Article 053

Human beings have four important levels. The first one is the physical level which deals with physical affairs. The second one is the mental level which deals with brain, learning and other likewise things.

The third one is the emotional level which deals with feelings and emotions. The fourth level is the astral level which deals with conscience and through it; it deals with entities having higher or much higher consciences.

Different natives may possess different strengths related to all these levels and this is what makes each one of us unique in our own ways. The attributes of all these levels are decided based on our experiences as well as on our karmas from past lives. Hence we’re born with specific types of characters, based on these attributes.

After being born, each native starts his journey and by means of karmas/thoughts in his present life, he alters these levels continuously, thereby changing his overall character with each passing day and moment. Since the benefic or malefic energies introduced by such karmas/thoughts may be very small in comparison to the sum total of the overall energy called aura, already possessed by a native, these changes may only become noticeable after some years in most cases.

It means that though natives keep changing with every passing day and moment, these changes are not significant enough to be noticed in contrast to their overall characters which are collections of millions of such incidences, occurred during the journeys of their spirits. For example, even a small act of hurting someone makes a malefic change in your character on instant basis though it may not be a visible change.

This is because a malefic preference has been added to your character which already has millions of preferences from the past. Since one preference may not be much relevant compared to millions of already registered preferences, the change initiated by this preference may not be noticeable instantly. However, as such malefic karmas keep repeating and as the malefic preferences added to your character reach a significant quantum, malefic changes in your character become visible.

This is the time when natives around you notice that you have deteriorated as a native over some years or you have developed a specific type of malefic pattern over some years. Though each malefic action of a specific type contributed instantly to this malefic character trait, it became noticeable only after a while.

Suppose you put a bucket under a tap of water in order to fill it. The tap is only offering drops of water and hence it is going to take many hours for this bucket to be filled. Suppose it takes 12 hours. During the first minute, though a few dozen drops may fall into the bucket from the tap, when you look into the bucket, you call it empty. Technically, the bucket is not empty now and it has some drops of water in it. However, we prefer calling it empty as a few dozen drops are nothing compared to the number of drops a bucket can contain when it is filled to its capacity. Over the next 3 hours, the bucket is almost 25% filled with water and this is when we may mark the first significant change.

It means we may prefer to mark five points of distinction for this process. The first point is that the bucket is empty, the second is that the bucket is 25% filled, the third being 50% filled, the fourth being 75% filled and the fifth point being that the bucket is completely filled. Though there may be thousands of other points between each one of these points of distinction, we prefer to ignore them for the purpose of reducing the number of points to consider and remember.

For example, a 30 liter bucket may contain about 600,000 drops of water. It means this bucket may contain 150,000 drops of water between 25% and 50% and hence it crosses 150,000 points during its journey of getting filled with water from 25% to 50%, with each drop of water falling into it. However, we generally mark that the bucket is 25% filled and then we make the next distinction when it is about 50% filled, in order to make the process easy to handle. Hence the level of water keeps changing with each drop but we identify significant changes only after 150,000 drops or occurrences have been added to the bucket.

The same happens in case of your character or aura, though on a much bigger scale. Your aura is the sum total of all the benefic and malefic preferences sent by you to it, through your karmas/thoughts during all your lives. Hence it can be considered as a bucket which contains billions of such water drops where each drop corresponds to a karma/thought practiced by you. This way, each one of your karmas/thoughts adds a particular type of drop to your aura and this drop changes it in one way or another.

However, the number of drops already contained by your aura is so big that the addition of one drop doesn’t look like anything worthy of being noticed. Hence the changes initiated by a single karma/thought may not be noticeable. Accordingly, you may not understand the importance of such karma/thought, whether benefic or malefic. Over a period of time, thousands of such karmas/thoughts may bring about noticeable changes. This is when you or the natives around you may notice that a benefic or malefic change of significant quantum has appeared in your character, depending on whether such series of karmas/thoughts was benefic or malefic.

This process continues in each life and your aura keeps changing with each passing day. If the majority of karmas/thoughts practiced by you in this life are benefic, your aura as well as your character starts shifting towards positivity over time. On the other hand, if the majority of karmas/thoughts practiced by you in this life are malefic, your aura as well as your character starts shifting towards negativity over time. This changed equation of energy changes the type of results you get from outside world, for the remainder of this life, as well as for the next life. This is why you should choose your karmas/thoughts wisely, because they are going to matter a lot in the long run.

Coming to the first level called the physical level or the body, even your body is the resultant of your wishes and karmas from past lives. It may sound surprising to some natives but this is how it is. Since all the things in our lives are happening for reasons, why our bodies should be there without specific reasons. Have you ever wondered why some natives are beautiful while some are not? Why some natives have very good physiques whereas some others don’t have them? Yes, it all happens for reasons.

