result.
The positive energy of Jupiter may encourage this native to engage in a number of acts of kindness from time to time; and her primary focus may be to help the needy ones and enjoy those acts. Since her focus may shift away from rewards, she may get better and faster rewards in the form of positive energy. She may spend some of this positive energy if she has some wishes to fulfill and she may keep collecting it if she doesn’t have many wishes.
It should be noted that your good karmas bring you positive energy and it adds to your aura. This energy is spent only if you wish to fulfill some of your wishes which need positive energy to be fulfilled. However, if you keep engaging in good karmas and you don’t have many wishes, you keep earning and saving positive energy in your aura. As a result, your aura becomes stronger and stronger with the passage of time, which is the advanced stage of spiritual growth. The ultimate goal of each soul is to keep collecting positive energy and spend almost none of it through desires, so that this soul may eventually become god, which means a soul having no negative energy and tons of positive energy. This concept has been explained in details in my book ‘Heaven and Hell within’.
If Venus forms the core of charisma in this native and Rahu forms the core of intelligence in this native; Jupiter forms the core of kindness in this native. Apart from this, there are a number of other spheres where the positive energy of Jupiter may help this native. However, due to limitation of space, I’ll skip the details of these benefits though I’ve mentioned them in sense, at the beginning of explanation for this planet.
Looking at the negative part of Jupiter’s energy, it may cause some problems related to physical and emotional plane of this native. Looking at the physical plane, this energy may trouble her with health problems related to her chest region and it may also have some negative impact on her reproductive organs. As a result, she may witness problems in these areas and though these problems may remain under control till her age of 48, they may start getting out of control after this age. Hence she may feel visible problems in these areas after this age and some of these problems may become troublesome whenever this negative energy is supported by running times after her age of 48.
Coming to the emotional problems caused by this energy, Jupiter’s negative energy may create emotional stress and it may prove bad for some of her relationships due to this stress. As a result, she may fall victim to emotional conflict with some of her relatives or loved ones, especially with her father, lovers and life partners. Though other energies in her horoscope may counteract this effect of Jupiter’s negative energy in part, it may still remain effective and it may gain strength when running times are supportive for it. Apart from this, the negative part of Jupiter’s energy can also cause some problems related to her profession as well as those related to some other spheres of her life.
The next planet to be discussed is Mars. The placement of Mars is mixed in this horoscope, with about 70% of its energy being positive and about 30% of its energy being negative. Looking at the positive part of this energy first, it can bless this native with abilities like courage, confidence, spiritual growth, kindness, creative skills, emotional strength, leadership abilities, good level of intuition, vivid imagination, love for children, interest in the hidden and a number of other abilities. As a result, she may witness benefits in many spheres of her life by virtue of these abilities. It should be noted that some of these abilities may be counteracted by the planetary energies of the opposite type in her horoscope and hence those abilities may show significantly, only when the running times are supportive for positive energy of Mars.
The positive energy of Mars may bless this native with confidence which may help her achieve a lot in many spheres of her life. Though there are energies in her horoscope, which may tend to reduce her confidence at times, she may still remain confident in general as the energy of Mars is strong and it receives support from other positive planets. As a result, she may be able to put significant amount of faith and conviction behind what she decides to do and what she engages in. Therefore, it may become difficult for anyone to distract her from her path once she’s made up her mind and once she starts walking on such path.
The natives like her may take due time to decide whether to engage in an action or not but once they’re decided and they start engaging in a particular act, it may not be possible to distract them or make them quit their act by any means. As it is easy to understand, she may achieve a number of good results in many spheres of her life by virtue of this ability because the people who have faith in what they do are the people who generally end up achieving the greatest heights. Faith is a very big phenomenon and the ability of confidence can be seen as a particular application or branch of faith.
Looking at some branches of faith, when you put faith in the entire universe, this type of faith is called divine faith and it translates into spiritual growth. When you put faith in people you care for, this type of faith is called emotional faith and it translates into love. Similarly, when you put faith in yourself as well as in what you do, this type of faith is called confidence and it translates into success. Hence confidence is nothing but the ability to have faith in you and therefore, it is a specific branch of faith.
