The meaning of Magha is translated as mighty, magnificent and important. All these meanings indicate some kind of power and authority associated with this nakshatra. Strong influence of Magha in a horoscope is believed to bless the native with one type of authority or another. A throne is used as the main symbol for Magha. A throne associates traits like authority, power and status with Magha. It is believed that the authority and power exhibited by Magha may be associated with inheritance in many cases.
It means people under strong influence of Magha may inherit their positions of authority or status from their ancestors. For example, a king who has become king through his own efforts and qualities may not be considered as a king of Magha type according to some beliefs of Vedic astrology. On the other hand, a king who has become a king by virtue of his father being a king; which means he has inherited the throne, is considered as a king of Magha type. We will find more reasons for this belief as we explore this nakshatra. Hence Magha exhibits traits like authority, power, status, might, and magnificence by virtue of its symbol.
Magha is the first nakshatra where a proper sense of self is developed. Accordingly, Magha people may start paying much more attention to their individualities, compared to the people belonging to the previous nakshatras. Vedic astrology considers Pitras or Ancestors as the ruling deities of Magha. This gives an indication about the influence of ancestors on this nakshatra. This is the most probable reason for which people under strong influence of this nakshatra are thought to get their share of authority, power and status from their ancestors.
According to Indian mythology, the ancestors live in Pitra Loka with their astral bodies, between the period after their physical deaths and before their next births in any physical forms. According to Indian mythology, Pitra Loka is considered as a heavenly place which is resided by Pitras in their astral bodies. It is a well-known fact that most of us develop and exhibit traits, genetically forwarded to us in the form of genetic codes, by our ancestors.
Therefore, the sense of self, developed in Magha is considered to be directly related to the ancestors, as majority of our present form and shape has been forwarded to us by our ancestors. Hence the individuality of a person may include many traits which belong to his ancestors. Thus the individualism aspect of Magha can also be seen associated with ancestors, as without the contribution of ancestors, we might not have been what we are today.
Therefore, Magha has a lot to do with ancestors and it exhibits many traits associated with them. Since there are only 27 nakshatras, at least every 27th native has a chance to be under the influence of Magha in one way or another, on average. It means every 27th native should possess power, authority and other traits associated with Magha. This is not the case in reality and Magha may bless a native with physical power and authority, only when certain specific benefic planets are placed in it, in his horoscope.
In the deepest sense, strong influence of Magha may create an urge in the native to achieve power and authority. Whether such native may be able to achieve such power and authority or not, depends on the working of this nakshatra in his horoscope as well as on his overall horoscope. In many cases, such authority or such sense of authority is forwarded to the native through his ancestors, by means of Magha. This means a king or an authoritative politician may actually transfer his throne or authority to his son who is under strong influence of Magha.
However, if the father himself doesn’t have such authority but he wanted a lot to have it, though he failed; a strong desire for achieving some type of authority may be forwarded by such father or ancestor to the native. Since Pitras have strong influence over Magha; a number of traits as well as desires of ancestors may be forwarded to the native under strong influence of this nakshatra.
Whether Magha blesses a native with actual authority or a desire for authority; depends on his overall horoscope. Even if one such native under strong influence of Magha inherits a desire for authority, this desire may or may not be fulfilled, depending on the overall horoscope of such native. If such desire remains unfulfilled, it may be passed on to the next generation.
Taking an example, if a malefic combination of Mars, Moon, Mercury and Ketu is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in Leo with Moon in Magha; and Sun is placed in the eleventh house in Virgo, a desire for authority may be forwarded to the native. It means the father or grandfather of this native may have tried to achieve authority but he may not have been able to get such authority, despite his efforts. Hence such desire for authority may be forwarded to the native through Moon in Magha.
Moon represents the ninth house in this horoscope and this house represents father as well as Pitras. Looking at this horoscope, it is likely that the native himself may not get such authority during his lifetime; unless the rest of his horoscope is strong and benefic. It means the native may try to achieve authority through government services or through politics, but he may not witness much success.
