When benefic in nature, exalted Mercury placed in the tenth house of a horoscope can bless the native with good results related to marriage, profession, fame, reputation, health and many other types of good results. Accordingly the natives under the effect of this benefic influence may come across some of these good results depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes. The placement of benefic exalted Mercury in the tenth house of a horoscope can especially prove good for the marriage of the native. This is due to the fact that when exalted Mercury is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in the sign of Virgo, the sign Gemini falls in the seventh house of that horoscope. Since Mercury is the planetary lord of Gemini and the seventh house deals with marriage aspect of the native, the presence of benefic exalted Mercury in its sign of exaltation can prove very good for the significances of the seventh house, which means the native may have a good marriage.
Therefore the natives under the effect of such benefic influence may come across many types of good results related to their marriages depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes. Some of these natives may get married to rich people, some of them may get married to people in some type of authority and some of them may get married to people from foreign countries and they may settle abroad on the basis of their marriages. For example, if benefic exalted Mercury is present in the tenth house of a horoscope in the sign of Virgo along with benefic Sun, the native under the effect of this benefic combination may get married to a rich, well established or to an authoritative person. At the same time, if benefic Mars is placed in the first house of this horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius, the equation may improve a lot.
The presence of such benefic exalted Mercury and other benefic planets in the horoscope of a female native may get her married to an officer in some department of government who may hold a post of high authority. The social status of such female native may improve a lot after her marriage and she may also enjoy many benefits through her marriage, as well as through her husband. If the same benefic combination of these planets is present in the horoscope of a male native, he may himself hold a post of power and authority in some department of government and he may get married to a woman who may also hold a post of authority in government or who may belong to a well established family of government officers. It means that many family members of his wife may be officers of high authority in various departments of government. In both the cases, as more benefic influences add to this horoscope, the female or male native under the effect of such benefic influences may achieve even better results through their marriages.
Some other natives under the effect of such benefic exalted Mercury may get married to someone from a foreign country and they may settle in a foreign country on the basis of such marriages. For example, if a combination of benefic exalted Mercury and Sun is present in the tenth house of a horoscope in the sign of Virgo and a benefic combination of Jupiter and Mars is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo, the native may settle abroad. Such native may go abroad on the basis of his profession and during his stay abroad; he may fall in love with a girl from the same foreign country. The two of them may pursue their love affair for some time and they may then get married. The native may achieve the citizen status of such foreign country by virtue of his marriage and he may settle in the same foreign country on permanent basis. As more benefic influences add to this horoscope, the native under the effect of benefic exalted Mercury in the tenth house and all other benefic influences may achieve even better results related to his marriage as well as those related to his settlement in a foreign country.
Apart from marriage, benefic exalted Mercury placed in the tenth house of a horoscope can bless the native with success in many fields of profession, depending on the overall tone of his horoscope. For example, if benefic exalted Mercury is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in the sign of Virgo, benefic Sun is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo, benefic Mars is placed in the first house in the sign of Sagittarius and benefic Ketu is placed in the second house of this horoscope in the sign of Capricorn, the native may become a taxation officer. Such native may get selected for a post of authority in a department of government which may deal with the collection of revenues or taxes of some type.
The presence of benefic Jupiter in the fifth house of this horoscope in the sign of Aries can add more positive energy to this equation and the results may improve. The native under the combined effect of all these benefic planets may get selected for the highest possible direct rank in a revenue or taxation department, through some competitive exams. The combined effect of all these benefic planets can also bless the native with very good amount of success and recognition through this field of profession and the good results received by him may increase, as more benefic influences add to this horoscope. For example, the presence of benefic Saturn in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Taurus can bless the native with even more success through this field of profession.
Some other natives under the effect of such benefic exalted Mercury may achieve a post of power and authority in government through the field of politics. For example, if a benefic combination of exalted Mercury and Sun is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in the sign of Virgo and a benefic combination of Jupiter and Venus is placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Gemini, the native may become a politician. The native under the combined effect of these benefic planets may engage in the field of politics on professional basis and he may achieve good amount of success through it. At the same time, if benefic Saturn is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer when benefic exalted Mercury and all other benefic planets are placed in the already mentioned houses, the equation may become much more favorable. Accordingly the native may now be able to achieve a post of power and authority in government, through the field of politics.
Such native may win public elections more than once in his life and he may also get blessed with the post of a minister in government due to the blessings of all these benefic planets. The presence of benefic Rahu in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Taurus and that of benefic Ketu in the twelfth house of this horoscope in the sign of Scorpio can improve this equation further. Accordingly the native may earn very good amount of success, money and fame through the field of politics and he may also get blessed with important ministries in government, more than once in his life. As more benefic influences add to this horoscope, the native blessed by such benefic exalted Mercury and all other benefic planets may achieve even better results through the field of politics. For example, the presence of benefic Mars in the tenth house of this horoscope in the sign of Virgo along with benefic exalted Mercury and Sun may bless the native with even more success through this field of profession.
On the other hand, malefic exalted Mercury placed in the tenth house of a horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to marriage, profession, finances, reputation, health and many other types of problems. Accordingly the natives under the effect of this malefic influence may have to face some of these problems depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes. Such malefic exalted Mercury can especially prove bad for the professional sphere of the native and it can trouble the native with many types of problems related to his field of profession. Some natives under the effect of this malefic influence may not be able to professionally establish till late in their lives and they may have to remain jobless till the age of 28 or even more, despite having good education or some other abilities.
Malefic exalted Mercury in the tenth house can also bring disgrace or bad reputation to the native under its influence through his field of profession in some cases. Such native may have to face some type of departmental enquiry or some type of litigation by virtue of a complaint filed against him and he may have to face disgrace through such enquiry or litigation. In extreme cases when such malefic exalted Mercury is supported by some other malefic influences in a horoscope, the native may not only have to lose his job by virtue of such litigation being decided against him, but he may also have to face some type of punishment by virtue of such litigation. Apart from this, malefic exalted Mercury in the tenth house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with problems in his marriage as well as with problems related to his overall financial equation.