Gaj Kesari Yoga

Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition 2020).

Gaj Kesari Yoga

What is Gaj Kesari Yog

Gaj Kesari Yoga is among one of the most prominent yogas featured in Vedic Astrology. According to its definition prevalent in Vedic astrology, when Jupiter is in Kendra from Moon, which means when Jupiter is in house number 1, 4, 7 or 10 from Moon, Gaj Kesari Yog is formed in the horoscope. It can bless the native with fame, success, wealth, authority, creativity, spiritual growth and many other good results.

Prevalent Definition

We know that there are only 12 houses in a horoscope and Jupiter can be present in any one of these 12 houses. When we count from the house of placement of Moon, the presence of Jupiter in 4 out of 12 houses leads to the formation of Gaj Kesari Yog in every third horoscope. For example, if Moon is placed in the first house of a horoscope, placement of Jupiter in the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house of this horoscope will form Gaj Kesari Yoga in the horoscope, according to its prevalent definition. Hence the presence of Jupiter in 4 out of 12 houses of a horoscope leads to the formation of this Yoga.

It means that randomly, every third person is having Gaj Kesari Yoga in his horoscope. Accordingly, every third person on this earth should witness the good results indicated by this yoga. Analyzing this definition further, Moon transits a sign for two and a half days approximately. Jupiter stays in a sign for about one year on average. The formation of this Yoga is decided by the placement of Jupiter from Moon. It means Gaj Kesari Yog once formed stays active for about two and a half days since none of the two planets may change its position during this period of time.

It means that all the people born across the world during such two and a half days will have Gaj Kesari Yoga in their horoscopes. The fact that this Yoga is found in almost every third horoscope and the fact that it remains active for about two and a half days; are hard to justify practically. This is because the good results associated with Gaj Kesari Yoga are rare and they are not found in case of every third native. It should also be noted that most good and bad Yogas in Vedic astrology don’t remain active continuously even for a few hours, let alone a period of two and a half days. Hence there must be something more to the formation of Gaj Kesari Yog than what has been mentioned in the prevalent definition of this yoga.

Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga

The primary condition for the formation of any benefic yoga in a horoscope is that all the planets involved in the formation of such yoga should be benefic in that horoscope. Therefore, in order for Gaj Kesari Yoga to be formed in a horoscope, both Jupiter and Moon should be benefic in that horoscope. Moon and Jupiter can broadly make four combinations when present in the same house of a horoscope. Out of these four combinations, the combination of benefic Jupiter with benefic Moon may result in the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga.

On the other hand, the remaining three combinations; the combination of benefic Jupiter with malefic Moon, malefic Jupiter with benefic Moon and malefic Jupiter with malefic Moon may not lead to the formation of Gaj Kesari Yog in the horoscope. This is because in all these combinations, either one or both the planets are malefic. Hence these combinations may not result in the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga. Instead, they may form malefic yogas, where the malefic planet may hit the general as well as the specific significances of the benefic planet.

For example, the significances of Jupiter may suffer when this combination is present in a horoscope and Jupiter is benefic whereas Moon is malefic. As a result, the native may face problems in many spheres of his life, related to the general as well as specific significances of Jupiter. Such native may face problems related to overall fortune, luck, children, wisdom and spiritual growth; as these are the general significances of Jupiter. If Jupiter represents the seventh house in such horoscope, the native may face problems related to his marriage, as the marriage of this native becomes a specific significance of Jupiter in this case.

Similarly, the general as well as specific significances of Moon may suffer when malefic Jupiter is present in the same house with benefic Moon. As a result, the native may face problems related to peace of mind, emotional disturbances, problems related to mother and other types of problems which relate to the general significances of Moon. Looking at specific types of problems, if Moon represents the tenth house in a horoscope, the native may face various types of problems related to his profession, as the affairs of the tenth house are specific significances of Moon in this horoscope.