Looking at some facts related to this horoscope; Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The eleventh house deals with ambitions among other things. Sun represents father as well as ancestors but it is not strong in Virgo. Mercury and Ketu are duly malefic whereas Mars in general is partly benefic and partly malefic in horoscopes with Scorpio ascendant. However, strong influences of malefic Mercury and Ketu may increase the malefic part of Mars and it may become significantly malefic. Hence the native may not achieve much authority despite having strong desire to achieve it. Such desire for authority may be transferred to his son through Magha which may appear prominently in the horoscope of such son.
The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.
Looking at another variation, suppose a benefic combination of Mars, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in Leo, with Moon and Mars placed in Magha. Benefic Sun is placed in the eighth house in Gemini with Mercury and Venus; and benefic retrograde Saturn is placed in the fifth house in Pisces.
In this case, the father of this native may not have achieved authority despite his best efforts, and a desire for authority is forwarded to the native through Moon in Magha. Since the tenth house of this horoscope is blessed due to formation of Chandra Mangal Yoga, Gaj Kesari Yoga and Shakti Yoga, the native may achieve authority through government services; very likely as a revenue officer or as a foreign services officer. The father of this native may play an active role in preparing the native for such authority, right from his childhood. Shakti Yoga is formed by a combination of benefic Moon with benefic Rahu.
Looking at some facts related to this horoscope. Jupiter, Moon and Rahu are benefic whereas Mars is supposed to be partly benefic and partly malefic. However, strong influences of these three benefic planets may turn Mars into a significantly benefic planet. The tenth house deals with profession and authority among other things. Hence the native may achieve authority. The concept of malefic planets turning benefic due to influences of benefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.
Sun represents father, it is not strong in Gemini, it is placed in a difficult house and it is afflicted by Mercury and Venus. Hence native’s father might not have achieved authority. In case of the native; the tenth house is highly empowered. Hence he may achieve such authority.
Looking at the third variation, if a benefic combination of Mars, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in Leo, with Moon in Magha; and benefic Sun is placed in the ninth house in Cancer, the equation changes once again. The father of this native may be an authoritative politician like a minister or he may be a high authority government officer like an administrative officer. The authority in this case may be transferred to the native through Magha, as a desire which is very likely to be fulfilled; unless the rest of his horoscope is against it.
Hence the native may achieve a post of authority as a government officer or as a politician; depending on the rest of his horoscope. For instance, if benefic Sun is placed in the ninth house in Cancer in Ashlesha, and a combination of Saturn, Mercury and Venus is placed in the eighth house in Gemini, the native may achieve such authority through politics.
The father of this native may be a successful politician like a minister and his desire for authority may be transferred to the native through Magha. As a result, the native may also join politics and he may also achieve authority, due to a strong horoscope featuring Gaj Kesari Yoga, Chandra Mangal Yoga and Shakti Yoga in the tenth house.
However, if the placements of planets in the eighth house are annulled, benefic Sun is placed in the ninth house in Pushya and a benefic combination of Saturn and retrograde Venus is placed in the seventh house in Taurus, the equation may change. The father of this native may be a government officer with high authority and the desire for authority may be forwarded to the native also, through Magha. Since the tenth house of this horoscope is blessed with Chandra Mangal Yoga, Gaj Kesari Yoga and Shakti Yoga; and Venus forms Malavya Yoga in the seventh house; the native may get selected as an administrative officer.
Vedic astrology assigns Ketu as the planetary ruler of Magha and Sun rules Leo which features all four quarters of this nakshatra. Sun is the peak of individualism among all planets. Hence the individualism aspect of Magha is supported by Sun and its sign Leo. Vedic astrology associates Sun with authority, power and status. Hence, the royal and materialistic traits of Ketu are exhibited through Magha, due to influence of Sun and Leo on this nakshatra.
These traits are likely to be forwarded by ancestors of the native; due to the impact of Pitras over Magha. Therefore, the traits of Ketu and Sun like authority, power, status, individuality, deep insight, quick action, intelligence, creativity and other such traits are exhibited through Magha. It is interesting to note that Sun is the signifier of the self and the ancestors.
