Article 055

After understanding the working of mental level, let’s try to find out what makes different natives possess different intellectual levels or so to say, why different natives have mental levels with different strengths.

The primary variable that controls the level of brain you possess is the wish element. The variable of good and bad karmas is not as relevant in this case as it is in case of physical beauty, though the variable of karmas may certainly affect the type of results you may get through the application of your intellectual abilities.

The reason why your brain depends much more on your wish than on your good or bad karmas is that when it comes to physical form, it is short lasting. This means your physical beauty doesn’t last long on the scale of your spirit’s journey. At the same time, a particular physical body may only remain with you for one life which may be a period of seventy to eighty years on average. Among these years also, you may retain your prime physical form for about thirty to forty years at the most, if all conditions work in your favour.

As physical beauty is short lasted and as your physical body changes in every life, it follows different patterns compared to the formation of your brain. Brain is not short lasted as it is not the attribute of physical body and it is the attribute of unconscious mind. As a result, intellectual abilities are not short lasted and hence they depend on different things.

The development of brain is a gradual process which takes place over hundreds of your lives. It keeps developing until you’ve reached the ultimate point of development, provided you keep working for such development. As the journey of a unconscious mind begins, it marks some preferences and based on those preferences, it enters into a character type among the already explained four character types.

If a native bends towards intellectual character type, this is what happens. Such native starts developing the wish to understand the working of different things and secrets of nature; in any particular life. As this wish becomes stronger, he tries to dig deep into a number of things or concepts though he may not understand much as the journey for the development of mental level has just started. It means the bucket of mental level has only received a few drops of water and there is a long time before this bucket is even half filled.

As this native tries harder and harder to understand different things, his unconscious mind registers the demand for the development of his mental level. This is because strong wish and specifically targeted activities of this native are asking for his energy to flow towards mental level and this whole process is facilitated through unconscious mind.

All of us have specific amounts of energy within us and the flow of such energy in various directions within our entities is decided by the wish element. If you don’t know the mechanism of channelizing this energy into specific directions or towards specific targets, this job is done by your unconscious mind, based on the wish or demand that you practice. For example, when you try to understand more and more about the working of different things and you don’t succeed, your unconscious mind starts sending more and more energy to your mental level.

As a result, your mental level receives more energy, which means your brain grows. This process is unconscious or hidden as well as slow and hence it may take long or very long time for your mental level to grow even in small units. The speed of growth of your mental level depends directly on the intensity of your wish and the intensity of your specifically targeted activities in order to fulfil such wish. This is why if you continuously wish for something and you keep working hard to achieve it, such thing becomes easier to achieve. It happens because your unconscious mind channels a significant amount of energy towards your objective and this extra energy makes it easy for you to accomplish your task.

Another way of growing your mental level is the conscious way. This is the way of meditation through which you learn about the energy available in your body and you also learn how to focus a significant percentage of this energy towards any specific level. Hence if you wish to develop your mental level more and more, you meditate in a specific way; with your focus or concentration on your mental level whereas if you wish to develop your emotional level, you meditate with your focus or concentration on your emotional level.

As you do that regularly over a period of time, more and more energy starts rushing towards your mental level and as a result, you start witnessing that your brain is growing. This is when you start understanding things that you didn’t understand before; and your ability to reason and discriminate increases. However, the method of conscious meditation for the development of a particular level is very technical as well as tricky. Hence it is not available for most of us and so we use the first method, which is the unconscious way of developing a stronger and stronger mental level.

Getting back to this method, let’s suppose the maximum possible capacity of your mental level is ten thousand units. As your mental level grows, it becomes capable of using and channelizing more and more units of energy, which means it becomes capable of producing more and more work as more energy means more output related to the level in action.

Hence for the sake of this example, your mental level starts from very low capacity at the beginning of the journey of your spirit/unconscious and it can go up to ten thousand units of energy. It means at the beginning, your mental level is capable of using and channelizing low amounts of energy. When it comes to grow or expand your mental level, there are two variables to be considered.

The first one of these variables is your ability to send more and more energy to your mental level and you can do so unconsciously through wishes or you can do so through conscious methods like meditation. However, this is not all that is required and there is one more variable in play. At any particular time, your mental level has the ability to absorb and channelize a particular amount of energy and it can’t pay attention to energy more than that. It means that supplying your mental level with more and more energy is not the only solution to intellectual growth and you have to allow proper time to your mental level, so that it may gradually start handling more and more energy.

Let’s consider an example from day to day life in order to understand this concept in a better way. Suppose you can eat one kg of solid food at a time, when you try to eat as much as you can. It means one kg of solid food at a time is your capacity. If you wish to increase this capacity, there are two important variables to be considered. The first variable is your ability to supply more and more food to your body, which can be done by eating more and more.

Though it may not look like an important variable to some natives but it is. If you don’t have sufficient resources to arrange this much amount of food, you won’t be able to do so on regular basis and regular practice is a key aspect if you want to increase this capacity. Even if you have all the resources available, you have to consciously engage in the act of eating more and more food, which requires effort. Hence the first variable includes your wish to eat more, the resources needed to arrange that food and the effort required in order to eat that food.

The second variable deals with the capacity of your stomach or digestive system to handle and process this food. If you have capacity to eat one kg solid food at a time, it means your internal system won’t be able to handle and process food more than one kg. As you keep eating and as you reach closer to this limit, your internal system starts sending you signals to stop eating more food. Once you reach your limit of one kg, these signals become so strong that you may not be able to eat more, even if you want to. It means your stomach has reached its capacity and hence it can’t handle more food.

Suppose you want to increase this capacity to two kg of food at a time. If such is the case, the first thing you need is the wish to increase your eating capacity and when you develop that wish, the second thing is to engage in conscious efforts. It means you should try to eat more and more food in one meal and even if your capacity is reached, you should try.

This doesn’t mean you should forcibly eat even if you don’t have any space left in your stomach or so it tells you. It means when your capacity is reached, you should focus on your wish to eat more food and you should focus hard. At the same time, you should try to eat more food in small quantities even if it is ten grams. Ten grams of food may not look like making a difference but it does; as it creates demand for more space or more capacity.

This way, you’ll send signals to your unconscious mind that though the capacity is reached, you want to eat more. When that happens, your unconscious mind registers these signals and if they’re repeated again and again, your unconscious mind starts acting on them. As a result, it starts sending more energy to your stomach and this energy is primarily supposed to complete two tasks.

The first task is to redesign your internal system in a way that it may handle more food at a time, thus giving you the option to eat more. The second task is to boost your digestive system in a way that by the time you eat the last ten percent of your food, ten or twenty percent of the already eaten food is channelized and hence it moves out of stomach, giving you more available space to pack in more food.

Through these two processes, your unconscious mind tries to expand your capacity to eat more food and this increased capacity can help you eat more and more. The limit of this capacity may reach when one of the two conditions is met. The first condition is that you stop putting demand for more capacity as you may have reached the capacity you wanted and you may not wish for more capacity. When that happens, the wish element gets out of the picture as the task to achieve your desired capacity has been accomplished.

