The literal meaning of the word Rohini is ‘reddish’ or ‘growing’. Vedic astrology takes the symbol of Rohini as a cart driven by two oxen.
Lord Brahma is assigned as the ruling deity of this nakshatra. Vedic astrology assigns Moon as the ruling planet of Rohini. The meaning ‘reddish’ here is used to convey passion and warmth since the colour red represents these characteristics. The second meaning ‘growing’ associates Rohini with all types of growth and creativity. The cart and the oxen add characteristics like trade, growth and strength to this nakshatra. The influence of Lord Brahma on Rohini adds characteristics like creativity or creation of all types to this nakshatra.
The influence of Moon combined with the influence of Taurus adds characteristics like beauty, charm, magnetism, charisma, fine taste and other traits to Rohini. Apart from these, Rohini exhibits characteristics like good business skills, romance, easy going nature, the ability to easily understand usefulness of material things, sexual expertise, the ability to attract opposite sex without much effort; and other characteristics. Hence Rohini promotes creation, growth and prosperity on various levels.
It is easy to understand from these characteristics that Rohini should be a beneficial nakshatra; and so it is. Apart from that, Rohini is an easy going nakshatra which means most planets can handle and use the energy of this nakshatra, when they are benefic. Though such planets can also easily use this energy even when they are malefic; its characteristics may be used for selfish motives, and to create negativity in such cases.
Looking at performances of various planets; Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Rahu and Saturn may do well or very well in Rohini whereas Jupiter and Sun may perform well in this nakshatra under some specific conditions. Ketu is the only planet which may not perform well in Rohini, in most cases. Hence the energy of Rohini can be handled well by 8 out of 9 planets; and that is what makes it one of the most desirable among nakshatras.
Hindu mythology mentions that god Moon is married to 27 girls who rule or represent these 27 nakshatras. As the marriages happened, Moon was supposed to stay with each one of his wives for one day in a cyclic pattern. However, when Moon spent time with Rohini, he was so captivated and mesmerized by her beauty, charm and romantic as well as sexual skills that he refused to go to any other wife and he decided to stay with Rohini only. This created an imbalance in marriages as well as in the system of nakshatras.
Therefore, after the intervention of trinity, Moon agreed to visit all 27 nakshatra wives, turn by turn. However, Rohini still remains his favourite wife and that is why it is not only ruled by Moon; but Moon also finds maximum exaltation in Rohini, within the sign of Taurus. Here also, the second quarter of Rohini, falling in Taurus navamsha renders maximum strength to Moon; and the fourth quarter falling in Cancer navamsha is also very good for Moon.
Another story says when Lord Brahma created Rohini, she was so charming and luring that the lord himself got attracted to her. Lord Brahma’s affection for Rohini reflects through the fact that he is the ruling deity of this nakshatra.
Though Rohini is loaded with wonderful characteristics, not all the planets are able to use all these characteristics and different planets may use different characteristics, as always is the case. Placement of Sun in Rohini may promote characteristics like creativity and trade whereas it may reduce some finer qualities of Rohini like romance and easy going nature.
Moon may utilize most characteristics of Rohini. Hence natives under strong influence of Moon in Rohini in the first house may be beautiful, charismatic, magnetic; skilled in business and trade, romantic, pleasure loving as well as pleasure spreading; and experts in matters of sexual arts. Mars may perform well in Rohini though it is generally not able to draw deepest benefits from this nakshatra. Since Mars is generally impatient and aggressive whereas Rohini is patient and receptive; their combination takes away the depth of this nakshatra.
Drawing a comparison, natives under strong influence of Moon in Rohini in a relevant house may like romance more than sexual acts though they may love their fair share of sex also. On the other hand, natives under strong influence of Mars in Rohini in a relevant house may generally not be interested that much in romance and they may be happier with sexual acts. It means Moon in Rohini may go much deeper than Mars in Rohini since sexual acts are merely a part of the relationship and that too; the surface part.
Physical touch or physical connection is the most basic type of connection and it doesn’t go deeper than skin. However, Moon in Rohini may be able to connect much deeper and it may reach the heart and emotions of the lover. When that happens, sexual acts may become even more enjoyable since a deeper connection may always do so; though such acts may not be as aggressive as those under strong influence of Mars.
