The literal meaning of the word Poorvaphalguni according to Vedic astrology is ‘the former reddish one’ or ‘the former one with reddish or red colour’. Red colour is associated with desires of many kinds and Indian astrology considers red as an auspicious colour. This is why the bride should wear red dress during the marriage ceremony according to Vedic beliefs. Hence the name of Poorvaphalguni suggests its association with traits associated with red colour.
The main symbol of Poorvaphalguni is taken as the front two legs of a Divan which is a bed or Couch used for seating in a relaxed position. Divans are used to rest and relax, generally during daytime and they are sometimes also used for sleeping purpose during night. Hence the symbol of Poorvaphalguni indicates that this nakshatra is associated with relaxation.
It should be noted that according to the prevalent beliefs of Vedic astrology, only the front legs of the couch are taken as the symbol of Poorvaphalguni. It implies that Poorvaphalguni indicates the first stage of relaxation which is generally a deeper stage of relaxation compared to the second stage which is a lighter form of relaxation. The second stage is achieved when one has gone through the first stage of relaxation.
For example, the short sleep taken during daytime generally known as siesta may be considered as the first stage of relaxation. The period during which a person just lies on the couch after waking may be considered as the second stage of relaxation. It can be observed that the first stage of relaxation is much deeper than the second one, as the person is sleeping and completely relaxing during this stage. On the other hand, the second stage of relaxation is lighter one where the person is awake and he is just lying on the couch for some extended relaxation.
Poorvaphalguni indicates the first stage of relaxation according to the prevalent beliefs of Vedic astrology. The second stage or the later stage of relaxation is indicated by the next nakshatra Uttaraphalguni. Hence, trait of relaxation is exhibited by Poorvaphalguni. Accordingly, people under strong influence of this nakshatra are generally found looking for relaxation in one way or another. Depending on situations, this relaxation may be; a comfortable seating position in a crowd, a job which requires less effort compared to other jobs, taking a break from profession, making use of all the available luxuries to get comfort and relaxation; and other types of relaxations.
Vedic astrology assigns Bhaga as the ruling deity of Poorvaphalguni. Bhaga is one of the twelve Adityas (Solar deities) and the meaning of the word Bhaga is taken as Delight according to Vedic astrology. Since the word delight in itself tells much about Bhaga, the traits of Bhaga like promotion of enjoyment, relaxation, physical pleasures and marital happiness are relayed through Poorvaphalguni. Accordingly, people under strong influence of Poorvaphalguni may be seen blessed with one or more of the above mentioned traits of this nakshatra, depending on their overall horoscopes.
Venus is assigned as the planetary ruler of Poorvaphalguni according to Vedic astrology. Sun influences this nakshatra through its sign Leo which carries all four quarters of Poorvaphalguni. Venus adds traits like creativity, social skills and luxuries to Poorvaphalguni. The influence of Sun through Leo adds traits like creativity, relaxation and pleasures to Poorvaphalguni. Sun represents kings; and kings are known for engaging in extended activities of relaxation and pleasures, as and when they get such chances.
Sun and Venus are considered to exhibit a number of traits which are opposite in nature. Hence Poorvaphalguni is considered as a zone where the energies of two opposite type of planets are fused. As a result, Poorvaphalguni exhibits a mixture of traits of Sun and Venus. As Sun and Venus are considered to be enemies according to some beliefs of Vedic astrology, the mixing of the energies of these two planets can make Poorvaphalguni a dramatic and volatile nakshatra at times. Since creativity, luxuries and relaxation are common traits of Sun and Venus, Poorvaphalguni exhibits these traits to significant extents.
Looking into some details, Sun is considered as the planet that represents the self or soul of a person, according to Vedic astrology. Hence strong influence of Sun in a horoscope can make the native indulge in search for his own self instead of socializing with the others and pleasing them. On the other hand, Venus is considered as a social and sharing type of planet. Hence strong influence of Venus in a horoscope can make the native indulge in materialistic acts like socializing with other people and trying to make them happy; instead of engaging in the search for the self.