Therefore, your conscious mind starts sending signals to your unconscious mind that this much capacity is fine and you don’t want more capacity. When these signals are sent again and again, your unconscious mind starts acting on them and it stops sending more targeted energy to your digestive system. The reason your unconscious mind does that is because you have a specific amount of net energy and this energy is required to take care of all your day to day life functions. It is the job of your unconscious mind to strike balance between how much energy is sent to which level or to which part of your body and this job is done well by it, in most cases.

In cases when you don’t forward specific demands to expand any particular level or ability in particular, you’re out of the picture and the operation is completely taken over by your unconscious mind. It means your system goes to autopilot mode and your unconscious mind makes all the decisions related to the distribution of energy to different levels. However, when you consciously want to change certain things about you, like you want to increase your eating capacity, you also become a part of this equation and hence the system goes to semi-autopilot mode.

This means that though the distribution of energy is still carried out by your unconscious mind, your specific instructions are also included while making such distribution. In case of your conscious wish to eat more food, your unconscious mind starts sending more and more energy to your digestive system in order to expand or enhance it so that your wish may be fulfilled. As a result, your capacity to eat food is increased.

As long as you wish for more capacity, the distribution of energy is altered by this wish of yours and hence your unconscious mind keeps sending more energy to expand or enhance your digestive system. Once your wish is fulfilled, you stop sending such requests to your unconscious mind and it stops sending more energy to your digestive system. At this point, if you have reached the capacity to eat two kg food at a time and you don’t wish to increase this capacity, the job of your unconscious mind now becomes to maintain this capacity, instead of increasing it. Hence your unconscious mind makes sure that as much energy is supplied to your digestive system as is required to maintain the capacity to eat two kg solid food in a single meal.

The second variable that can stop this growth is the optimum physical limit to eat food in a single meal. It means even if you keep placing demands for more and more capacity and even if your unconscious mind keeps expanding your eating capacity, a stage may come when the optimum limit of your digestive system is reached. This optimum limit means how much food at the most you can handle at a time, being the type of species you are. In simple words, the optimum limit in this case is the maximum capacity of a human being to handle food in a single meal.

Though this capacity may vary from native to native; let’s suppose it is five kg for a single meal in your case. It means if you wish, you can expand your capacity from one kg to five kg of solid food in a single meal and not beyond that. Hence the expansion of your capacity to eat may stop in two conditions. The first condition is that you stop wishing for more capacity and the second condition is that the optimum capacity is reached. In most cases, the expansion of your digestive system is stopped because of the first condition and not because of the second condition. It means your digestive system virtually keeps expanding as long as you want it to expand.

It should be noted that we’ve discussed only one aspect of this equation and there are other aspects also. For example, even if you increase your eating capacity to eat five kg of solid food in one meal, you must be able to put the energy provided by this food to proper use. It means your daily calorie consumption or your requirement for physical energy should be such that the energy supplied by this food is utilized. If that doesn’t happen, the excess energy may start converting into fat and as a result, you may start putting on more and more weight.

Even when you gain weight, the decision to maintain or even reduce your present eating capacity is still controlled by your own wish. It means as you gain more and more extra weight, though the basic functions of your body may become difficult to manage, your unconscious mind may still not reduce your eating capacity. Though the unconscious mind is a very powerful entity living inside you, it only works to facilitate your wishes in most cases.

It means your unconscious mind doesn’t have any agenda of its own and it operates more on the agendas given by your conscious mind, in most cases. Hence your unconscious mind doesn’t stop you from eating more and there are only two things that can do so. The first thing is that with the passage of time and with extra load, some of your digestive organs may become incapable of processing excessive amount of food for you. When that happens, your optimum limit to eat a specific quantity of food in a single meal is reduced and accordingly, you have to eat less.

The second variable is the wish variable. In this case, you may keep putting on more and more extra weight and though your digestive organs may remain intact, you may start disliking your body shape. When that happens, you may consciously start thinking about reducing your body weight. When you engage in this chain of thoughts, your brain tells you that extra food eaten by you is the root cause of excessive fat.

As a result, you may start developing dislike for too much food and as this dislike develops, two things happen simultaneously. The first thing is the rise of your wish to get rid of this extra fat at any cost and the second thing is to eat less food. Through repeated signals, your unconscious mind starts acting on both these requests. Acting on your first request, it starts making you interested in techniques and methods which may help you reduce extra fat. Hence you find yourself getting interested in going to gym, regular walks or any other such activities which help reduce extra fat from your body.

Acting on your second request, your unconscious mind starts sending less energy to your digestive system. When that happens, the capacity of your digestive system starts decreasing. This is because in order to maintain any particular capacity, your digestive system needs a specific amount of energy, like all other systems do. For instance, if a car has an optimum speed of hundred miles per hour and in order to do so, it needs ten drops of fuel every second; this is what may happen when you change some variables.

The engines of cars are so designed that as you put demand for more speed and as they try to run them faster, they need more fuel in order to do so. There’s a part in the engine which increases or decreases the supply of fuel drops to the engine, depending on how slow or fast it wants to run. It means the engine puts a demand for the amount of fuel to be sent to it based on the speed demanded by the driver; and that other part supplies that amount of fuel to it on regular basis.

Hence if a car needs ten drops of fuel every second in order to run at a speed of hundred miles per hour, this speed can be reduced in many ways. One of these ways is to reduce the capacity of the engine, the second way is to flatten a tyre in order to provide more resistance and similarly, there may be other ways of doing this. Coming to the way relevant to our example, let’s make certain changes to the fuel dispensing part in a way that at the most, it may supply nine drops of fuel per second and not more than that.

When that happens, the capacity of engine as well as all other variables remain the same and only the maximum amount of fuel which may be supplied to the engine per second has been changed or so to say, reduced. Comparing it to our body and translating it in terms of energy, we have reduced the amount of energy that may be supplied per second to the engine, in the form of fuel. Whenever the driver puts demand for more speed, the engine tries to extract more fuel per second from this part and hence the speed keeps increasing.

However, as the car reaches a specific speed let’s suppose ninety miles per hour, it starts consuming nine drops of fuel per second in order to maintain this speed. If the driver wishes to increase the speed further, he may not be able to do so. This is because the engine now needs more than nine drops of fuel per second in order to carry out the task of achieving a speed more than ninety miles per hour. Since the part is designed to supply nine drops per second at the most, the engine may not find more energy to meet this new demand.

Hence the engine may lack the required amount of energy and it may not be able to run the car at a speed more than ninety miles per hour. The driver may think that this is the optimum capacity of the engine but it is not so in reality. The engine is still capable of running this car at a speed of hundred miles per hour but it is not getting the required amount of energy to accomplish this task. The maximum amount of fuel per second or energy supplied to this engine enables it to reach the speed of ninety miles per hour when all other conditions are ideal and hence it can only reach that speed.