It applies to most other characteristics of Rohini where Moon may be able to embrace them in the deepest sense whereas Mars may be happy dealing with surface benefits. Considering one more example, natives under strong influence of Mars in Rohini in a relevant house may achieve quick success in business but the quantum of such success may not be very high; and their understanding of such business may not be very deep. On the other hand, natives under strong influence of Moon in Rohini in a relevant house may take somewhat longer to achieve success in business, since they may spend more time understanding the core elements involved in such business.
However, these natives may achieve much more success than those with Mars in Rohini. At the same time, these natives may have much stronger and charismatic impacts in their professional spheres. It means Moon type Rohini natives may have strong, deep and impactful connections with their staff as well as with their suppliers, allies and other people who may be important for their businesses.
However, Mars type Rohini natives may not have that much time to invest in relationships due to impatience of Mars. Therefore, they may come across as rather aggressive and less caring; which may affect the health of relationships and which may further affect the net results drawn from such businesses over a longer period of time. The employees, allies and other people associated with Moon type Rohini businessmen may almost never leave them; just like Moon didn’t want to leave Rohini.
Such people may be connected to Moon type Rohini natives on deeper levels due to charismatic qualities of Rohini natives; and they may not want to leave them merely for some financial gains. On the other hand, Mars type Rohini natives may not be able to form such bonds and people around them may keep moving; as and when they find better opportunities. This is because the only thing tying such associates to such Rohini natives may be money or some other materialistic gains.
In the same way, other planets benefit from the energies of Rohini in different ways as they embrace different characteristics and that too with different levels of depth. Planets, zodiac signs and nakshatras work as combinations or as teams. More comfortable they are with one another; better is the performance of the team. However, if a player tries to spoil the team spirit or he tries to dominate the remaining players; there may not be any team performances though such player may deliver good or very good individual performances.
No matter how well an individual may perform; team sport is still team sport and in order to deliver good results consistently, the players must bond, think and perform like a team. In the recent example, Moon, Taurus and Rohini may bond perfectly with each other. Hence the natives under such influence may witness very good results in relevant spheres, depending on the placement of this combination in various houses of their horoscopes; provided Moon is benefic in such horoscopes. Since Mars is not a team player in this case; it may try to dominate Taurus and Rohini.
A dominant captain may put pressure on his teammates but pressure can only get surface results. A loving and understanding captain may connect on much deeper levels with his team. Hence the players may perform at their best; like there are only players and no captain. It means each player may assume responsibility like a captain and any victory or defeat may affect him on the deepest level. This is why different planets are able to benefit from different nakshatras and signs in different ways, depending on whether or not they form a team.
Looking at another example; Mars, Aries and Ashwini make a good team and hence they can deliver some of the best results, in relevant spheres. Mars wants speed, action and fire; Aries likes these characteristics and Ashwini loves them. Hence this combination may result in the formation of a team which may perform as united in spheres where such team is skilled; like defense services or sports.
On the other hand; Saturn, Aries and Ashwini make a very bad team or to be precise, there may be no team. Saturn wants to go slow and act after calculating everything whereas Aries and Ashwini want to go fast, acting on instincts. This is a serious mismatch and hence there may be no team performance. It is like the team is divided into two groups and each group is trying to pull the other one in its direction; often resulting in a draw or stalemate.
When it comes to benefit from characteristic of Rohini like beauty, charm, charisma, magnetism, romance and sexual expertise; female natives are likely to benefit from them more than male natives. This is because females are naturally capable of handling such finer characteristics. Since male natives are naturally not at ease with these characteristics and they feel comfortable with masculine traits like aggression, bravery, courage, intellect, speed and other such traits; they may not be able to benefit as much from Rohini; as female natives. However, placements of strong benefic planets in Rohini in relevant houses in the horoscopes of male natives can bless them with very good sense of trade, business and creative skills; and they may benefit from these characteristics.
Female natives under strong influence of Rohini may often find it easier to achieve success through beauty, charm, magnetism, charisma and creativity; especially when suitable planets team up with this nakshatra. Looking at such suitable planets; Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury may be more suitable in Rohini when placed in the horoscopes of females. On the other hand; Sun, Mars, Saturn and Ketu may be better suited in Rohini, in the horoscopes of male natives.