Therefore, the fusion of these two opposite energies can make Poorvaphalguni a volatile and to some extent, unstable and unpredictable nakshatra at times. Accordingly, Poorvaphalguni people may at times exhibit behaviors which may be quite contrary to their general nature. It should be noted that the influence of Venus on Poorvaphalguni is stronger than the influence of Sun. This is due to the fact that Venus is the direct planetary ruler of this nakshatra. Apart from that, a number of traits exhibited by Bhaga, the ruling deity of Poorvaphalguni are in coherence with traits exhibited by Venus; though some traits resemble those of Sun also.
As a result, Venusian energy combined with that of Bhaga is stronger than solar energy in Poorvaphalguni. Therefore, Poorvaphalguni people are likely to be inclined towards the aspects of life like relaxation, enjoyment, indulgence in physical pleasures, getting married and enjoying marital life, comforts, luxuries, and other likewise aspects. It means only those traits of Sun are exhibited through Poorvaphalguni, which are in accordance with those of Bhaga and Venus.
Generally, a king has two opposite looking sets of traits in his personality. The first set of traits blesses him with courage, determination, the desire to expand his kingdom, the ability to wage and win wars as and when necessary; and other such traits. This set of traits is displayed by Magha.
Hence people under strong influence of Magha may be seen working on one mission or another; with little time to relax. The second set of traits blesses the king with the ability to relax, enjoy, engage in pleasures and rejuvenate. This set of traits is exhibited by Poorvaphalguni. Hence Poorvaphalguni people may enjoy and relax more than they work. Even when it comes to work, they are likely to choose professions where physical exertion is not that much. Contrary to this, people under strong influence of Magha are likely to engage in professions which demand a lot of physical or mental effort. Therefore, Magha and Poorvaphalguni represent two different sides of Sun. These sides seem opposite to each other, but they are complementary to each other, in reality. Let’s look into some interesting facts related to Poorvaphalguni.
The word Bhaga literally means a combination of luxuries, prosperity and relaxation. From this root, the word Bhagwaan is derived. Bhagwaan is the word used for the almighty Lord. The word Bhagwaan translates into; the one who is luxurious, prosperous, wealthy and relaxed at the same time. God is also considered to possess all types of warrior skills and weapons, in order to protect his subjects, as and when the need arises.
It is interesting to note that most depictions of Hindu Gods of highest order show them relaxing, smiling, enjoying and rejuvenating. It means this side of God is considered as his more dominant side or to be precise, more commonly happening side. This further means that except during the times of war or destruction; God may be enjoying this side of his personality, which exhibits traits like rest, relaxation, rejuvenation, prosperity and creativity.
It is a known fact that it takes far less time to destroy things or damage oneself through acts of war, compared to the time taken to recover from such destruction and damage. Apart from that, the act of creation also demands traits like relaxation and creativity. Hence God is portrayed in forms justified by the word Bhagwaan; since this is the form he may assume most of the time.
Looking at activity and relaxation, they may look opposite to each other but they are not. In reality, they are complementary to each other. It is easy to understand that harder or longer you work; more is the need for relaxation. Such relaxation is needed so that you may rejuvenate and prepare for the upcoming tasks which are likely to tire you again. It means without relaxation, you may not be able to perform at your best; over a longer period of time. It also means that more relaxed you are or more you rejuvenate; better prepared you may be for hard work.
When it comes to kings, their job is among the most difficult jobs as it consumes them on physical, mental as well as emotional level; on day to day basis. Routine practices for warrior skills and occasional wars tire them physically. Judging and solving a number of complex matters on day to day basis brings mental fatigue. Engagement in acts like punishing the guilty or killing enemies may take a toll on their emotions. This is because every human is a human after all. Even if you punish or kill him for the greater good, a part of you may feel bad for him, considering you are a good person. Such experiences may cause emotional fatigue.