You see, though the engine still has the capacity to perform more, the reduction in the supply of energy has restricted it from doing so. Similarly, the supply of fuel drops per second or so to say, the supply of energy may be reduced further and the maximum speed achieved by this car can be lowered, though the optimum capacity of the engine may still remain the same.

A process which is not exactly the same but which is similar to this happens inside us also. When you develop wishes for eating less food, your unconscious mind acts on them and it starts sending less energy to your digestive system. As a result, the capacity of your digestive system starts reducing due to lack of required energy, to carry out this operation. Accordingly, you may witness reduction in your eating capacity over a period of time, just like you noticed increase in your eating capacity over a period of time. This process takes place very slowly and it can easily take some weeks or even some months for you to notice significant increase or reduction in your eating capacity.

Now that you’ve understood the working of your eating capacity, it should be easier to understand the mechanism of expansion of your mental level or brain. There are primarily two variables required for this task, your wish to send more and more energy to your mental level and the gradual enhancement of your mental level to absorb and channelize more and more energy.

Hence if your mental level has the capacity of 10 units at a time, it means it can absorb and channelize 10 units of energy at that time. Accordingly, it will be able to deliver intellectual performance matching this input of energy. If the maximum possible capacity of your mental level is ten thousand units of energy and it is operating at 10 units only, at this stage, it is easy to understand that you may not be able to produce much intellectual work and your mental level has the ability to expand hundred times from this point.

As a result, you may not be able to understand most things as more than ten units of energy may be required by your mental level to break those things into constituent units and give you proper understanding of their mechanisms. However, if you keep trying hard even after failing again and again, you forward specific requests to your unconscious mind, through these conscious acts of your wish to understand. Hence your unconscious mind registers a new task which says that you really need to understand more things related to mental level and it starts doing this task for you.

Accordingly, your unconscious mind starts sending more and more energy to your mental level and at the same time, it starts stimulating your mental level to absorb and channelize more energy. It is a very slow process but it does bring results. Over a period of years, your mental level may increase in capacity and it may now start handling twenty or even thirty units of energy. Technically it means that your brain has grown two or three times.

In practical language, you may now be able to understand the mechanism of all such things related to brain, which require your mental level to consume less than thirty units of energy, if your mental level now has the capacity of thirty units. As there may be hundreds of concept which require your mental level to have a capacity between ten and thirty units in order to be understood, you may start understanding all these concepts. Natives notice that you’ve become more intellectual and you also witness ease in understanding matters which you found difficult some years ago.

As your mental level reaches the capacity of thirty units, it may understand a number of new things but it may still not understand concepts which require the capacity of mental level to be more than thirty units. Hence you understand hundreds of things previously not understood but you still find thousands of new things worthy of being understood. At this stage, two things may happen.

If you’re satisfied with the performance of your mental level and you don’t want more brain, the wish element goes away. This is because you don’t wish for more brain and this message is conveyed to your unconscious mind. Let’s see how you convey this message to your unconscious mind.

You may have noticed that while trying to understand some difficult looking concepts, you keep trying hard even if you don’t succeed. When you get tired trying, you may take a break for a while but this thought may keep crossing your mind every now and then, as to how to break that concept into pieces so that you may understand it. This is how you forward wishes or demands to your unconscious mind. While trying hard to understand this concept and while thinking about it even when you’re not working on it, you convey this message to your unconscious mind that it is important for you to understand this concept.

Your unconscious mind registers this request and it starts working to fulfil it as already explained. Now consider another situation. You look at a concept, you try to understand it, you fail to do so and you quit. It means you don’t understand it and you may not even want to understand it. Hence you move away from it and when that happens, you don’t think about it in your free time. The type of message you’re sending to your unconscious mind is different in this case, compared to that in the first case.

In the first case, you consciously worked hard to understand a concept and even when you failed, you kept thinking about it. The message conveyed to your unconscious mind was that such concept was important for you to understand. The word important means a wish. This willingness sends strong messages to your unconscious mind and it starts doing everything in its power to fulfil such wish at the earliest.

Looking into the second case, you try to understand a concept, you don’t succeed and you quit. You’re not interested to give it more time as you don’t find it important. It means you’re willing to move ahead with your life, without understanding this concept. Hence you move on and you don’t think about it in your free time.

Look at your thought pattern as well as your approach in this case. While trying to understand this concept, you didn’t try as hard and for as long as you did in the first case. Hence your approach is less intense in this case. Coming to your thought pattern, you don’t think about the need to understand this concept when you’re not working on it and in fact, you’ve quitted this job. Hence your thought pattern doesn’t attach importance to this concept.

Through this less intense approach and through the lack of importance attached to this concept, the message conveyed to your unconscious mind is that you don’t understand this concept and you don’t even want to. Hence there is no demand for the expansion of your mental level and so your unconscious mind doesn’t send more energy to expand your mental level. If you keep this status, it means your unconscious mind will keep sending as much energy to your mental level, as much can enable it to keep having a capacity of thirty units and nothing more than that.

However, if you’re not satisfied with this capacity and you want to understand even more, the same process of creating yet another wish for more mental ability is started again. Your unconscious mind tries to expand your mental level even more and over a significant period of time, slowly but surely, it may succeed. If this process continues throughout your life, you may end up having the capacity of your mental level as sixty units.

As your mental level reaches the capacity of sixty units, you become able to understand many more things and concepts which require the application of brain, to be decoded. Since the journey of the spirit/unconscious is continuous and intellectual abilities are the attributes of the unconscious mind instead of being those of the physical body; you are born again with your mental level having a capacity of sixty units.

It means you’re an intellectual child and if your wish to achieve even more brain remains strong in this life also, you may keep expanding your mental level in this life also. This way, you may keep expanding your mental level as long as you wish and as long as the maximum allowed limit is not reached. Some of you may think that this way, a native interested in more and more development of mental level should reach the maximum allowed limit in a matter of some lives. It may look this easy but it is not and this is why.

The process which works to increase the capacity of your mental level works in the backward direction also and this is what may change everything. It means that if you’ve reached an intellectual capacity of three hundred units in a life and you take a diversion in this life, your mental capacity may start decreasing instead of increasing or even instead of sustaining. Yes, that may happen due to a number of reasons and here is one of them.

Suppose in this life, you like a woman a lot and you fall in love with her. Your love relationship may continue for many years and during these years, you may develop different types of wishes. Since this woman has now become your primary wish, it is natural for you to find more and more ways to make her feel happy and to connect with her on deeper and deeper levels. When you forward these wishes to your unconscious mind, a problem starts taking place.

Your brain and your heart work in opposite directions in most cases and hence they may prove bad for each other in most cases. Since you now wish to get as close to this woman as you can, your unconscious mind starts working to fulfil this wish. As a result, it starts sending more energy to your heart since the matters of love are dealt with by heart and not by brain. In fact, all relationships in their healthiest forms are dealt with by heart and not by brain.