Negative planetary influences on Sun in a horoscope lead to the formation of Pitra Dosh in such horoscope. Ketu is also considered as a planet of genetics as it represents older family members like grandfather. Vedic astrology also considers Ketu as a planet related to the past and past lives. As the past again connects with ancestors, it can be concluded that the influences of ancestors, Ketu and Sun work in coherence to exhibit their specific and matching traits through Magha.
Magha is a fierce and active nakshatra according to Vedic astrology, since Sun and Ketu are both considered as fiery and active planets. As a result, the good or bad results rendered by Magha to the native under its strong influence may be quick and fierce. It means that Magha may either bring fortunes to the native under its influence or it may bring great troubles and miseries to the same native in a short period of time. Whether the native receives blessings by virtue of his past life karmas or past or Pitras; or he receives troubles, depends on the use of Magha by benefic or malefic planets in his horoscope.
Though Magha is associated with planets like Sun and Ketu which are considered as the planets favouring individualism, it is still a very much social nakshatra. Magha people are generally good at making and maintaining social relationships. It is interesting to note that Magha people may consider themselves superior compared to many people in their social circles. They generally demand respect and authority from people around them, which they may or may not get, depending on their overall horoscopes. The reason for such behavior of Magha people is associated with the symbol of this nakshatra as well as with the influence of Sun on this nakshatra.
Magha people may have great respect for traditions due to the influence of Pitras on this nakshatra, as everything passed on to us by our ancestors is a tradition in a way. Magha people may not like people who disrespect their traditional values and who bring disgrace to the names of their families. Magha people may at times go out of way to show anger on such people and they may even punish them in some way.
Magha people may be proud of their family lineages and they may do their best to protect them and bring good name to their families, by following the moral and ethical codes of society. These people may have strong desires for continuation of their family lines through progenies. The influences of Magha and Sun may help them achieve this goal in most cases. Strong influence of Magha in a horoscope is considered good for children aspect; especially in case of male people. Hence, placement of benefic Sun, Mars or Jupiter in Magha in a relevant house of horoscope may bless the native (male) with children who may achieve success, name and fame by virtue of qualities possessed by them.
In cases where malefic planets occupy this nakshatra; the people may bring disgrace to their families, by virtue of their actions. Such people may have no respect for family traditions and some of them may even hate their families as well as ancestors. Taking an example, suppose a combination of Mars, Venus and Saturn is placed in the third house of a horoscope in Leo, in Magha.
Gemini rises in the ascendant. Mars is highly malefic whereas Saturn and Venus are supposed to be partly benefic and partly malefic for horoscopes with Gemini ascendant. Mars is much stronger than Saturn as well as Venus in Leo. Apart from that, both Saturn and Venus are already partly malefic. Hence they may all afflict one another and Saturn as well as Venus may turn more malefic. Saturn rules the ninth house in this horoscope. Hence affliction to Saturn by Mars and Venus forms Pitra Dosh in the horoscope.
The concept of planets exhibiting tendencies to be benefic or malefic on the basis of the houses they rule in a horoscope has been explained in the chapter ‘Gemstones for House Lords’ of the book ‘Gemstones – Magic or Science (Revised Edition)’.
As a result, the native may engage in acts which may bring disgrace to his family. Such native may become a drug addict and/or criminal; depending on his overall horoscope. If the native becomes a criminal, he may engage in acts of terrorism and he may kill many people. In this case, the traits of Magha may be misused by these malefic planets. Hence the native may make name for himself, in the world of crime.
Moving on, like in case of all other nakshatras, the traits exhibited by Magha and the traits embraced by the people under its influence may be different in different cases, depending on the planets which occupy this nakshatra as well as on their overall horoscopes. Looking at planets among navagraha; Sun, Mars, Ketu, Jupiter and Mercury may perform well in Magha. Moon, Rahu and Venus may also perform well when supported by overall horoscope.
Saturn may feel uncomfortable in some quarters of Magha and it may feel comfortable in other quarters. Hence its performance in this nakshatra may depend on its navamsha placements within Magha. People under strong influence of Saturn in Magha may either feel crushed by traditions and expectations of their families as well as ancestors; or they may reject family values, traditions and responsibilities all together. Which path may be chosen by one such native depends on benefic or malefic nature of Saturn in his horoscope; as well as on the overall horoscope of such native.
Taking an example, if benefic Saturn is placed in the fourth house of a horoscope in Leo in Magha along with Venus; the native may have to keep following the traditions and expectations of his family, despite his unwillingness to do so; unless there are planets in his horoscope, indicating otherwise. On the other hand, if malefic Saturn is placed in the second house of a horoscope in Leo in Magha along with malefic retrograde Mercury; and malefic Ketu forms Pitra Dosh in the ninth house in Pisces, the native may not comply with family traditions/expectations.
Such native may settle far away from his family, like in a foreign country; and he may disconnect himself from his family and traditions; as much as possible, though the native may himself not know this fact consciously. It means the native may think he is moving abroad for professional settlement and financial prosperity. However deep down; it may be his desire to get away from his family traditions and their expectations; so that he may live his life the way he wants.
While in such foreign country, the native may develop taste for breaking most family traditions; though he may not know this fact consciously. For instance, he may develop taste for non-vegetarian foods, alcohol and smoking when all such things may be strictly prohibited according to his family tradition.
Let’s look at performances of various planets in various navamshas of Magha. Starting with Aries navamsha; Sun, Mars, Ketu and Jupiter may perform very well here, since they are all strong in Leo as well as in Aries; and they are comfortable in Magha. Among all nine navamshas within Leo; Sun and Mars may be the strongest in this navamsha. Venus and Mercury may perform on average or above average here; depending on overall horoscope.
Rahu may perform on average or below average here; depending on the overall horoscope. Saturn may perform poorly in this navamsha, since it is weak in Leo and it is debilitated in Aries. Moon may form Gandmool Dosh in this navamsha and hence it may also perform below average here. Among navagraha; Sun may be the strongest and Saturn may be the weakest in this navamsha.
Looking at Taurus navamsha; Sun and Mars may perform well or very well here whereas Jupiter and Ketu may perform well but not very well in this navamsha. Jupiter is not strong in Taurus and Ketu is debilitated in Taurus. Venus may perform well in this navamsha since it is strong in Taurus. Mercury may perform above average or well here; depending on the overall horoscope.
Moon may perform well in this navamsha since it is exalted in Taurus. Rahu may perform above average or well here, since it is exalted in Taurus. Saturn may perform above average but not well in this navamsha, since it is strong in Taurus but weak in Leo. Among navagraha; Sun may be the strongest in this navamsha and no planet may perform poorly in this navamsha.
Moving on to Gemini navamsha; Sun and Mars may perform well or very well here whereas Jupiter may perform well but not very well here. Jupiter is not as strong in Leo as Sun and Mars; and it may not do well in Gemini. Ketu may perform well but not very well in this navamsha; since it is weak in Gemini. Mercury may perform well in this navamsha, since it is strong in Gemini.
Venus may perform above average or well in this navamsha; depending on the overall horoscope. Moon may perform above average here. Rahu may also perform above average in his navamsha, since it is strong in Gemini. Saturn may perform on average or above average in this navamsha; depending on the overall horoscope. Among navagraha; Sun may be the strongest in this navamsha and no planet may perform poorly in this navamsha.
Considering Cancer navamsha; Sun and Mars may perform well but not very well here. Sun is weak in Cancer and Mars is debilitated in this sign. Jupiter may perform very well here; since it is exalted in Cancer. Ketu may perform well or very well here; depending on the overall horoscope. Moon may perform well in this navamsha since it is strong in Cancer.
Venus may perform above average but not well in this navamsha. Rahu may perform on average or below average in his navamsha, since it is not strong in Leo as well as Cancer. Saturn may perform below average here since it is weak in Leo and not strong in Cancer. Among navagraha; Jupiter may be the strongest and Saturn may be the weakest in this navamsha.
Himanshu Shangari