Rahu in Rohini may be almost equally suitable for male as well as female natives. In this case, the key lies with placements of Rahu in various navamshas within Rohini. If it is placed in Aries navamsha, it may be more suitable for male natives. If it is placed in Taurus or Cancer navamsha, it may be more suitable for female natives. If it is placed in Gemini navamsha, it may be almost equally suitable for both of them.
Among Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury also; Moon may be added as an exception as it may work well or very well in Rohini for male natives also; if the rest of their horoscopes are supportive. However, if in the horoscope of a male native, benefic exalted Moon is placed in the first house in Rohini and planets like Sun, Mars and Jupiter are weak, afflicted or corrupted; the native may end up as a failure in most cases.
More than that, such native may come across more as a feminine type of native than a masculine one. This is because a strong combination of feminine energies like Moon, Taurus and Rohini is placed in the first house; promoting the overall feminine energy in the horoscope. Though a female native can make use of these enhanced energies without needing much support from Mars, Sun or Jupiter; a male native may simply fail to handle such combination of feminine energies and hence he may face problems.
The basic nature of males in general is active and aggressive whereas that of females in general is passive and receptive. For example, a male may try to impress a female he likes, in many different ways which need him to act and show aggression. On the other hand, a female native may do nothing and she may simply choose to encourage or discourage the advances of such male native; depending on whether she is interested in him or not. In other words, masculine energy may be the battle or competition and feminine energy or female may be the price for such competition or battle.
No wonder why so many powerful males in history have engaged in battles for the sakes of females whereas such females only acted passively in most such cases; conveying their approvals or disapprovals for such actions of such male natives. Therefore, if benefic planets like Moon or Venus are placed in the first house in Taurus in Rohini in the horoscope of a female, she may not need to do much. This is because such placements are likely to bless her with beauty, magnetism, charisma, grace and elegance; and these characteristics alone may be sufficient to bless her with very good results in many spheres of her life.
Whereas the best characteristics for females may be beauty, elegance, charm, charisma, emotions and grace among other traits; these characteristics may not prove of much use for male natives in most cases. Male natives are better designed for characteristics like bravery, courage, action, initiative, aggression, intellect and other such traits.
Hence feminine energies like Moon placed in the first house in Taurus in Rohini may prove useful for male natives; only when masculine energies are also strong in their horoscopes. If in one such horoscope, Sun, Mars and Jupiter are strong and a couple of them are benefic; the native may be aggressive but such aggression may be tamed. The native may be charming but he may have strong masculine traits at the same time.
Likewise, many other feminine traits may feature in his personality, well balanced by masculine characteristics. This is a male who may have the ability to switch between masculine and feminine sides of his personality. For this reason, he may be successful in masculine fields like business. At the same time, he may be favourite among females since he may understand them and connect with them in a way which may be much deeper than that of an average male. It means such male native may charm the charmers, which means females.
Rohini is generally a balanced nakshatra and it doesn’t tend to go to extremes in any sphere of life; unless this characteristic is disturbed or corrupted by the energy of an opposite type of planet or that of a negative planet. As a result, Rohini natives are generally good at drawing fine lines between different spheres of their lives and then respecting those lines. The phrase, ‘I don’t mix business with pleasure’ was very like introduced by someone under strong influence of Rohini.
Such natives may be very good at doing business while they are at it and they may completely forget about it when they are engaged in entertainment, romance or other things. Due to this characteristic; Rohini natives may be good at maintaining relationships and they tend to do well in the field of marriage. Even when such natives may be very busy with their professions; they may find time and ways to connect to their husbands or wives; as they may value them and they may not want to lose them for money or success.
When it comes to financial matters, Rohini natives may be good at spending money to enjoy finer or the finest things in their lives. However, they may not spend too much too often as they tend to maintain balance between earnings and expenditures. Hence they may often be capable of saving money and building assets; despite being good at spending money. This element of balance may reflect in different spheres of their lives or in most spheres of their lives; depending on placements of various planets in Rohini; as well as on the placement of one such combination in different houses of horoscope.
Taking an example, natives under strong influence of Malavya Yoga formed by Venus in the tenth house of horoscope in Taurus in Rohini may apply this balance to their professional practices though such balance may or may not be practiced in other spheres of their lives. However, natives under strong influence of exalted Moon in the first house in Taurus in Rohini may practice this sense of balance in almost every sphere of their lives.