Though increasing number of natives have started to control their relationships with their intellects rather than using their hearts for this job, this practice has only resulted in more problems in relationships. Any relationship can be strengthened in its truest sense, only through heart and not through brain. This is because brain is all about calculations, profits and losses whereas heart is all about feeling and living. Hence brain may warn you not to let go of your material possessions even in case of your loved ones whereas your heart may encourage you to let go of everything material if that makes your loved ones happy and it gives you a feeling of joy.

As your unconscious mind starts sending more energy to your emotional level, it starts expanding. As a result, you now have two different types of energies which generally don’t go well with each other and which stand in opposition to each other. Let’s now look at some of the things which may happen during this love relationship and which may demand your brain to reduce in capacity.

Going to the beginning phase of one such relationship, suppose you like a woman with all your heart, you’re sitting with her over coffee and a conversation is going on. During the course of conversation, she may say a number of things which may not make sense when scrutinized by your brain. For example, she may tell you that she saw a fancy dream and she believes it’ll come true. She may even tell you that she strongly believes that morning dreams often come true. After telling you all this, she may ask for your opinion on this.

When that happens, two opposite types of energies may initiate a complex reaction inside you. Your brain may strongly advise you that this is all rubbish as there is no logic for this nonsense talk. Hence your brain may tell you to convince your lover that she’s wrong and she shouldn’t think or talk like this. However at the same time, your heart starts telling you that if you do so, she may get offended and you should not do anything to hurt her.

Since your heart is deeply attached to this woman and you don’t want to offend her at any cost, you’re stuck in an inner conflict. Your brain strongly suggests you to overrule this nonsense whereas your heart tells you to agree to what she says. All this may happen very fast and in a matter of a couple of seconds, your heart and brain may have suggested you tens of things in support of their demands. As your heart is expected to win in this case, you may eventually agree with her, against the advice of your brain.

Hence you agree with her and you may even tell her that you also believe that morning dreams come true. Though your lover as well as your heart may welcome this answer, your brain may strongly oppose it. Let’s now look at the process which is taking place inside you, shortly after you agree to your lover’s point of view.

By choosing to go against the advice of your brain, you’ve given a signal to your unconscious mind that whenever there’s a conflict between your heart and brain, you want to go with your heart and not with your brain. At the same time, you’ve refused to listen to your brain and you’ve chosen not to pay attention to the logics and facts given by it in support of its actions. By doing so, you’ve shown disinterest in your brain and that also sends a malefic signal as far as your mental level is concerned.

However, this may not be much trouble as this is only one event. But as it starts happening every now and then, which may certainly be so because in order to maintain a love relationship on a healthy level, you may have to ignore your brain and listen to your heart only, in most cases. With these repeated actions, you keep sending messages to your unconscious mind that you need more heart and less brain.

This is because whenever you tend to use brain while interacting with this woman, you may offend her or she may disagree with you during most of these incidences. For example, while chatting over coffee, your lover may tell you that she likes extra sugar in her coffee though some natives advise her not to do so as it is unhealthy. She may also say that she doesn’t care about those natives and she does what she likes as it is her life. She may then suddenly involve you in this equation and she may ask for your opinion on this matter. It means she may ask you whether she’s doing the right thing by having extra sugar in her coffee or not?

As you can understand, it is a tricky question. It is obvious that if you depend on your brain alone in this case, you may end up offending your lover. This is because she’s already told you that she likes extra sugar in her coffee, some natives advise her against this pattern and she doesn’t care what they say. It means that this woman has already made it clear through these lines that she expects you to like her pattern of having extra sugar in her coffee, though she’s done it in a unconscious way.

Pay attention to the extra lines added by her, which say some natives don’t like this pattern of hers and she doesn’t care what they say. She may simply have said that she likes extra sugar in her coffee and she may then have asked for your opinion on this matter. If she only wanted to know your neutral opinion, this was a better way to do so. Then why did she use these extra lines? She may not have used these extra lines consciously and they may just have slipped out of her mouth.

The reason why she used these extra lines is that deep inside, she’s afraid that you may also vote against extra sugar in coffee and if you do so, there’s another vote which tries to prove her wrong and ask her to quit this pattern. As she enjoys this pattern a lot and she may have a reasonably developed pride (ego) also, like most of us do, she may not want to hear anything against this pattern. This is because more is the number of natives telling her that it is a bad pattern, more she may have to believe that it is a bad pattern and she must quit it.

When this happens, there are many things going inside her. Since she likes extra sugar in her coffee, it means her heart supports it as most likings come from the heart. If she has a reasonably developed pride (ego), that pride (ego) may also be attached to this pattern as this is the job of pride (ego). This means that almost all of us get attached to what we like and what we do on regular basis. When you get attached to a pattern or anything you do on regular basis, your pride (ego) also gets attached to it and it doesn’t want to hear opinions against such thing.

This is because if you pay attention to such opinions and you start believing that what you’re doing is not right, this may hurt your pride (ego). It means that it is not a simple admission of something wrong or something not so right being done by you, it is much more than that. For instance, when a number of natives tell your lover that she’s wrong in having extra sugar in her coffee as that may expose her to health problems in the long run, it is not just one thing and there are many things happening inside her.

The first thing is her liking for extra sugar which goes against such advices. It means her heart may keep telling her not to pay attention to these natives as otherwise, she may have to quit having extra sugar in her coffee. Hence there is already one vote against such advices. The second variable is that if she’s doing it for a long period of time and her pride (ego) is attached to this pattern, the pride (ego) may also vote against such advice.

This happens because when a native tells you that having extra sugar in your coffee is bad for your health and hence you should stop having it, this simple statement tells you much more than you think it does. This statement tells you that extra sugar in your coffee is bad, this also tells you that you didn’t know or didn’t agree to this fact till now and that in itself tells you that you’re not a smart native. This is because you don’t know or realize simple facts that most natives know and hence you’re not a smart native or maybe you’re a dumb native.

When it comes to be a less smart native than the average, your pride (ego) gets involved and it may take this statement as an insult. The focus has now shifted from extra sugar and it has been shifted to what type of a native you are. If you admit that having extra sugar in your coffee is wrong and you didn’t know it, you also admit that you know less than many natives and the other native knows more than you; or probably much more than you.

This may instantly give you a feeling of inferiority. There are many ways you may react to this situation and we’ll discuss some of them. If you don’t have a well-developed pride (ego) and you’re willing to learn and improve anytime, you may admit to this fact and you may say that you’ll try to quit this pattern. However, when it comes to pride (ego), most of us have it much bigger than we know and this is what the root cause of most problems related to relationships is.

In case you have a reasonably sized pride (ego), the chances of which are high, here is how you may respond. You may tell this native that extra sugar may be bad for some natives but it is not essentially bad for everyone. Some natives do well with extra sugar and you’re one of them. This may start an argument though it may be a controlled and decent type of argument. This is because if the other native also has a reasonably sized pride (ego), the chances of which are again high, the same process may start inside him also.