In order to understand this concept in proper way, you first need to understand the working of wish element in case of physical bodies. Natives belong to four major categories, based on the types of karmas they wish to engage in. The first type of natives are the ones who have strong wishes or inclinations for gaining more and more knowledge. Most of their karmas are targeted at gaining and spreading knowledge. These natives have been called Brahmans (intellectual class) by Vedas.

The second type of natives are the ones who have strong wishes for expressing themselves physically through aggressive activities like through sports or defence services. Most of their karmas are directed at gaining authority and recognition. These natives are called Kshatriyas (warriors) by Vedas.

The third type of natives are the ones who have strong wishes for making money through trades and businesses of various types. Most of their karmas are directed at making money through management, production and/or trading of some type. These natives are called Vaishyas (Merchants or Businessmen) by Vedas.

The fourth type of natives are the ones who have strong wishes for serving the others and they are primarily inclined towards short lasting physical pleasures. As a result, they are not able to engage in long term planning as they don’t have discipline and dedication required for such planning. They are happy to earn through day’s work and enjoy in the evening, without saving much or thinking much. They are not much ambitious and they simply want to enjoy easily available pleasures. These natives are called Shudras by Vedas and they are called the service class in today’s language, especially the non-skilled type of service class.

It should be noted that this classification is based on the character/aura of each native and it has got nothing to do with being born in a specific type of family line. It means your aura may decide the type of body or the type of family you may be born into, but the converse is not true, which means that your birth in a specific type of religion or caste may not decide the nature of your aura. Hence this concept should be understood properly in order to avoid confusions.

The religion or caste you’re born into may influence your aura but they are not the makers of your aura’s final expression or character. Your character is the resultant of a long journey of thousands of births. Hence the chances are high that you may have been born into every religion and every cast in one of your past lives. Though specific religions or castes may try to give some character traits to you through systems of societies and religions, accepting them or not is dependent on you.

Your character is decided by your past life karmas/thoughts as well as by benefic or malefic preferences stored on your unconscious mind. A specific religion or society may be one of many variables which may try to influence your character; and nothing more than that. Hence you may be born into a religion and you may have a character which defies the character type possessed by the natives following that religion, though your parents and the society may have done their best to impart their religious beliefs on you.

However, your unconscious mind may have rejected their suggestions or requests as such beliefs may have been in strong opposition to the basic nature of your unconscious at that time. Hence you may choose not to follow that religion though all members of your family may follow it.

A question may arise as to why a native should be born into a family which has religious beliefs opposite to those of him? The answer to this question lies in the connection of this native with his family members as well as with such religious beliefs. Suppose a native is born in the same religion as well as in the company of a number of same spirits for three lives. Yes, it can happen and in fact, this happens a lot.

Since the journey of spirit is continuous, you start exactly from where you left in your previous life. If you keep liking and practicing a particular religion more and more, the chances are high that you’ll be born into this religion again and again. This is because you have a strong wish to be related to this religion and many of your unfulfilled wishes may also be related to this religion. Hence it is logical for you to be born in this religion again and again, unless you choose against it in one of your lives.

Similarly, your family members may be the same spirits though the relationships may change. This is because you are expected to have the biggest karmic accounts to be settled with these spirits. At the same time, you may have strong wishes to be with them in a particular life. It means you may have a large number of unsettled karmas with your mother from past life. At the same time, you may have a strong wish to be in relationship with your mother from past life. The same may happen in case of other close relatives and friends.

As a result, you’re expected to be born into the same religion as well as in the company of same spirits, as the universe facilitates the way to your wishes as well as to the settlement of your pending karmas. Suppose it keeps happening for three lives and then in the fourth life, you maintain the same strong wishes as well as karmic accounts with the spirits you like but you start developing liking for another religion. This is where the equation may start changing.

In your fifth life, you’re expected to have the same spirits as your family members but you may not practice in the same religion, though you may be born into it. The reason you’re born into this religion is that you have strong wishes for being in close relationships with spirits from your past life and all these spirits have wishes to be born in this religion. Hence you’re also born into this religion because the majority of spirits want this religion, as you also wanted in some of your past lives.

Since you had developed liking for another religion in your recent past life but your liking for relationships remained the same, this is what may happen. You may be born into a family of spirits practicing in a religion and you may not practice that religion. Instead, you may get attracted towards a different religion and you may convert into it, while other members of your family may keep practicing in the religion of your birth. By doing so, you keep the spirits you wanted in your previous life and you also keep the religion you wanted in your previous life.