Since a king has to go through all types of fatigues during his daily routines; he may need much more relaxation than an average person. For example, when you are physically tired, you may need to rest or sleep. However, when you are mentally tired due to various reasons; you may need different type of relaxation. Hence you may listen to music or watch a good movie to get out of this fatigue. When such fatigue is due to emotional trauma like due to losing a loved one; none of the already mentioned methods may work. The best option in this case may be the company of one or more than one loved one; who may touch you deeply and make you heal faster.
This is why we experience strong feelings of love and care for our family members or loved ones; when we lose a dear one. For this primary reason; family and friends are gathered when someone dies; so that all such people may help each other get out of emotional fatigue.
As a king may go through all types of fatigues on daily basis, he may need relaxation on all levels as well as that of higher quantum. This is why kings may have many wives and many children, as this may help them heal emotionally. Likewise, consuming liquor and watching dancers or other artists perform may help them heal mentally whereas engaging in practices like physical rest may help them heal physically.
Poorvaphalguni follows Magha which deals with achievement and preservation of throne through various means. After so much effort; rest, relaxation and rejuvenation is required, which is provided by Poorvaphalguni. This is why people under strong influence of Poorvaphalguni may have a number of traits, which reflect relaxation and rest; rather than reflecting hard work and effort.
Poorvaphalguni people are generally relaxed and casual in their approach towards life and they are not in hurry to do things. Many Poorvaphalguni people may wake up late in the morning and they may start doing their daily activities at relaxed pace. They may be in no hurry to do anything and they may just want to do everything at their own paces.
Poorvaphalguni people are generally good at social skills. Hence they may do well when it comes to socialize with people and practice social norms. Such people may not be the ones who challenge the prevalent codes and conducts of a society or organization. On the contrary, they may be willing to fit into such codes and conducts. As a result, a native under strong influence of Poorvaphalguni may become a part of the crowd with ease. Poorvaphalguni people are generally not the trend setters but trend followers.
Such people may exhibit these traits due to influence of Venus over Poorvaphalguni. Venus is a social planet and it is known to follow social norms and trends; rather than setting them. Sun on the other hand is more about individualism and it believes in setting trends, rather than following them. The dominant side of Sun is exhibited through Magha whereas a relatively subdued side of Sun is relayed through Poorvaphalguni.
Poorvaphalguni people are generally well behaved but they may exhibit volatile behavior at times. People under strong influence of Poorvaphalguni may exhibit such anomalous behavior especially when someone tries to interfere with their states of relaxation or rest. Poorvaphalguni people may not like people who they see as threats to their relaxation, rest and enjoyment. Hence they may react harshly or sometimes even violently, to prevent such people from disturbing their states of relaxation.
Poorvaphalguni people may be good at all types of creative arts. They may also perform well in spheres where speed is not the primary requirement as they like to work at relaxed paces. Strong influence of Poorvaphalguni can make the people less disciplined in many senses and they may especially do poorly when it comes to time. Poorvaphalguni people have marked tendency to appear late at appointments, parties, meetings and all other such venues.
The idea of reaching on time simply may not fit into their personalities. Likewise, lack of discipline may be observed in many other spheres, in the lives of people under strong influence of Poorvaphalguni. Though they may face problems from time to time due to such lack of discipline, Poorvaphalguni people may not bother much about such problems or losses and they may continue doing things in their own relaxed ways.
As always, though Poorvaphalguni exhibits a number of traits, different people may embrace different traits, depending on placements of various planets in this nakshatra as well as depending on their overall horoscopes. Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Rahu and Ketu may do well in Poorvaphalguni; though all of them may render different types of results in this nakshatra.
Saturn may or may not perform well in Poorvaphalguni, depending on its navamsha placements as well as on the overall horoscope. Poorvaphalguni is a relatively easy nakshatra to handle. Hence most planets may channelize its energy, though not all of them may do so with same efficiency.
Placement of strong Venus or Moon in Poorvaphalguni in relevant houses of a horoscope may end up engaging the native in creative fields, in most cases. Sun, Mars and Ketu may disturb the relaxation aspect of Poorvaphalguni. It means the placements of these planets in this nakshatra may speed things up and the native may not be as relaxed as indicated by Poorvaphalguni in general.