It means he knows something, he’s sure of it and he’s trying to convince you about this thing with the help of his knowledge. However, as you choose to contradict his opinion and you even start supplying facts in favour of your statements, his pride (ego) also gets involved. This is because if you prove that he’s wrong or he’s not completely right, it is once again not as simple as it looks and it goes as deep as his pride (ego), though on a unconscious level.

It is interesting to see that this chain of statements starts from a simple line which says having extra sugar in coffee is bad as it may expose you to health risks. However, sooner than you know, it may turn into an argument, primarily because of the involvement of egos from both sides. You may challenge this statement partly or fully and you may supply facts and logics in support of your replies. You do this because you don’t want to lose this argument and you don’t want to lose this argument because that hurts your pride (ego) by telling you that you’re a loser. Your admission may also tell you that so far, you’ve been doing this thing wrong, which means you’re not as smart as you think you are.

All this is happening on unconscious level and at a fast pace. Hence you may not have conscious knowledge of all this happening inside you and you may simply feel like acting naturally according to the situation. You may tell this native that extra sugar is not bad for everyone and this is true in your case in particular. You may then also tell him that you’ve been having extra sugar in your coffee since childhood and you’ve not experienced any health issue due to this pattern, so far. It means your pride (ego) may have come to the scene in order to protect itself and it may have decided to fight till the end.

As your words go to the other native, he may either agree to them or he may oppose them. In case he chooses to agree with you, he may have to accept that he was wrong in what he was saying or he was not completely right. When that happens, his pride (ego) may also get involved and he may choose to disagree with you. This is because this simple admission of being wrong may tell him that he’s not as smart as he thinks and he’s filled with incomplete or untrue knowledge.

If this native has acquired this knowledge recently, he may not have attached much pride (ego) to it and hence it may become easy for him to agree with you. However, if he has this knowledge for many years and he’s proven himself right many times during these years, there’s almost no chance that he may agree to your statement. In order to understand this concept, let’s try to look into the working of pride (ego).

Among many traits pride (ego) has, it has a strong tendency to assign value to things and natives; based on how much it has invested in them. It means if you’ve invested only a few days in something, your pride (ego) may not be much attached to it as it has not invested much time till this point. Another fact that should be understood is that pride (ego) always wants something in return for its investments and that is why it gets attached in the first place. As a general set of beliefs, more is any type of investment made by it in anything or anyone, more is the expectation for results or returns and accordingly, more is the attachment.

The word attachment in its deep sense means that you’ve done something for someone or something and you’re now waiting for the returns. If the results don’t come or they are not as good as you expect, your pride (ego) gets hurt and you may react in a not so good manner. Another catch with pride (ego) is that no matter how good the results may be, it may almost always tell you that your effort was more in comparison to the results delivered to you. This is one of the ways through which pride (ego) feels satisfied.

For example, if you help a friend in time of need and you expect him to do something for you in return at a proper time, your pride (ego) gets attached to it. When the time comes and your friend helps you as you thought, even that help may disturb you, depending on the size of your pride (ego). It may happen that your friend may offer you help which may be bigger or much bigger than your help. When that happens, there are many ways you may unconsciously respond to this act of help.

If you don’t have a big pride (ego), you may feel grateful to this friend and you may at the same time pat yourself on your back as it was you who knew many years back that this friend will help you in times of need. It means you did the right thing by helping this friend long back and that help has paid now. This validates your ability to judge natives and through that, it satisfies your pride (ego). You see, how your pride (ego) may find ways to interfere with most things and attach itself to them. However, this is only the case if you don’t have a big pride (ego) and it may get worse if you have one.

In case the size of your pride (ego) is big, the thought of being grateful to your friend may not come to your mind and a different type of thought pattern may initiate inside your unconscious mind. This thought pattern starts comparing the size of help offered by your friend with the size of help offered by you, as it wants to find out who offered more help. It should be noted that natives with big egos may simply not be able to accept more from other natives than they’ve given them. This happens because their egos feel satisfied only when they’ve given more and not when they’ve taken more.

In fact, their egos may start hurting them from inside if that happens. As a result, these natives may start finding ways to balance out such situations. Coming to the present example, if you have a big pride (ego), it may start comparing your help with your friend’s help. If a part of your brain tells you that the help offered by your friend is bigger or much bigger than that offered by you but your pride (ego) is not able to digest this fact, you may respond in different ways to balance out this situation, depending on your character type.

One of these ways is that you may resolve in your mind that as soon as you can, you’ll do something for this friend and that something may be of the quantum which may settle this equation in your favour. It means that such act should rearrange this equation in a way that the favour done to your friend by you in the past plus the favour to be done by you to him in future becomes more than the quantum of favour done by him to you. As you reach this decision, your pride (ego) feels partly satisfied and it waits for you to engage in such favour so that it may feel fully satisfied.

If you’re a different type of character, you may start finding ways to assure yourself that the quantum of help offered by you was in fact greater than the quantum of help offered by your friend. For example, if you gave two thousand dollars to your friend about five years ago and he gave you four thousand dollars recently, this is what your pride (ego) may do to feel satisfied. Your pride (ego) may use your brain to its advantage and through your brain; it may find facts and logics to assure you that the help offered by you is more in quantum.

For instance, your brain may tell you that over these five years, the variable of inflation has played in a way that the value held by an amount of two thousand dollars five years back; now corresponds to the amount of five thousand dollars. This way, when the variable of inflation is taken into consideration, you gave your friend five thousand dollars and he gave you four thousand dollars. Your pride (ego) reaches this conclusion that the help offered by you was bigger and hence it feels satisfied.

However, if through the calculations of inflation, your brain finds that the amount of two thousand dollars about five years back now corresponds to the amount of three thousand dollars, your problem may still persist. This is because after adjusting the inflation variable, you gave your friend three thousands and he gave you four thousands. There is a gap of one thousand dollars, this gap is hurting your pride (ego) and it has to be balanced out in some way, so that your pride (ego) may feel satisfied.

Your pride (ego) looks towards your brain for help and sooner than you may realize, your brain may offer such help with yet another fact. Your brain tells you that when you gave two thousand dollars to your friend, you earned four thousand dollars per month, which means you gave half of your salary to your friend. Now your friend has given your four thousand dollars and he earns twelve thousand dollars per month.

Hence your brain does all the calculations and it tells you that five years back, you offered half of your salary to your friend and five years later, he’s offered one third of his salary to you. Since one half is more than one third, your help was indeed greater in quantum. The conclusion is once again reached that your help was greater in quantum than the help offered by your friend and your pride (ego) feels satisfied once again.

Even if this variable doesn’t work out in your favour, your pride (ego) may ask for more help and your brain may come up with more facts and calculations to change this equation in favour of your pride (ego). This may keep happening until your brain has supplied facts which are sufficient to prove that the help offered by you was more in quantum than the help offered by your friend. You see, how complicated things may get even when a friend offers you help in time of need. All this happens because of your pride (ego) and this is why pride (ego) is the biggest hurdle on the path of spiritual growth and liberation.

