Article RSat031

Saturn gets exalted when it is placed in the sign of Libra, which means that Saturn gains great strength when placed in the sign of Libra. Hence retrograde Saturn in the third house of a horoscope can give strong positive or negative results when placed in its sign of exaltation, depending on its working nature and the overall tone of the horoscope under consideration. When benefic in nature, retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house of a horoscope can bless the native under its impact with good results related to marriage, profession, fame, authority and many other types of good results depending on the overall tone of his horoscope. Some natives may receive the blessings of such benefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the field of their marriage due to which they may come across many types of good results by virtue of their marriages. Benefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house can get some natives married to people who may be rich and who may have well established businesses; and these natives may come across many types of good results through such marriages.

For example, if benefic retrograde exalted Saturn is placed in the third house of a horoscope in the sign of Libra along with benefic Mercury, benefic Rahu is placed in the eleventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Gemini, benefic Ketu is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius and benefic debilitated Venus is placed in the second house of this horoscope in the sign of Virgo along with benefic Mars, the native may witness such marriage. The native under the combined effect of benefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house and other benefic planets may get married to a woman who may be a rich businesswoman or who may belong to a well established business family, and he may come across many benefits through this marriage. The collective influence of such benefic retrograde exalted Saturn and other benefic planets can bless this native with financial support from the family of his wife or the native may get blessed with an important role in the already established business of his wife’s family. As more benefic influences add to various houses in this horoscope, the native under the combined effect of such benefic retrograde exalted Saturn and other benefic planets may experience even better results through his marriage.

Benefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house can bless bend some natives toward the field of marketing or human resources and these natives may achieve success through professions related to these fields. For example, if benefic retrograde exalted Saturn is placed in the third house of a horoscope in the sign of Libra, benefic Rahu is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Capricorn, benefic Ketu is placed in the twelfth house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer and benefic Venus is placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Aquarius, the native may engage in the field of human resources. The native under the combined effect of benefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house and other benefic planets may pursue the course of his higher studies in human resources and he may engage in this field on professional basis after completing his studies. The collective influence of such benefic retrograde exalted Saturn and other benefic planets can bless this native with a well paying job of an HR professional in a well established company and he may earn money and success through this field of profession. Benefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house can render posts of authority in the house of government to some natives under its impact and hence such natives may become administrative officers, judges, transport officers, army officers, postal officers, telecom officers and many other types of professionals.

Apart from this, benefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house can bless the natives with success through many other fields of profession, depending on their overall horoscopes. On the other hand, malefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house of a horoscope in the sign of Libra can trouble the native under its impact with problems related to profession, marriage, children, health and many other types of problems depending on the overall tone of his horoscope. Some natives may get hit by this malefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the field of their marriage due to which they may have to face many types of problems before and after their marriages. Malefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house may cause problems in the marriages of some natives and these problems may intensify if this malefic retrograde planet is supported by other malefic planets in one such horoscope. In extreme cases when supported by other malefic planets, malefic retrograde exalted Saturn in the third house of a horoscope can break more than one marriage of the native on account of serious problems in such marriages.