Hence your family members may convince you to stay in the same religion but you choose the one that you already chose in your past life. This way, your character is primarily dependent on you and the outside world has got nothing to do with it directly, though it may try to influence you in different ways. However, choosing to listen to them or not is your choice and no one can snatch this right from you.

Moving on, though there are four main categories for spirits, a number of mixed classes also exist. It means a number of natives may be the mixtures of two or even more than two of these categories and they may not be of isolate types. For example, a native with significant knowledge and brain may also have wishes to express himself physically. This native is a mixture of type one and type two. As a result, he may become an intellectual army officer or an intellectual artist in this life and both types of characters may find evident expressions through him.

It means if he becomes an artist, he may prefer to act in movies which are based on the themes of knowledge or which deliver meaningful messages. Even while playing his role, he may often deliver meaningful and valuable dialogues in his movies and some of these dialogues may be created by him. Looking into his personal life, though he may become a successful artist on the public front, he may not be the one to drown himself deep into the world of celebrity.

It means this native may not behave like a celebrity in his personal life and he may not prefer to attend many celebrity events or gatherings. This is not the type of native who may be often seen throwing parties or arranging get-togethers at his place. On the contrary, he may prefer to spend his free time in a way that he may use it to gain more knowledge and dig deep into himself. Physical expression may dominate his profession and intellectual expression may dominate his personal life. Hence this native is a mixture of type one and type two characters.

It should be noted that if you’re a mixture of two types of characters, the type of character expressing through your profession is expected to be the one you’re moving away from whereas the type of character expressing through your free time is the one you’re trying to achieve. This happens because of the set of beliefs of freewill practiced by every spirit. It should be noted that whenever a native is absolutely free from each and every type of condition, compulsion and duty; whatever he chooses to do at that time represents his natural liking at that time.

For instance, though this native may have a strong wish to shift into the intellectual type; he may still have to engage in a profession related to physical type as he may not have much expertise related to the professions of the intellectual type. On the other hand, he may be exceptionally good at some professions of the physical type as he’s been engaging in them for a number of his recent past lives. Though he may want to engage in a profession related to intellectual type, he may not find the amount of success through such professions when he tries them; which may be required to live a resourceful life.

On the contrary, he may simply try to test if he may succeed in a particular type of profession related to physical type; and he may start finding success though he may not understand why. It means that when it comes to the conscious mind of this native; it may not give him any reasons as to why he is able to succeed in a profession he doesn’t want much and why he is not able to achieve the same level of success in a profession that he really wants. Hence according to his conscious mind, the wish element may seem to produce opposite types of results; but this is only because of his inability to connect with his unconscious mind.

His unconscious mind knows well that at this stage in the journey of his spirit; his expertise for certain physical type of professions is much more than that in case of intellectual type of professions because he’s been engaging in the former type of professions a lot, in his recent past lives. On the other hand, he may not have engaged in intellectual type of professions in many of his recent past lives due to which, the expertise related to any one of these professions if it exists on his unconscious mind from many lives back; is not easy to get back.

Hence when he tries for an intellectual type of profession, things may seem to move at a relatively slow pace. On the other hand, a particular type of physical profession may also keep catching his attention though he may not know the conscious reason for this attention. For instance, he may want to become a scientific researcher or an astronomer; but the expertise related to this field on his unconscious mind may still not be sufficient to make it happen.

Suppose this native wanted to be an artist five lives back and through the processes already explained, he managed to reach the peak expression for this wish in his recent past life. It means he was able to achieve the level of success as an artist in his recent past life; which he wanted to achieve about five lives back. As that happens, the wish is fulfilled and his unconscious mind starts looking for the next wish related to his field of profession. Suppose this wish happens to be that he wants to be a scientist, though he may have nothing against being an artist.

It should be noted that you may move away from a profession, native or anything else for that matter; primarily due to two reasons. The first reason is that you don’t like such thing or native and hence all you want is to move away from it. In this case, your true wish is to move away from this thing and nothing more than that. It is a malefic type of wish as you’ve created dislike for something or someone and the reason you want to move away from this thing or native is because of your dislike for it.

The second reason is that you still like this thing or native but you also start liking something else; much more than this thing or native. The situation is such that you can only have one of the two at a time and hence you choose to go with the one you like more. In this case, the reason for this movement is benefic because you have nothing against the first thing and you’re leaving it because you want to have the second thing. The process may happen so naturally that you may only feel like catching the second thing and you may not consciously feel like leaving the first thing at any time during this process.