Coming back to attachment of pride (ego) with things and natives, more you invest in something or someone, more your pride (ego) gets attached to such thing or native and more difficult it is get rid of such thing or native. Hence if you’ve acquired a piece of information recently and you haven’t used it much, your pride (ego) may not have strongly attached to it. It means you may find it easier to let go of this piece of information or correct it if needed.

However, if you’ve acquired this piece of information many years back like ten years back, you’ve used it a lot and with the help of this information, you’ve convinced a number of natives, it may become very difficult for you to let go of it as your pride (ego) may have strongly got attached to it. This is because if at this time, you come to know that this piece of information is incorrect, this fact leads to many conclusions.

The first conclusion is that you wasted ten years of your life believing in something which was not correct. This further tells you that you’re not a smart native as even an incorrect piece of information can fool you for ten years. Another thought that may cross your mind is that over these ten years, you’ve convinced dozens of natives that this information is correct. If you now admit that it is wrong, it means you misguided all those natives, which gives you one more reason to feel ashamed.

Going even further, the ideal thing to do in case of your admission that this piece of information is incorrect is that you should contact all those natives or as many of them as you can; and you should tell them that the information given by you to them was incorrect. You should also apologize to them that due to ignorance, you supplied them with incorrect information. This is where the biggest problem happens.

It is not as simple as accepting something on merit and it goes far deeper. It’s not about whether what you believe in is true or not and it is rather about your entire identity, at least according to your pride (ego). You have to believe that you were wrong about something for ten years, you misguided natives and the hardest part; you should apologize to all of them. Offering apology is one of the biggest enemies of pride (ego). This is what complicates this equation.

Since all these things look difficult to do, your pride (ego) encourages you to find another way. Your brain comes to help and the other way is found. This ways says that if you prove that your piece of information is correct, you won’t have to face all these problems. Encouraged by your pride (ego), you start arguing in favour of the information given by you and as the other native is also doing the same thing, the situation gets complicated.

You see, on the surface, it all looks like the mentioning of a simple piece of information that extra sugar is bad for health. However deep down, it may soon become a question of existence as the result of this argument may decide whose existence is more valid or more valuable. This is why you witness even simple discussions turning into serious arguments or even into disputes as no one wants to take a hit on his pride (ego). It should be noted that most of this happens in your unconscious mind and you may not have any idea about this. Hence you may engage in one such argument as you may consciously feel that you’re representing the truth whereas the real reason for this argument may not be known to you.

Coming back to your lover, as she feels relaxed while sitting with you, she mentions this fact that she likes extra sugar in her coffee. However, as soon as she says it, her unconscious mind reminds her of all those incidents when other natives told her to quit this pattern as it is unhealthy. A chain of thoughts starts within her unconscious mind and it processes at lightening pace.

The first thought is followed by the unconscious thoughts that she argued with most of those natives in support of her pattern and the arguments didn’t go anywhere as she stood in favour of her statement whereas those natives stood firm in support of their statements. As a result, a draw was reached in most of those cases. It means that one such matter heated up and then the argument reached a point where both parties didn’t have anything to say. This was the time when silence prevailed for some time and then both parties moved on to a different topic.

The fact that no conclusion was reached and both parties decided to stick to their points of view indicates that both of them had reasonably developed egos which didn’t want to lose the argument. As this series of thoughts crosses her unconscious mind, another very important thought comes to her unconscious mind. It is the thought that deep down, she disliked all those natives for trying to make her believe that she had a bad pattern. She might not have said it to their faces but she unconsciously developed partial disliking for those natives.

The phrase ‘partial disliking’ in this context means that when you interact with someone, both of you engage in a series of things affecting each other. Hence the other native does certain things which you like whereas he may do certain things you don’t like. All these findings are recorded on your unconscious mind and at any point in time, it has all this data as well as the conclusion of the analysis of this data for this native. It means there may be 40% likes for this native and 60% dislikes for this native, which further means that you like 40% patterns of this native or things done by this native whereas you dislike 60% of his patterns or actions.

Whenever you think about this native, your unconscious mind analyses all this data and it gives you a conclusion based on calculations of your experiences with this native so far. This conclusion may be called your internal rating for this native. In the present case, this rating may be ‘not a very good native but may be tried in some situations’. The phrase ‘some situations’ in this context means that he does certain things which you like and which constitute the 40% benefic rating for him.

For example, he may be a very good mountain tracker and you may also like mountain tracking though you may not be as good as he is. Your unconscious mind registers this fact in favour of this native and it may encourage you to avail his company whenever you wish to go for mountain tracking as your previous experiences of mountain tracking with him were good.

Looking at a malefic point, this native may love to show off his possessions or his qualities and you may strongly dislike it. It may have happened that while being at get-togethers with him, he may have showed off a lot and he may have even embarrassed you in front of other natives. For instance, he may have said that once you two went for mountain tracking, you felt completely helpless at a point in time and you were able to complete the mission with his help only. Hence your pride (ego) dislikes it, your unconscious mind marks this pattern of his as a malefic one and it uses this fact for calculations.

It means when you think of this native, your unconscious mind suggests you to avail his company while going for mountain tracking and at the same time, avoid his company when you plan for a get-together as he may embarrass you in front of other natives. Hence you may choose to go for mountain tracking with this native but you may avoid partying with him. All this goes inside your unconscious mind, all these calculations are processed very fast and you may not have even the slightest idea about any of these records and calculations.

All you may notice is the conclusion which is delivered in any case related to this native. It means when you think of this native, you may get conclusions like, ‘good for mountain tracking but bad for partying’. Similarly, there may be many other facts related to him which your unconscious mind may have recorded through your interactions and experiences with him over a number of years. This is how you generally rate a native and this is how your unconscious mind does the job of recording facts, marking them benefic or malefic, making calculations and then delivering the conclusions.

You see, how much is going inside your unconscious mind and how many calculations it may be doing when you engage in a simple looking conscious thought like who should you go with for mountain tracking or for partying. Since all of this happens in the hidden as your unconscious mind is the hidden part of your mind, you may not have much conscious knowledge of this process.

Taking a look at the rating given by your unconscious mind to this native, this rating says, ‘not a very good native but may be tried in some situations’. It is interesting to see that the rating given for different patterns of this native may not be the actual rating and it may only be his rating from your point of view and to be precise, from your pride (ego)’s point of view. Moving on, since your point of view is yours, which means your pride (ego) is attached to your point of view, it may not be neutral in most cases. Hence you mark a pattern of this native as benefic when your pride (ego) sees profit in that pattern whereas you mark such pattern as malefic when your pride (ego) sees loss in it.

However in reality, the patterns marked malefic by you may not be malefic when seen neutrally or they may not be as malefic as marked by you. For instance, you strongly disliked how this native embarrassed you in front of many natives when he mentioned how helpless you felt while tracking a mountain and how he helped you out of this situation, making him a hero and making you look like a poor native in need of help. But this is only your point of view and it may not be completely correct.