The worst type of combination is found in cases where both Jupiter and Moon are malefic. The significances of both Jupiter and Moon may suffer in one such case. This can cause serious problems for the native and no Gaj Kesari Yoga may be formed in the horoscope. In this case, malefic Jupiter may hit the significances of malefic Moon and malefic Moon may hit the significances of malefic Jupiter. Hence this combination may prove very bad for the native and he may have to suffer a lot in many spheres of his life, depending on his overall horoscope.

In all these combinations, whether Jupiter or Moon may dominate the other depends on the strength of these planets as well as on the overall theme of the horoscopes in question. For example, if malefic Jupiter is placed with malefic Moon in Pisces or Sagittarius, the significances of Moon may be hit more than the significances of Jupiter. This is because Jupiter is stronger in Pisces and Sagittarius. Hence it may dominate the results of this combination, whether such results are benefic or malefic. If Jupiter placed in Pisces or Sagittarius is benefic and Moon placed along with Jupiter in one of these signs is malefic, the resultant may not be destructive, though it may still be troublesome. This is due to the reason that benefic Jupiter is stronger than malefic Moon in this case. Hence it may be able to reduce the damage caused by malefic Moon.

On the other hand, if a combination of malefic Jupiter and malefic exalted Moon is placed in Taurus, the significances of Jupiter may be affected much more than the significances of Moon. This is because Moon is stronger in Taurus, compared to Jupiter. Hence Moon may dominate this combination. It means Moon may be able to reduce the damage caused by Jupiter and it may also be able to cause more damage to Jupiter. Similarly, if malefic Jupiter is placed with benefic Moon in Taurus, the resultant though malefic; may not cause problems of high degree. This is due to the reason that benefic Moon is stronger than malefic Jupiter and hence it may reduce the damage caused by Jupiter.

Benefic Jupiter and Moon Form Gaj Kesari Yog

Coming back to the definition, both Jupiter and Moon should be benefic in a horoscope, in order to form Gaj Kesari Yoga in such horoscope. Once we are sure about the formation of Gaj Kesari Yog in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. The strength of this Yoga is checked through the placement of Jupiter and Moon in different houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Jupiter and Moon in a horoscope. Gaj Kesari Yoga formed due to the placement of benefic Jupiter and Moon in the same house of a horoscope is stronger than other variations of this yoga. Hence we will discuss only those examples of this yog where Jupiter and Moon are placed in the same house of a horoscope; in order to understand the true potential of this yoga.

Looking at the signs, benefic results of Gaj Kesari Yoga may decrease considerably if this Yoga is present in Capricorn or Scorpio; as Jupiter and Moon respectively are debilitated in these signs. As a result, weak Jupiter or weak Moon may not contribute much towards this Yoga; even when both these planets are benefic in a horoscope. On the other hand, if this Yoga is formed in Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces; the results may be very good. Such Gaj Kesari Yoga may bless the native with various types of good results, depending on the overall theme of his horoscope.

Moving on to the next factor, influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Jupiter and Moon in a horoscope should also be checked properly, before predicting results of Gaj Kesari Yoga. This is a major factor and it can change the results; significantly or completely. For example, if malefic exalted Mars is placed in Capricorn along with benefic debilitated Jupiter and benefic Moon; the results may not be good. Though in theory, Gaj Kesari Yoga may form in this case; the practical results of this combination may be bad or very bad for the native. As we can see, Jupiter is debilitated in this case. Hence weak Gaj Kesari Yoga may be formed. Malefic Mars is very strong due to exaltation. As a result, it may seriously afflict both Jupiter and Moon; especially Jupiter, as it is very weak. Hence the resultant nature of this combination may become malefic though Moon and Jupiter are benefic. It means malefic exalted Mars alone is capable of destroying good results indicated by Gaj Kesari Yoga in this case. As a result, the native may not experience much good happening to him; despite the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in his horoscope. On other hand, he may face various types of problems from time to time; depending on his overall horoscope.