As there are other energies in her horoscope which give her confidence, she may have a lot of it and hence she may complete majority of things she starts. This is because when you have faith in yourself, you have this belief right from the start while engaging in an act, that you’re capable of taking it to the end and this faith doesn’t shake anywhere during the act. As a result, you’re able to achieve success in most cases as you have the ability to stick to your job and you have the ability to complete what you start.
This happens because the first thing you need to complete a mission is faith in yourself, which means confidence. People who quit their missions before completion do so because they start losing faith in themselves, which means they stop believing that they are capable of taking this mission to its end. As a result, their confidence starts reducing and accordingly, the intensity and quantum of their actions start deceasing. This is because the intensity and quantum of your outgoing actions is directly proportional to your confidence or faith in you.
As long as you have faith in yourself, you have no reason to believe that you won’t be able to complete a task you’ve undertaken. On the contrary, you have the opposite type of feeling which keeps telling you that you’re doing well and no matter how difficult the task may be, you’re well capable of completing it. As your faith stays strong, the intensity and quantum of your outgoing actions increases and hence your task becomes even easier to achieve. This is because the accomplishment of any task is directly proportional to the intensity and quantum of your action which in itself if directly proportional to the level of faith you have in yourself or so to say, your level of confidence.
Have you noticed that in a race, when an athlete takes the lead and as he starts getting this hope that he now has fair chances of winning, he starts running at a faster pace. This is because the lead taken by him gives a boost to his confidence and as the level of his confidence rises, the intensity and quantum of his outward actions increases. As a result, he pushes himself even more to generate more effort and hence he starts running faster.
On the other hand, you may have seen that the person who is trailing in a way that he’s the last among all the athletes participating in this race, may start lagging behind even more. This is because once he starts trailing; he may start losing faith in himself and as the level of his confidence decreases, the intensity and quantum of his outgoing effort also decreases. Hence he may start running at an even slower pace. It should be noted that every athlete running in a race has his own physical abilities also and the concept of confidence only means using those abilities in different percentages.
For example, if an athlete is capable of running at the speed of 20 km per hour when he’s all focused, this is what may happen to him depending on his level of confidence at different times. In a race when he starts losing faith in him, his outgoing action may lack the required intensity and hence he may start running at 19 km per hour. This may happen due to looking at the other athlete run at 22 km per hour which may be higher than even his optimum potential or due to some other reasons. On the other hand, if his confidence is all intact, he runs at 20 km per hour and he takes a decisive lead in the race, he may even outperform himself.
This is because when he takes lead and as the finish line approaches, his faith in himself may start increasing and the rise in his confidence may improve the quality of his outgoing actions. Hence he may be observed running even at a pace of 21 km per hour or more. In the first case, the fall in confidence may reduce his speed and in the second case, the rise in confidence may increase his speed, thereby affecting the net result achieved by him in either of the cases.
Hence when you have faith in yourself, you continue to believe that you can do a particular task you’ve undertaken and this belief keeps providing you the required strength all the time. As a result, you keep doing what is required to complete this task and accordingly, you complete it without much difficulty. On the other hand, if you lose faith in between, your outgoing effort becomes weaker and you may find it difficult to complete this task. Hence you may quit it in between.
All this happens due to the power of your mind. In the first case, your mind is undivided and hence it focuses all the outgoing energy in a way that the task is completed at the earliest and so you succeed. In the second case, as you start losing faith, your mind gets divided. A part of it says you can finish this task and a part of it says you can’t. Kindly understand that only that part of your mind will support you, which says you can complete this task and the part of your mind which says you can’t do it will start opposing you.
As a result, two forces are acting upon your outgoing effort. The first force is that of the positive part of your mind and it keeps supporting your action. The second force is that of the negative part of your mind and it keeps opposing your action. Hence a part of your mind provides you with energy to complete this task and another part chooses to hold back energy as it is not interested any longer. Therefore, the net amount of energy which is your net ability is divided and not all of it is available now. You only get a part of it and not all of it, as a part of it has been held back by the negative part of your mind under the shadow of fears.
It should be noted that your overall energy or efficiency still remains the same and you lose only because you’re not able to avail all of it and hence you’re not able to deliver your best. Imagine a car having an optimum speed of 200 km per hour. This optimum speed means when everything is in order, this car can run at this speed. Now imagine you start driving this car and a tyre goes flat. Though you can still choose to continue and you can still run this car, you may not be able to reach a speed of 200 km per hour now.
