In order to get to the bottom of such allotments of Gunas for Varna and Vashya, we need to understand the social system of the old times; when the process of Gun Milaan was formed and used. According to the social setup, each gender as well as class had defined duties and they were not supposed to perform actions outside the defined boundaries.
Looking at Varnas, Brahmans were supposed to deal in all fields which required the application of knowledge. Hence Brahmans practiced as astrologers, religious gurus, spiritual gurus, teachers, doctors, consultants, ministers, scientists, engineers, mathematicians and all other professionals who practiced in jobs related to application of one type of knowledge or another.
It means the class of intellectual people in today’s world represents Brahmans; according to this classification. Hence you may have any class or Varna by birth; you may be considered as a Brahman if you become a teacher, doctor, scientist or other likewise professional. It is easy to understand that people belonging to this class hold supreme value in general, when it comes to guide other people, show them paths and find solutions for problems.
For example, the doctors and scientists around the world are finding vaccine / cure for Corona Virus or COVID-19. Needless to say, no one may compare to them in this regard and they may be considered as representatives of gods; since the future of humanity is largely dependent on them; during these times. Hence we hold them in high respect. Likewise, we hold our teachers, consultants and gurus in high respect. They are all Brahmans according to this classification.
It should be noted that in the deepest sense; the class system is not based on birth and it is based on karmas. Hence you may be born in a Kshatriya (warrior) family but you may convert into a Brahman if you become a doctor, scientist or other likewise professional. Brahman is the one who possess valuable knowledge and anyone who possesses such knowledge is a Brahman. Hence the Varnas assigned to different signs are not decided on the basis of birth and they are decided on the basis of qualities.
Among 12 signs, water signs are known to possess and exhibit knowledge. Hence the placement of Moon in a water sign gives you Brahman Varna. Fiery signs exhibit warrior skills. Hence the placement of Moon in a fiery sign gives you Kshatriya Varna. Earth signs exhibit business / merchant skills. Hence the placement of Moon in an earth sign gives you Vaishya (businessman or merchant) Varna. Airy signs exhibit qualities related to various types of services. Hence the placement of Moon in an Airy sign gives you Shudra (service class) Varna. These Varnas are decided on the basis of placement of Moon in your horoscope and they are not decided on the basis of your birth in a specific class of family.
The class system is a value based system. Though each class has its own irreplaceable value; they are still arranged in an order. We’ve just discussed the importance of Brahman class. The next class is that of Kshatriyas. This is the warrior class. Hence all defence professionals belong to this class. It can be seen that after the intellectual class; the warrior class may prove to be the most important class. This is because this class ensures safety, security, law and order among other things. In the present times; it can be seen that policemen around the world are trying their best to maintain law and order in their respective cities, states and countries. Likewise, the armies, the naval forces, the air forces and other types of defense services do the same job in different ways.
The third class is that of businessmen and merchants. This is the class which deals in provisioning of goods and other necessary things, needed on day to day basis. Hence this class ranks third in this system. The fourth class is that of service oriented people. People in this category provide various types of services and this class features the largest number of people. Farmers, manual workers, people delivering goods or food items to you, domestic workers, factory workers and a number of other likewise professionals belong to this class.
It is easy to see that even in today’s world; the intellectual class (Brahmans) carries supreme importance, followed respectively by warrior class (Kshatriyas), business class (Vaishya) and service class (Shudra). Remember, this is a value based system and the ranking is done on the basis of value. A doctor or scientist can do the job of a manual worker or delivery boy if needed. However, a manual worker or a delivery boy can’t do the job of a doctor or scientist, even if he wishes to. Apart from that, it may not take much time and effort to become a manual worker. However, it may take years to become a doctor or a scientist. Brahmin class is the least in number and it holds the highest rank.
Likewise, a soldier has special abilities and not everyone can be a warrior. It takes a lot to put your own life in danger in order to protect the lives of the others. Hence this class serves great value and it ranks after the intellectual class. The class of intellectuals forms a social or administrative system which is capable of maintaining law, order, safety and equality. The class of warriors ensures that such system is implemented. Hence the warrior class comes second in value.
Once the law, order and safety is ensured; the need for various items of necessity as well as luxury arises. The businessman steps in here and he ensures that these needs are fulfilled. Hence this class ranks third. In order for businessmen to do their jobs; they need assistance of a large number of people; and these people belong to the service class. Hence the guy who owns a retail store or an online shopping portal, belongs to the business class. The people who work at such retail store or who deliver goods purchased through such online portal belong to the service class. Hence they rank fourth in this system.
Himanshu Shangari