Article EP032

The placement of exalted Jupiter whether it is benefic or malefic in a horoscope carries great importance as exalted Jupiter placed in the eighth house of a horoscope may become the most important as well as the most deciding planet in that horoscope. This is due to the fact that when such exalted Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of Cancer, the sign Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter falls in the first house or ascendant of that horoscope. Hence Jupiter becomes the lord of ascendant in such horoscope and the presence of such exalted lord of ascendant in one of the most difficult to understand houses of a horoscope which is the eighth house, can produce extreme types of results, both positively or negatively. It should be noted that the presence of benefic exalted Jupiter in the eighth house of a horoscope carries the potential of converting even some of the negative planets placed in various houses of that horoscope into positive planets. On the other hand, the presence of malefic exalted Jupiter in the eighth house of a horoscope has the potential of changing some of the positive planets placed in various houses of that horoscope into negative planets.

This may come as a surprise to some native as to how can one planet in a horoscope affect or even entirely change the working of other planets in that horoscope, but this is true and this is where the deepest secrets of the science of astrology lie. This happens in one way or the other in every horoscope and this is what I mean when I use the term the overall tone of a horoscope many times. This term overall tone of the horoscope means that even the negative planets may start working positively in a horoscope if there are such benefic planets in the horoscope, which can get constructive work done through these destructive planets. In other words, such influential positive planets can use the negative energy of these negative planets for positive purposes, just like a solider uses a bullet to protect his country and kill the enemies of his country. In the same way, a surgeon uses a knife to cut the body of a patient, only to heal him and not to kill him, whereas the same knife can be used by a criminal to kill a person.

Hence some influential benefic planets in a horoscope can get positive work done even through some negative planets in that horoscope and these positive planets make the overall tone of that horoscope positive. On the other hand, there may be some negative but very influential planets in a horoscope, which may get destructive or negative work done, even by the positive planets in that horoscope. In other words, such influential negative planets can turn some positive planets in a horoscope, into negative planets and these negative planets can make the overall tone of a horoscope negative, though there may be three or four benefic planets in that horoscope. Therefore the overall tone of a horoscope is the most important aspect of a horoscope and accordingly the planet or planets which set the tone of a horoscope become the most important planets in that horoscope. This topic is a very deep, detailed and subjective topic; and more details on this topic will be skipped at this time, since they are not the primary subject for this discussion.

Coming back to the topic, the presence of exalted Jupiter whether benefic or malefic, in the eighth house of a horoscope can prove to be a decisive placement of this planet in this horoscope and accordingly, much depends on it working nature. When benefic in nature, such exalted Jupiter can turn the entire horoscope into a positive horoscope and accordingly it can produce some very beautiful results related to the field of materialism, and it can produce some of the most wonderful results related to the field of spiritualism, paranormal and supernatural. Therefore, benefic exalted Jupiter placed in the eighth house of a horoscope can bless the native with good results related to his profession, marriage, finances, spiritual growth, overall wisdom, special abilities, health, lifespan and many other types of good results. Accordingly the natives under the effect of this benefic influence may come across some of these good results depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes.

Some natives under the effect of such benefic exalted Jupiter can become interested in fields like spiritualism, astrology or in some other such fields which are related to healing of some type or which are related to some type of bigger growth on the soul level. If the overall horoscope of such a native is supportive, he may engage in one such field on professional basis. For example, if benefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of Cancer, benefic Venus is placed in the twelfth house of this horoscope in the sign of Scorpio, benefic Ketu is placed in the fourth house of this horoscope in the sign of Pisces and Rahu is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in the sign of Virgo, the native may become an astrologer. The native under the combined effect of all these benefic planets may spend many years of his life in the study and research of this field and he may then start practicing as a professional astrologer.

At the same time, if benefic Mars is placed in the third house of this horoscope in the sign of Aquarius and benefic exalted Moon is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Taurus, the equation may become much more positive. Accordingly the native under the combined effect of all these benefic planets may earn much more money and success as an astrologer and he may witness more and more growth in this field with the passage of time. The presence of benefic Saturn in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer along with benefic exalted Jupiter can provide an extra edge to this whole equation and the native may experience much better results. Such native may possess very good knowledge in the field of astrology, he may keep growing wiser and wiser as an astrologer with the passage of time and he may also write books on this topic. As more benefic influences add to this horoscope, the native may profit even more through this field of profession, like the presence of a benefic combination of Sun and Mercury in the seventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Gemini can bring even more benefits to the native.

Looking at this example from a different angle, if benefic exalted Jupiter is present in the eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of Cancer and a benefic combination of Sun and Mercury is present in the twelfth house of this horoscope in the sign of Scorpio, the native under the combined effect of these benefic planets may engage in the field of spiritualism. At the same time, if benefic Moon is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope along with benefic Rahu in the sign of Leo, the results may improve. The native under the combined effect of these benefic planets may become a spiritual guru after conducting researches in this field. Such native may become the head of a new spiritual mission started by him and his mission may achieve good amount of success.

The presence of benefic Saturn in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer along with benefic exalted Jupiter can make this equation better. The native may now become a very wise spiritual guru who may have a large number of followers, who may possess very good knowledge on this topic and who may possess very good command over this field. As more benefic influences add to this horoscope, the native under the combined effect of such benefic exalted Jupiter and all other benefic planets mentioned in this example may achieve even better results through this field of profession. For instance, the presence of benefic Mars in the first house of this horoscope can enhance this equation and the native may achieve success and fame on international level. Similarly, the presence of benefic exalted Venus in the fourth house of this horoscope in the sign of Pisces can bless the native with even more success through this field of profession.

On the other hand, malefic exalted Jupiter placed in the eighth house of a horoscope can easily prove one of the most difficult placements of this planet, when strong and malefic in a horoscope. Accordingly the natives under the malefic effect of such exalted Jupiter in the eighth house may have to face problems related to their profession, marriage, finances, overall health, lifespan and many other types of problems depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes. Such malefic influence may especially prove very bad for the overall health of the native and it may trouble the native many types of health problems and diseases. In extreme cases, when such malefic exalted Jupiter is supported by some other malefic influences in a horoscope, the native under the combined effect of such malefic planets may die young, by virtue of a fatal disease inflicted on him by such malefic planets. Some natives under the effect of such malefic exalted Jupiter may suffer from mental issues and some of them may even go literally insane if there are more negative planets in their horoscopes which promote such insanity. Such natives may have to spend many years of their lives in a mental asylum, unless there are some sanity providing planets in their horoscopes.