This happens because the flat tyre will now start giving resistance to the overall operation by blocking a part of the energy generated by the engine. It should be noted that there’s nothing wrong with the engine and it still has the ability to make this car run at a speed of 200 km per hour, if everything is in order. As soon as the tyre is fixed, you may start getting the optimum speed once again. Similarly, malfunction of another part of this car may reduce speed though the overall potential of engine may still remain the same.
This is what happens to us too. The overall strength of our engine or soul or aura is one thing and how much of it we are allowed to use at a time, is another. When it comes to reduce our potential, our mind is the biggest factor, followed by our body and then by the circumstance of the other types. It means when your mind says no to something, which means it doesn’t have faith in doing such thing; a big part of your overall energy is blocked by it, just like a flat tyre blocks a part of the power generated by the engine of a car.
Similarly, if your body is not fully well, it may also provide resistance and hence you may not be able to deliver your best. It may also be the case that the outside circumstances may block some of your energy and hence you may not be able to deliver the same performance. For example, if you have the optimum potential of running at 20 km per hour, you may not be able to achieve this speed on a ground which has big deposits of sand on it. This sandy ground may offer much resistance to your outgoing effort and hence you may be able to reach a speed of 10 km per hour at the most, despite using your optimum potential.
Hence all of us have our optimum potentials which may be different in case of different people, depending on some factors like physical strength and mental strength. Hence the term having faith in you or having confidence means the ability to use your optimum potential and it doesn’t have to do anything with other peoples’ potential. Therefore, high confidence or low confidence in general improves or diminishes your performance only and it may not have a direct impact on other peoples’ performances, though it may sometimes have an indirect impact on their performances.
Coming back to having faith in you or having confidence, this ability helps you make the most of your available potential and hence it helps you achieve success. This is because the world is a relative place and everyone’s performance in every sphere is seen in relation to other peoples’ performances in the same spheres. Since majority of people don’t have undivided faith in them or they don’t have high level of confidence, they’re not able to use their optimum potentials. Hence they may not be able to deliver results which may compete with people who have high level of confidence which gives them access to their optimum potentials.
In practical, when this native engages in a piece of acting and she has faith in her ability, she may use the most of her available potential and hence she may deliver a good performance. Another actor in comparison may have similar level of potential but she may not have similar level of faith in her. Hence she may not be able to deliver a matching performance as a part of her creativity may be blocked by her mind, which is divided into positive and negative part. This is why people with high level of confidence are difficult to compete with. They may not have more potential than you, they are simply able to use the most of their potential most of the time, while you may be able to use only about 50% of your potential or even less, if you don’t have high level of confidence or so to say, you don’t have undivided faith in you.
As the positive energy of Mars may bless this native with good level of faith in her, she may accomplish great things through this ability. Though the outcomes may still depend on a number of other factors like her luck at any time, she may still have a very big factor taken care of, which is a very good thing to have. If you’re able to use the most of your potential most of the time, only luck can make you fail. However, if you’re unable to use the most of your potential, you now have another problem also; and hence your chances of success reduce further. Your success depends on a number of factors and the more is number of these factors working in your favor, more are your chances of achieving success.
The positive energy of Mars can also bless this native with good level of imagination as well as with creative abilities. As a result, she may be able to witness good results in professional spheres which require the application of these qualities. This energy can also get her attached to children due to which she may have special affinity for children. Apart from this, the positive energy of Mars may help her in many other spheres of her life, through the positive qualities rendered by it.
Coming to the negative part of this energy, it can trouble her with problems related to emotional peace and professional problems, though this energy may not have much direct negative impact on her physical health. Looking at the problems caused by this energy on emotional level, it can intensify her emotional patterns due to which she may feel emotional anxiety or restlessness at times. It is due to the negative energy of Mars that she may find it difficult to wait in order to fulfill some of her emotional needs, even though the waiting periods may not be long.
This is what can cause a state of emotional restlessness at times, especially when this negative energy gains strength through running times. These are the times when she may start getting desperate in order to fulfill her emotional needs and if they are not fulfilled through a person or relationship in question, she may start thinking about moving out of such relationship and look for a replacement. As obvious, this can have adverse impact on relationships. Though other energies in her horoscope may partly counteract this energy, it may still remain significantly effective.