Let’s now look into his act of show off from a neutral point of view and see how bad it is. The first question to ask is whether one such incident happened at all or not? The answer is yes. The second question is whether you felt helpless or not and the answer is again yes. The third question is whether he helped you out or not and the answer is again yes. The fourth and the final question is whether the entire incident has been honestly described by him or he has exaggerated his heroic deeds as well as your state of being a helpless native at a time. Let’s suppose the answer to this question is also yes, more or less. It means he may have added 5 to 10% exaggeration but he’s been honest on the whole.

It is the time to analyse all these facts and reach a conclusion. When you analyse all these facts in a neutral way, you’ll find that this native has only spoken truth and nothing else. You felt helpless, he helped you and you were able to make it with his help. This is all this native is saying and this is all that has happened. So what is wrong in it? How can you call it a malefic pattern? Do you think that even speaking the truth qualifies for a malefic pattern?

In reality, there may be nothing wrong with this native’s approach though he may have slightly overdone certain things while describing this whole incident. Hence he may deserve a tiny little malefic rating for this incident but not the kind of big malefic rating that you assigned to him. The reason you give him such rating is that by describing this incident in front of other natives, he’s made you feel small as you’re portrayed as a poor and helpless native in this story and your pride (ego) doesn’t like it.

The million dollar question to ask yourself before giving this rating is that whether you were actually a poor and helpless native back then or not? If the answer is yes, then there may be no valid justification for this malefic rating and it is simply your pride (ego) in play. It may be a small incident but it can give you a perfect window to look into the domain of your pride (ego). So let’s use this window and see what is there on the other side of this window, the side called the domain of your pride (ego).

At a time when tracking a mountain, you felt helpless and this native helped you out of your problems. Then after some time, he described this incident in front of other natives and you didn’t like this fact. Hence you give him a big malefic for this act. It means your pride (ego) pays less attention to the fact that someone actually helped you in time of need and it pays more attention to the fact that he told other natives about such help. By doing so, he embarrassed you and your pride (ego) got hurt. Hence the act of help almost vanishes in the shade of the act of your embarrassment.

Some questions arise here. Is help more important or the privacy of such help more important? When this native described this incident, why were you embarrassed in the first place as he was telling the truth only? Instead of feeling bad and disliking this native at that moment, why didn’t you like him and join him? Why didn’t you say in front of all those natives that whatever he’s saying was absolutely true and you’re grateful for all the help offered by him at that time? There are many other questions but considering these questions will serve our purpose.

Looking at the first question, the fact that more than help, the privacy of help is important to you asserts that you have a well-developed pride (ego) which wants to project you only as a hero or a capable native and it hates when natives see you as a helpless or needy native. Hence whosoever is responsible for projecting this helpless image of yours is your enemy, according to your pride (ego). Accordingly, you want help but you don’t want other natives to know that you need help as that goes against your pride (ego).

In the second question, the other native was telling the truth only and you should not have any reason to feel embarrassed or bad. Being humans, we’re all vulnerable at times and all of us may need help at times. If none of us needed help and each one of us was complete, what was the need to build society to start with? The concept of society was established only because long back, some wise natives realized that as humans, we’re not complete and each one of us needs help at one time or another.

Yes, some of us may need help more often and some of us may need help less often. However, that is a quantitative difference and not a qualitative difference. It means even the natives who need help less often are basically the same as the natives who need help more often. The quality of needing help remains common among both these types of natives and only the quantity of such help may change. Therefore, there is no qualitative difference and there is only a quantitative difference between these two types of natives.

For example, sugarcane needs much more water to grow than certain beans or other crops need. However, one common variable among them is that they all need water to grow and they can’t grow without it. Hence their quality of needing water to grow remains the same and only the quantities of water they require are different. When two or more things or natives have the same basic quality but the measure of that quality is different, they’re called qualitatively same but quantitatively different.

This is because they have the same basic quality and only the intensity of this quality is different. The measure of intensity of a quality is called quantitative measure and hence it deals with the percentage or score of a quality possessed by a thing or a native, compared to percentage or score of the same quality, possessed by other thing or native. Since both sugarcane and beans need water to grow, they’re qualitatively the same in this aspect though they are quantitatively different as they need different amounts of water to grow.

Let’s consider the comparison of taste between sugarcane, banana, bitter gourd and chilly. For this comparison, sugarcane and banana taste sweet though sugarcane is generally sweeter than banana. Bitter gourd tastes bitter as its name suggests and chilly tastes chilly according to its name. Hence when compared for taste, sugarcane and banana are qualitatively same but they have different quantities of sweetness.

However, sugarcane and banana have qualitative difference of taste with bitter gourd and chilly since none of them tastes sweet and they have different tastes. Hence qualitative difference means having different qualities whereas quantitative difference means having different quantities of the same quality. Considering one more example, water is liquid whereas stone is solid. Hence they are qualitatively different. However, 1 liter of water is qualitatively the same as 1000 liters of water, though they are quantitatively different.

Coming back to the example, if all of us need help at one time or another though some of us may need it more often, why do you need to deny this fact that you need or needed help? This is because your pride (ego) feels you’ll fall into the category of natives who often need help and it instead likes to belong to the category of natives who don’t need help much often. You see, on a unconscious level, your pride (ego) has assigned rating to each and every aspect of your life and it wants you to belong to the top rated categories in most of them.

This tendency in itself is not a benefic tendency as all you need is to be your natural self and if needed, try and improve yourself. However, it may still not be the biggest problem if you want to belong to top rated categories in most spheres of life and the way you try to achieve this target may be the biggest problem. There are primarily two ways of accomplishing this task and we’ll now look at these ways.

If you’re a fairly benefic native, this is what your way is expected to be. You scrutinize most of your weaknesses, you resolve to overcome them and you start working towards improving yourself or towards making yourself a stronger and better native. Since you’re a benefic native, you don’t hesitate in accepting your weaknesses as long as they’re there and in fact you welcome everyone who tells you about any one of your weaknesses.

This is because your primary goal is to overcome your weaknesses and this mission is accomplished step by step. In the first step, you have to learn that a particular quality in question is a malefic quality and it is not a benefic quality. In the second step, you have to realize that you also have this quality and you have to develop a wish to get rid of this quality or pattern. In the third step, you have to make efforts to get rid of this quality and in the fourth step, your mission is accomplished.

If you work on these lines, natives who tell you about your weaknesses or malefic patterns complete the first two steps on your behalf. They tell you that a particular pattern is a malefic pattern and they also tell you that you have it. If you’re a truly benefic native, you should thank these natives as they’ve made your job easier. After this, you only need to engage in the effort required to get rid of such weakness or malefic pattern. However, throughout this process, you have to consciously be aware that you have this pattern and if anyone tells you that you have it, you should acknowledge that he’s telling the truth.