Field of Impact

The next factor to check is the field of impact of Gaj Kesari Yoga. To calculate field of impact, the house of placement of this yoga as well as the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on this yoga should be checked. Just like signs, formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in various houses of a horoscope may bless the native with different types of benefic results. For example, the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in the first house of a horoscope in Cancer may bless the native with a post of authority in the government. The placement of Gaj Kesari Yoga in the eleventh house in Cancer may bless the native with very good profits through business. The formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in the fifth house of a horoscope in Cancer may bless the native with very good results through a creative field. The presence of Gaj Kesari Yoga in the twelfth house in Cancer may bless the native with very good success as a spiritual guru or astrologer.

Time of Activation

The next factor to check is the time of activation of Gaj Kesari Yoga. Even when actually formed in a horoscope, any good or bad Yoga may not be activated from the time of birth of the native and the activation may vary from person to person. It means that this yoga present in different horoscopes may have different times of activation. Accordingly, different natives may start benefitting from it during different ages. This is why you may see some people benefitting from Gaj Kesari Yog at early ages, some during middle ages and some of them during their ages above 50 or even 60.

Above all, the overall theme of the horoscope having Gaj Kesari yoga should be analyzed carefully as this is what matters the most. The overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and it can change everything. For example, the presence of Gaj Kesari Yoga in the first house of a horoscope can bless the native with top class authority in the government, if the overall theme of his horoscope is authoritative. On the other hand, the placement of Gaj Kesari Yoga in the first house of a horoscope can bless the native with success as an artist like a musician, writer or actor; if the overall theme of the horoscope is creative. If the overall theme of a horoscope is spiritual, Gaj Kesari Yoga formed in the first house of such horoscope may bless the native with spiritual growth. Such native may practice as a spiritual guru. If Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed in the first house of a horoscope and the overall theme of the horoscope suggests engagement in business; the native may achieve success through business.

Similarly, Gaj Kesari Yoga placed in the first house of a horoscope can bless the native with good results through many other spheres; depending on the overall theme of his horoscope. Therefore, if you want to calculate the types of benefits that Gaj Kesari Yoga may pass on to a native, when formed in his horoscope, all these factors should be checked properly. Avoiding some of these factors may result in partly correct calculations or predictions. This is because you know Gaj Kesari Yoga is present in the horoscope but you don’t know what it is going to do to the native.

After this, the impact of running times should also be checked. The term ‘running times’ in this context means planetary periods, commonly known as Mahadashas. Running times are most important when it comes to check; when may the native receive maximum benefit from Gaj Kesari Yoga. Any type of good or bad yoga becomes duly effective, if one of the planets involved in its formation rules the running time. Therefore, the native may witness the strongest benefits offered by Gaj Kesari Yoga if he is hit by the planetary periods of Jupiter or Moon during relevant years of his age. This simple looking fact may significantly change the quantum of success achieved by a native under strong influence of Gaj Kesari Yoga.

In case a good or bad yoga is formed by more than one planet in a horoscope, an additional measure needs to be taken. The good or bad results of the highest order are likely to be seen during the running period of the planet which is the strongest among the planets involved in the formation of such yoga. For example, if Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed in Sagittarius, Jupiter is stronger than Moon. Hence Jupiter dominates the results indicated by such Gaj Kesari Yoga. In this case, the native may witness the best results offered by Gaj Kesari Yoga, during the planetary period of Jupiter.

You see, the definition of Gaj Kesari Yoga looks very simple. However, the actual process of calculating the results indicated by Gaj Kesari Yoga in a horoscope is complex. Therefore, each and every aspect in a horoscope should be checked properly; before concluding the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in a horoscope or before predicting the type and quantum of results indicated by it.

Billions of combinations are possible in a horoscope. That is why the overall theme of a horoscope is what matters the most. There are no doubts that if Gaj Kesari yoga of good strength is formed in a horoscope, the native must benefit from it and he must achieve good results. However, the exact type of good results achieved by such native as well as the timing and the quantum of such good results are indicted by the overall theme of his horoscope.

Generally speaking, you can simply tell that something good is going to happen to the native having Gaj Kesari yoga in his horoscope. Specifically speaking, you can’t tell what type of good, how much good and when can such good happen to this native, without looking into the details. Therefore, the overall theme of the horoscope becomes very important if you’re interested in the detailed applications of Gaj Kesari yog or any other good yoga present in a horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari