When working positively, exalted Rahu placed in the fifth house of a horoscope can bless the native with good results related to marriage, profession, finances, children, fame, authority and many other types of good results. Accordingly the natives under the effect of this benefic influence may witness some of these good results depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes. Such benefic exalted Rahu can bless the native with success through many fields of profession due to which the natives under its influence may engage in many fields of professions and they may achieve success through them, as allowed by their overall horoscopes. Some of these natives may engage in creative or special types of professional fields as this benefic influence can bless some natives with some creative or special abilities.
For example, if benefic exalted Rahu is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Taurus, Ketu is in the eleventh house in the sign of Scorpio, benefic Moon is in the tenth house in the sign of Libra and a benefic combination of Saturn and exalted Mercury is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in the sign of Virgo, the native may become an actor. The native under the combined effect of all these benefic planets may get blessed with very good acting abilities and he may engage in the field of acting to make the most of his acting abilities. Such native may become a main stream movie actor and he may earn good amount of money, success and fame through this field of profession. At the same time, if benefic debilitated Venus is also placed in the ninth house of this horoscope along with benefic exalted Mercury and Saturn when benefic exalted Rahu and all other benefic planets are placed in the already mentioned houses of this horoscope, the results may improve a lot.
This is due to the fact that benefic debilitated Venus may form Neechbhang Rajyoga along with benefic exalted Mercury in the ninth house of this horoscope and this yoga may bless the native with very good results through the field of acting. According to its definition, if a benefic debilitated planet is joined by a benefic planet which is either the lord of its sign of debilitation or which gets exalted in its sign of debilitation, the debilitation status of this planet may get cancelled and Neechbhang Rajyoga may be formed in the horoscope, which may bless the native with very good results in some spheres of his life. In the present case, benefic debilitated Venus is placed with benefic exalted Mercury which is the lord of its sign of debilitation and which also gets exalted in the sign of Virgo. Hence the debilitation status of Venus may get cancelled and together these two benefic planets may form Neechbhang Rajyoga in the ninth house of this horoscope which may bless the native with very good results through the field of acting.
Therefore the native under the combined effect of such benefic exalted Rahu, Neechbhang Rajyoga and all other benefic planets may achieve very good amount of success and recognition through the field of acting. Such native may become a main lead movie star and he may become famous on national level. At the same time, if benefic Jupiter is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in the sign of Libra along with benefic Moon; and benefic Sun is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo, the equation may become even more favorable. The native blessed by such benefic exalted Rahu and all other benefic planets may earn very good amount of money, success, fame and recognition through the field of acting. Such native may become one of the most famous, well established and recognized movie stars of a country and his fame may spread to some foreign countries also.
The combined effect of all these benefic planets can also bless the native with some formal awards for his performances in some of his movies. As more benefic planets add to this equation, the native may achieve even better results through the field of acting. For example, the presence of benefic Mars in the fifth house of this horoscope in the sign of Taurus along with benefic exalted Rahu can make the native achieve even better results through this field of profession. The native in this case may become an iconic celebrity and he may achieve fame and recognition on international level, apart from earning great amount of money through this field of profession.
Benefic exalted Rahu in the fifth house of a horoscope can also bless the native with a post of power and authority in government due to which some natives under its influence may achieve this result through jobs or politics, depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes. For example, if benefic exalted Rahu is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Taurus, Ketu is in the eleventh house in the sign of Scorpio, and a benefic combination of Sun and Mercury is placed in the Seventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer, the native may become a politician. The native under the combined effect of all these benefic planets may engage in active politics and he may achieve success through it. At the same time, if benefic Saturn is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Gemini and benefic Mars is placed in the third house of this horoscope in the sign of Pisces, the equation may become much more positive. The native blessed by such benefic exalted Rahu and all other benefic planets may achieve very good amount of success and recognition through the field of politics.
Such native may contest in some public election on behalf of a well established political party and he may represent a region of his state in the assembly of that state after winning such election. The presence of benefic Moon in the tenth house of this horoscope in the sign of Libra and the presence of benefic Venus in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo can supply even more positive energy to this equation. Accordingly the native under the effect of such benefic exalted Rahu and all other benefic planets may become a leader of national status, he may win public elections and he may become minister in government, more than once in his life. As more benefic influences add to this horoscope, the native may achieve even better results through the field of politics. For instance, the presence of benefic Jupiter in the fifth house of this horoscope in the sign of Taurus along with benefic exalted Rahu may bless the native with some very important ministries in some governments, from time to time. Such native may also get blessed with the ministry of foreign affairs and he may earn very good amount of fame and recognition for his foreign policies as well as for developing better relations with many foreign countries.
Apart from this, benefic exalted Rahu in the fifth house of a horoscope can bless the native with success in many other fields of profession due to which the natives blessed by it may become professional musicians, writers, designers, singers, dancers, architects, engineers, doctors, teachers, scientists, information and technology professionals, software engineers, website developers, web hosting professionals, marketing professionals, advertising professionals, software developers and many other types of professionals dealing in many other fields of professions. On the other hand, malefic exalted Rahu placed in the fifth house of a horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to marriage, profession, finances, reputation, children, health and many other types of problems. Accordingly the natives under the effect of this malefic influence may have to suffer from some of these problems depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes.
Such problems may intensify if malefic exalted Rahu placed in the fifth house of a horoscope forms Kaal Sarp Yog in that horoscope along with malefic exalted Ketu in the eleventh house of that horoscope. The defect so formed is called Padam Kaal Sarp Yog and it may trouble the native with problems related to profession, children, reputation, finances, marriage and many other types of problems. Some natives under the effect of this malefic defect may not be able to marry on time and they may have to wait till late or very late in their lives in order to get married, due to one reason or the other. Some other natives suffering from such Kaal Sarp Yog may have to face many types of problems in their marriages depending on their overall horoscopes.
This defect is especially good at creating distance between the native and his wife, which means that the native suffering from this defect may not get properly attached to his wife on any level and the two of them may remain distant from each other, even a year or more after their marriage. In extreme cases when supported by some other malefic influences like Manglik Dosh, this type of Kaal Sarp Yog can break more than one marriage of the native under its influence after making the native suffer a lot through such marriages. Malefic exalted Rahu in the fifth house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with problems related to children and such problems may intensify if this malefic placement happens to be in the horoscope of a female.
The female native suffering from this malefic influence may not be able to conceive a child through natural process and she may have to undergo prolonged medical treatment in order to conceive and deliver a child. If there are some other malefic influences in the horoscope of a female, which support such malefic exalted Rahu, the female native may not be able to conceive naturally, even after prolonged medical treatment. Such female may have to undergo the process of IVF during which the eggs are manually fertilized in the lab and only then she may be able to conceive a child. In extreme cases, when joined by some other malefic planets, malefic exalted Rahu in the fifth house can deny the possibility of a child to a female. Such female native may not be able to deliver a child even after conceiving a child through IVF, as her uterus may not be strong enough to hold and nurture such conception. Such female native may also have to face some miscarriages and abortions and she may also have to suffer from health problems and diseases related to her reproductive system.
Malefic exalted Rahu in the fifth house can also cause problems in the professional sphere of the native under its influence due to which some natives under its effect may not be able to professionally establish till late in their lives. Some other such natives may have to engage in low paying jobs as they may not find jobs which pay them according to their academic qualifications or according to some other abilities they may have. Malefic exalted Rahu in the fifth house can also keep some natives jobless for long periods of time and in extreme cases, it can keep a native jobless for many years of his life. Apart from this, such malefic influence can also bring bad reputation to the native and it can also trouble the native with health problems and diseases.