Among these planets also, Mars may provide maximum speed to this nakshatra. Hence a common outcome of placement of Mars in Poorvaphalguni may be the native getting late for some events or tasks and then running in hurry to make up for such delays. Compared to this, if Sun is placed in Poorvaphalguni, the tendency to arrive late may be corrected somewhat, but the native may not hurry in order to make up for delays, as and when they happen.
It means if such native is late for an event while leaving his house, he may still drive at a relaxed pace, instead of putting pressure on the accelerator of his car. Mercury may use the energy of Poorvaphalguni beautifully and it is one of the most suited planets to properly utilize the energy of this nakshatra. Jupiter may also perform well in Poorvaphalguni and the same goes for Rahu, when the overall horoscope is supportive.
In general, Mercury, Moon and Venus may provide best overall results in Poorvaphalguni, when the overall horoscope is supportive. Placements of malefic planets in Poorvaphalguni may cause various types of problems for the native, depending on the planet which occupies this nakshatra as well as on his overall horoscope.
Let’s look at performances of various planets in various navamshas of Poorvaphalguni. Starting with Leo navamsha; Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu may perform well or very well here; depending on the overall horoscope. Moon and Mercury may perform above average in this navamsha. Venus may perform above average or well in this navamsha; depending on the overall horoscope.
Rahu may perform on average and not more than that in this navamsha. Rahu is not strong in Leo. Saturn may perform below average or poorly in this navamsha; depending on the overall horoscope. Among navagraha; Sun may be the strongest in this navamsha whereas Saturn may be the weakest.
Looking at Virgo navamsha; Sun may perform well or very well in this navamsha. Mars and Jupiter may perform well but not very well here; since they are not strong in Virgo and they are not as strong in Leo as Sun. Ketu may perform above average but not well in this navamsha; since it is debilitated in Virgo. Venus may perform on average in this navamsha; since it is not strong in Leo and it is debilitated in Virgo, though it has great comfort in Poorvaphalguni.
Moon may perform above average in this navamsha; since it is not strong in Leo as well as Virgo but it is comfortable in Poorvaphalguni. Mercury may perform well in this navamsha. It is not strong in Leo but it may do well in this sign. It is comfortable in Poorvaphalguni and it is exalted in Virgo. Rahu may perform above average in this navamsha; sine it is exalted in Virgo. Saturn may perform on average or above average here. Among navagraha; Sun may be the strongest in this navamsha. No planet may be significantly weak in this navamsha.
Moving on to Libra navamsha; Sun may perform well but not very well here; since it is debilitated in Libra. Mars, Jupiter and Ketu may also perform well but not very well here; since they are not strong in Libra. Venus may perform well here, since it has great comfort in Poorvaphalguni and it is strong in Libra. Among all nine navamshas within Leo; Venus may feel the maximum comfort in this navamsha.
Moon and Mercury may perform above average in this navamsha and if the overall horoscope is supportive, they may even perform well here. Rahu may perform above average here since it is strong in Libra. Saturn may perform above average here, since it is exalted in Libra. Among all nine navamshas within Leo; Saturn may feel the maximum comfort in this navamsha. Among navagraha; Mars may be the strongest in this navamsha. No planet may be significantly weak in this navamsha.
Considering Scorpio navamsha; Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu may perform well or very well here. Mars is strong in Scorpio and Ketu is exalted in this sign. Sun and Jupiter are also strong in Scorpio, though not as strong as Mars and Ketu. Mars may be very strong here but it is the strongest in Aries navamsha of Magha; within the sign of Leo.
Mercury and Venus may perform on average here; since none of them is strong in Leo as well as Scorpio. Moon may perform below average here, since it is debilitated in Scorpio. Rahu may perform poorly here; since it is not strong in Leo and it is debilitated in Scorpio. Saturn may perform below average or poorly in this navamsha. Among navagraha; Sun and Mars may be the strongest in this navamsha whereas Rahu may be the weakest.
Himanshu Shangari