Let’s consider this equation from a different angle. Natives under strong influence of Sun in the tenth house of horoscope in Taurus, in Aries navamsha of Rohini may disturb this balance when it comes to professional sphere. It means such natives may take aggressive approach in professions and they may not believe in practicing through standard characteristics of Rohini. Hence such Sun may disturb the energy of Rohini. However, this behaviour pattern may primarily be observed in professional sphere and it may or may not be witnessed in other spheres of one such native’s life.
On the other hand, if Sun is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Taurus, in Aries navamsha of Rohini, such behavior pattern may reflect through all spheres of native’s life. As already mentioned; the first house is the core of personality and any energies registered in this house may have impact on the entire personality. Compared to this, the tenth house represents the outward appearance which may or may not reflect true/inner personality of native.
Rohini exhibits a number of characteristics. However, different natives may embrace different characteristics, depending on placements of various planets in this nakshatra, as well as on their overall horoscopes. In case of female natives, placements of benefic Moon and/or benefic Venus in Rohini, in relevant houses of their horoscopes may help them with reproductive health. Venus and Moon represent the ability to produce children in case of female natives; and Rohini is very much supportive for growth and creation.
Hence such placements of Moon and/or Venus may make such female natives have healthier reproductive systems and they may be more fertile. They may have better quality of eggs and they may go through the process of pregnancy without any issues; unless there are troublesome planets in their horoscopes. Such female natives may give birth to a number of children if they wish; and they may produce healthy children.
Placements of malefic planets in Rohini can cause a number of problems for the native, depending on his overall horoscope. Taking an example, suppose a malefic combination of Venus and Mercury is placed in the eighth house of a horoscope in Taurus in Rohini; and a malefic combination of retrograde Jupiter and retrograde Saturn is placed in the twelfth house in Virgo.
Among other issues, such native may face issues related to sexual orientation. The native may not be able to decide whether he or she is straight or homosexual, since the native may find both these tendencies present inside him or her. If the rest of the horoscope is also not supportive, the native may swing between being straight and homosexual till the age of 35 years or more.
Let’s look at performances of various planets in various navamshas of Rohini. Looking at Aries navamsha; Venus, Moon, Rahu and Mercury may perform well or very well here; depending on the overall horoscope. Saturn may perform well but not very well here since it is debilitated in Aries.
Sun and Mars may perform well in this navamsha whereas Jupiter may perform well or somewhat short of well in this navamsha. Ketu may perform relatively well here though it may still not perform above average, due to its debilitation in Taurus. Among navagraha, Moon may be the strongest in this navamsha.
Moving on to Taurus navamsha; this one is the favourite of many planets. Moon, Venus and Rahu may perform very well here whereas Saturn and Mercury may perform well or very well here; depending on the overall horoscope. Sun, Mars and Jupiter may perform on average in this navamsha and they may not perform beyond this level; since none of them is strong in Taurus.
Ketu may deliver its worst performance in this navamsha; within the sign of Taurus. Ketu is debilitated in Taurus and it is not much comfortable in Rohini. Among navagraha; Moon may be the strongest in this navamsha; followed by Venus and Rahu respectively.
Looking at Gemini navamsha; Moon, Venus, Mercury and Rahu may perform very well here whereas Saturn may perform well or very well; depending on the overall horoscope. Sun, Mars and Jupiter may perform on average or somewhat below average; depending on the overall horoscope. Ketu may perform poorly in this navamsha though it may perform better than its placement in Taurus navamsha. Among navagraha; Venus may be the strongest in this navamsha; followed by Rahu and Moon respectively.
Considering Cancer navamsha; Moon and Venus may perform very well here whereas Mercury, Saturn and Rahu may perform well but not very well in this navamsha. Sun may perform below average in this navamsha. Mars may perform poorly whereas Jupiter may perform well here. Within the sign of Taurus; Jupiter may be the strongest in this navamsha. On the other hand, Mars may be the weakest in this navamsha; within the sign of Taurus. Ketu may perform poorly in this navamsha. Among navagraha; Moon may be the strongest here and no other planet may match its strength in this navamsha.
Himanshu Shangari