Article 137

Graha Maitri (planetary friendship) koot carries 5 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Different number of points are assigned for Graha Maitri matching, based on how the lords of the Moon signs of male and female match with each other; according to the rules of Gun Milaan.

Let’s try to understand this concept with the help of some examples. Suppose Moon is placed in the third house of male native’s horoscope in Leo and it is placed in the ninth house of female native’s horoscope in Aquarius. The lords of Moon signs are Sun and Saturn in case of male and female; respectively. Hence Gun Milaan assigns 0 points and Graha Maitri Dosh is formed. Let’s try to understand how this defect works in reality.

Sun and Saturn exhibit characteristics which are opposite in nature. Hence these two planets are enemies towards each other. For example, Sun believes in autonomy and Saturn believes in democracy. Sun wants to be a king and Saturn wants to be representative of people. Sun may form two sets of rules; one for the common man and one for the elite. However, Saturn forms only one set of rules; which applies to the common man as well as to the elite.

Sun is all about creating new rules, ideas, concepts and other likewise things. On the other hand, Saturn doesn’t believe in creating something new but it believes in consolidating and maintaining what already exists. Hence the laws may be formed by Sun though other planets may also be involved; and the implementation of such laws is ensured by Saturn. Sun is a hot and fiery planet whereas Saturn is a cold and dry planet. Sun believes in intelligence whereas Saturn believes in hard work and patience.

Sun is quick to engage in tasks and complete them whereas Saturn wishes to take considerable amount of time. Sun lacks patience and hence it may leave certain tasks unfinished if it is not able to accomplish them within a time frame it finds fit. On the other hand, Saturn may not leave a task unfinished and it may keep trying until such task is accomplished; even if it takes a lifetime. Sun is more about enjoying life and having fun; among other things. On the other hand, Saturn is all about duty and discipline, with little margin for fun and enjoyment.

Sun is comfortable breaking rules when they don’t make sense whereas Saturn may always follow rules, even if they become completely irrelevant. Taking an example, if Sun is to pass through a red light late in the night when no one is there on the road but the red light is still on; Sun may not stop at such red light. Sun understands that this rule has been made to avoid accidents and to maintain better flow of traffic. Since there is no one at all but Sun on the road; the rule of stopping on red light doesn’t make any sense now. Hence Sun may not stop. However, Saturn in the same situation may wait till the light turns green; despite the fact that there is no one else on the road. For Saturn; rules are rules and there are no exceptions.

Likewise, there are a number of other characteristics where Sun and Saturn stand in opposition to each other. For this reason, these two planets don’t like each other at all. Therefore, if the Moon signs of male and female are ruled by Sun and Saturn respectively; such match may create mental incompatibility. Whatever the male wants in a particular situation, the female may want the opposite. Likewise, whatever the female wants in a particular situation, the male may want the opposite. Hence the marriage may face serious problems and it may fail in extreme cases.

However, if there is a common platform between the energies of these two opposing planets; solution may be reached. Getting back to the horoscopes of male and female, Moon is placed in the third house in Leo and in the ninth house in Aquarius, respectively. In both these horoscopes, Gemini rises as the ascendant. It means the first house is ruled by Mercury.

As already mentioned many times, the first house is the most important house and the lord of the first house is the most important planet in a horoscope. This house directly deals with personality, among other things. Mercury is friendly towards Sun as well as Saturn. Sun is neutral towards Mercury and Saturn is friendly towards Mercury. It means both Sun and Saturn do well or very well with Mercury. Hence Mercury becomes the common platform through which; Sun and Saturn may reach an agreement in this case.

Both the natives are strongly influenced by Mercury through Gemini. Hence their personalities may feature a number of characteristics which are same or similar. In this case, the strength of Graha Maitri Dosh may reduce a lot. To have an idea; though Gun Milaan may assign 0 point for Graha Maitri match in this case; the actual score may be around 3 or 4; depending on the rest of these two horoscopes.

Likewise, if both the horoscopes have ascendants which are ruled by the same planet or by friendly planets; Graha Maitri Dosh may not cause serious or significant problems. For example, the combinations of Aries ascendant with Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant may reduce the strength of Graha Maitri Dosh. It means if one partner has Aries ascendant and the other partner has Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces ascendant; Graha Maitri Dosh may not create problems. The natives with these ascendants are likely to have compatible personalities; unless one or both the horoscopes have serious planetary defects in them. Likewise, there are about 3 to 6 ascendant type horoscopes for each ascendant type horoscope; which may be compatible with such horoscope. Hence Graha Maitri Dosh may not create significant problems in such cases.

Let’s look at another aspect of this equation. Suppose Moon is placed in Taurus in the tenth house of male native’s horoscope and it is placed in the fourth house in Taurus in female native’s horoscope. Leo rises as the ascendant in male’s horoscope and Aquarius rises as the ascendant in female’ horoscope. Gun Milaan assigns 5 out of 5 points for Graha Maitri match in this case. However, the actual equation is quite different. Leo and Aquarius ascendant type horoscopes may not be compatible with each other. Hence the natives’ may suffer due to incompatible personalities; despite their Moon signs showing very good compatibility.

In this case, the actual compatibility score may be 2 or 3; depending on the rest of these horoscopes. It should be noted that Moon is exalted in Taurus and it is very strong. Hence it may create significant compatibility between these two natives; despite their ascendants being incompatible. That is why the actual score may be 2 or 3. Depending on the placement of Moon in various signs; this score may drop further, though it may not go higher than this. Considering the worst case, suppose Moon is placed in Scorpio in both these horoscopes.

Moon is debilitated in Scorpio and hence it may not render strong characteristics to any one of these natives. It means the characteristics rendered by the ascendants are likely to dominate in this case. It means that though Gun Milaan assigns 5 points for Graha Maitri Match, the actual score may be around 1 or 1.5. As a result, these natives may suffer from serious personality clashes; despite the perfect score given by Gun Milaan for personality compatibility.


Himanshu Shangari