Doing so helps you stay aware about this pattern and that further helps you engage in more and more efforts to get rid of it. Since this process is in tune with universal will, which means you don’t become jealous of anyone or you don’t think ill about anyone during this process, you’re essentially doing a good thing. Removing each one of your weaknesses in this way, you take one more step towards higher spiritual growth or evolution of your character.

However, if you’re not an overall benefic native, the chances are high that you have well-developed pride (ego) as it is primarily pride (ego) which tries to make you a malefic native. As a general set of beliefs, bigger is the size of your pride (ego), more malefic you may become.

Since you’re a malefic native and your pride (ego) controls most things you do, this is what may happen to you. The first thing you need to accept is that you have a weakness or a bad pattern and this is where majority of malefic natives fail. Pride (ego) simply refuses to accept this fact and it may do this job in two ways. In the first option, your pride (ego) may tell you that though a particular pattern is surely malefic, you don’t have it and the natives who think you have it are mistaken.

In the second case, you challenge the very fact that the pattern in question is a bad pattern to start with and the natives who call it a malefic pattern are mistaken. Though both these approaches look different, they lead you to the same result which is to deny the fact that you have a particular malefic pattern. Since you have to realize that you have a malefic pattern in order to develop dislike for it and in order to develop a wish to get rid of it, failing at this step will restrict you from moving to the next step.

It means when you think you don’t have a particular malefic pattern to start with, you don’t feel the need to develop a wish to get rid of it and hence the process stops here. In the second case, you think that this pattern is not malefic at all and hence you may again not develop a wish to get rid of it. It should be noted that you can only get rid of the things that you have and you can’t get rid of the things that you don’t have. Can you imagine a bagger getting rid of billions of dollars? It is out of question and only a billionaire can do so.

Hence you have to have something in order to get rid of it. At the same time, you have to be aware that you have such thing in question. Now imagine a native whose grandfather left billions of dollars for him and he doesn’t know this fact. This native can also not get rid of these billions as he doesn’t know he has them to start with, though he certainly has them. Hence you have to have a malefic pattern and you have to be aware about it, in order to initiate the process of getting rid of it.

Though both these ways lead you to stay away from getting rid of your malefic pattern, their impacts may be different in quantum. If you’re the first type of malefic native who thinks a particular pattern is certainly malefic but you don’t have it, your problems is relatively small and the chances of recovery are better. On the other hand, if you’re the second type of malefic native who thinks that a particular malefic pattern is not malefic and on the contrary, it is a benefic pattern, your problem is bigger and recovery may become difficult in this case.

This is because if you’re the first type of native, you still manage to complete the first step of getting rid of a malefic pattern. The first step is to learn that a particular pattern is malefic. Since you agree that a pattern in question is certainly malefic, the first step is finished. In this case, you’re stuck on the second step which says you have to realize that you also have this malefic pattern. The chances are there that over a period of time, you may be able to realize that you do have this pattern. When that happens, you may wish to get rid of it and hence the process of effort may start.

This way, you may take more time in order to get rid of this malefic pattern compared to the time taken by a benefic native for the same job, but you may still be able to do this job. If you’re a malefic native of this type, it is also an indicator of the fact that though you certainly have a developed pride (ego) which fools you and tells you that you don’t have this malefic pattern, the size of your pride (ego) is not very big. This is because when the size of your pride (ego) crosses a point, you become the second type of malefic native.

It means instead of thinking that you don’t have a particular malefic pattern, you think that the pattern in question is not malefic at all. In fact, you may consider it as a benefic pattern. As you like this pattern; the question to get rid of it doesn’t rise to start with. Hence you may not wish to get rid of it until you realize it is a malefic pattern.

When you have a relatively small pride (ego), you tend to use your conscience also at times. It should be noted that conscience is the biggest enemy of pride (ego) as the former tells you to do the right thing whereas the latter tells you that whatever you do is right even if it is the worst thing to do.

As your conscience grows, your pride (ego) starts reducing and hence you start becoming more and more benefic. On the other hand, as your pride (ego) grows, your conscience starts reducing and hence you become more and more malefic. If you’re a malefic native of the first type, you are a expected to be a mixture of conscience and pride (ego) where you may have a developed pride (ego) but it may not be big enough to kill your conscience. Hence they both affect you in their own ways.

The job of your conscience is to separate right from wrong. Hence it tells you that a particular pattern in question is certainly a malefic pattern and so you admit it. However, when it comes to admit that you also have this pattern, your pride (ego) comes to play and a clash happens between your conscience and pride (ego). Since your pride (ego) finds it very hard to accept that you have any malefic patterns at all, it strongly votes against the suggestion that you have this malefic pattern. Hence you end up deciding that this pattern is malefic but you don’t have it.

If the size of your pride (ego) is even smaller, you may even accept that you have it but you may convince yourself that you have just a little of it. This means if your conscience is stronger than your pride (ego) but your pride (ego) is also significantly strong, your conscience may convince you that a pattern is malefic and you have it. However, your pride (ego) may also want to get something to satisfy itself. Hence it may convince you that though you have this malefic pattern, it is not very intense in your case and it is mild.

For example, your conscience may convince you that arrogance is bad and you’re arrogant but your pride (ego) may convince you that you’re just a little arrogant. You see, there’s a constant conflict between your conscience and pride (ego) where the former is supported by the benefic energies and the latter is supported by the malefic energies in your aura. Hence more benefic is your aura, more developed is expected to be your conscience whereas more malefic is your aura, more developed is expected to be your pride (ego).

Your conscience and pride (ego) engage in such conflicts for almost each and every decision you make and for each and every situation you face. Even if you have a mixture of 90% conscience and 10% pride (ego), the latter won’t hesitate from misleading you as much as it can. It means that in this case, though your conscience is expected to win most of the arguments, your pride (ego) may still reduce the degree of correctness of certain facts related to you, in order to feel satisfied.

For example, if on a scale of 100, your arrogance now ranks at 20 and your conscience tries to convince you about this remaining amount of arrogance, your pride (ego) may still play a trick. It may convince you that your arrogance is only about 10 on this scale and hence you don’t need to worry as much as if it was 20. If you’re a native with arrogance score less than 10, your pride (ego) may try its best to convince you that you don’t have any arrogance at all.

It happens in case of all other patterns and situations and this is why there is a constant need to be aware as nothing less than that may deal with pride (ego). It is the job of pride (ego) to blur your vision as much as it can and it is the job of conscience to clear your vision as much as it can. Accordingly, natives with strong egos are almost blind in their visions whereas natives with strong consciences may possess super visions. Since all this happens on microscopic level inside your unconscious mind, you may not get even a remote idea about all this.

Coming back to the point, if you’re a malefic native of the first type, you may admit that a pattern is malefic but your pride (ego) may convince you that you don’t have it. However, if you’re a malefic native of the second type, the problem becomes much bigger as you think it is benefic pattern instead of being a malefic pattern and so the question of getting rid of this pattern doesn’t rise in the first place. In this case, the size of your pride (ego) is very big and hence it may try to control each and everything you do.

Himanshu Shangari