The negative energy of Mars can increase her emotional sensitivity due to which she may be significantly affected even by the types of emotional instances which may not do much to affect an average person in a positive or negative way, depending on the nature of such instances. As a result, she may become emotionally sensitive in general and explosive at times. Once again, this may have adverse impact on her relationships and it may also disturb her peace of mind from time to time. This is because her emotional sensitivity may keep sending negativity to her emotional plane from time to time, through negative incidences of emotional nature.
As this negative energy keeps collecting on her emotional plane, she may feel disturbed and in order to relieve herself from this energy, she may engage in certain types of actions which may be different depending on the running time in question. For example, she may choose to let this energy out in an emotional outburst where the ones who caused this negative energy may have to face this outburst. As a second option, she may choose to move away from people who send such negative energy to her emotional plane through their acts of hurting her from time to time.
Taking a look at another option, she may choose to deal with this energy in another way which may prove troublesome, even for her physical health. At times when she may have significant negative energy on her emotional plane and the running times may not allow an outward expression of this energy, she may choose to relax her through some medications or some relaxing substances, as this energy may become too much to handle. This option may only be used when running times support negative energies and positive energies take a back seat in her personality.
As obvious, some of these substances may cause health problems which may disturb her in the short run or in the long run. The negative energy of Mars can also affect her relationship with her father and her relationships with the men in her life. The root cause of these problems may be emotional disturbances which may be caused as the other party in question may hurt her on emotional level. Apart from this, the negative part of this energy may also cause professional setbacks and failures which may become significant when the running times are supportive for negative energies. The types of professional setbacks caused by this energy may be witnessed due to being over optimistic about some projects or over doing them in the hope of even better results.
Moving on to the next planet, the placement of Ketu in the eleventh house of this horoscope is a mixed placement with about 30% of its energy being positive and about 70% of its energy being negative. Looking at the positive part of its energy first, it can bless her with positive qualities like humbleness, the ability to part from money without much effort, creative abilities, the ability to transform into a character with relative ease, the ability to grab deeper details and a number of other abilities. As a result, she may witness benefits in some spheres of her life by virtue of these abilities. It should be noted that though the positive energy of Ketu can help this native achieve better results in profession, charitable works and acquisition of knowledge, it may not help her much in her personal life. In fact, the negative part of this energy may cause a number of problems in her personal life, as we’ll discover later on.
Looking at the ability to transform into different characters given by this energy, it may help her play a variety of roles and deliver good performances. The positive part of Ketu’s energy may help her forget her or even lose her for the time being, which may help her connect to the other people or concepts during those times. It should be noted that in order to be an active part of something big or in order to be someone else even for the time being, you have to learn the art of losing yourself even though it may be temporary.
This is because even though you’re an actor, you still have a personality and your ego or self is strongly attached to that personality. Hence if you want to become someone else, even for the purpose of acting, you have to let go of what you are in your real life, on temporary basis. The natives who’re able to do so are generally able to perform well in a variety of roles as they can disable their egos for the time being or they have the ability to attach their egos to the roles they are enacting. As they’re able to move away from their real life personalities, they’re able to connect to the reel life personalities in a better way.
Hence you may find actors lying on different points of this spectrum of ego where one extreme is strong attachment to ego; and another extreme is not much attachment to ego, even if it is so on temporary basis. Accordingly, the natives who have the ability to detach themselves from their real life personality on temporary basis are the ones who may transform into different types of reel characters without much trouble and we call them versatile.
On the other hand, the actors who have relatively stronger attachment to their real life personalities may not be able to display much versatility in their acts, though they may be good or very good at what they do. It means these actors may only be comfortable with certain specific types of roles and they may not wish to experiment much beyond the domain of these roles. However, some of them may be good or very good at playing those types of roles and in fact, they may be considered as the best ones enacting such roles.
For example, an actor may perform exceptionally well in actions roles though he may not like to play comic roles. Similarly, an actor may perform very well in romantic roles but he may not be interested in action roles and even if he tries, he may not perform as good as he can in case of romantic roles. This is because the actors of this type have strong attachments to their real life personalities and this reflects in their acting performances also.
Himanshu Shangari