In the first case, your primary focus is on moving away from the thing you don’t like and hence you’re consciously aware of this thing during all the time. This is because your primary focus can’t be formed without active contribution from your conscious mind and the acts of your conscious mind are always known to you. Hence you move away from this thing and during all the time it takes you to do so; you’re fully aware that you’re intentionally trying to move away from it. This feeling can be considered as active dislike or hate for something or someone; where you’re in control of this dislike or hate in a conscious manner.

Coming to the second case, your approach is different here. Your primary focus which means your conscious effort is fixed on achieving the second thing and you may not even realize that as you’re getting closer to this thing, you’re moving away from the first thing. The act of moving away from the first thing is happening on the level of your unconscious mind and hence you may not be aware of it on conscious level.

Therefore, all you may realize is that you tried and achieved the second thing and you may never think consciously; that you did any effort to move away from the first thing. In this case, your conscious action is not generated due to hate for the first thing and it is generated because of love for the second thing. Hence you may not have anything against the first thing and you may simply want the second thing more than the first thing. In this case, you may like both these things but you may like the second one more than the first one at the time in question; and that is why you make a choice.

Taking an example; suppose you like money and you like it a lot. When it comes to earn money through profession, all you care for is money and you don’t bother about the nature of job at all. Suppose a job offers a salary which is higher than the salary offered by your current job. Owing to your preference for money, you may accept the offer for this job at the earliest and hence you may switch. However, you may have nothing against your previous job or employer; and you’re simply trying to achieve something better.

Hence it may happen that you may like the first employer better than the second one but you may still keep working for the second one as money is your priority. It means you may still like the first job while you’re engaged in the second one which you also like. Therefore, if the circumstances are such that you’re offered a better salary by your first employer; you may go back to him. It means you don’t have anything against anyone of these jobs and even against anyone of these employers and you’re making these moves because of benefic reasons.

Now suppose you have a terrible argument with the first employer and as a result; you develop dislike for him. In this case, you may start looking for a new job primarily because of dislike for this job as this job means this employer for you; and not in order to witness growth. Hence you may accept the offer for another job even if the salary is the same or even less by 10%. This action is motivated by dislike and hence it is a malefic action. The chances are high in this case that you may not think of working for the first employer again.

It is the time to know that fulfilled wishes help you move away for benefic reasons which means for evolution of your spirit; as engaging in more and more acts of different types gives you chances to evolve more. On the other hand, forcefully suppressed wishes make you move away from them for malefic reasons and they become troublesome for you in the long run. This is because you have malefic feelings related to these wishes; and these feelings keep you attached to these wishes; thereby making it difficult for you to move ahead.

For instance, you may try your best to become an artist but after five years of hard work, you may still achieve almost nothing in this field. Since you may not want or afford to wait longer; you may choose to move to another profession. In addition to that, you may have seen a number of actors who came after you and who may even be less talented than you; but they succeeded due to various variables like having solid connections in the industry. As you move away from acting; this wish remains unfulfilled and in addition to that, you may develop hatred for movie industry as it was unfair to you.

If such is the case, you may never be able to get over this wish though you may think so at times. This is because your malefic feelings and unfulfilled nature of this wish mark it strongly on your unconscious mind though you may have removed it from conscious mind or thoughts. It means you may engage in another profession and you may try your best not to even think about acting any longer; but that doesn’t change a thing and in fact; you’re making this matter worse.

The wish as well as malefic feelings attached to acting are still strong inside your unconscious mind and that is all that matters. In addition to that, you keep reminding your unconscious mind to remember this wish, though you may not even realize how. For instance, you come across the trailer of a movie by chance, and this movie is made by the director who treated you unfairly. This may trigger a series of malefic thoughts within you; you may consciously start cursing this director or hating him and all these thoughts may send messages to your unconscious mind that there is an unsettled score with movie industry.

As these messages reach your unconscious mind; it attaches even more importance to acting; thereby making it even more difficult for you to forget this failure as it may keep sending thoughts about acting; time and again to your conscious mind. We’ll discuss the way unconscious mind sends thoughts to conscious mind, later on. It means you won’t be able to make much progress on your spiritual journey as long as you don’t get rid of this wish which carries so much negativity now.

An effective way for you is to try and achieve success as an artist in this case; no matter how long that may take; so that this wish may be fulfilled and you may feel relaxed as your unconscious mind stops sending thoughts related to this wish, to your conscious mind. You may have noticed that when you haven’t eaten for many hours, your unconscious mind may start sending you messages of hunger. If you try to suppress these messages due to any reasons, they may increase in frequency.

However, if you eat and you eat a lot; the messages stop at once and the last thing your unconscious mind may remind you for the next couple of hours is food. Hence the best way to avoid receiving more and more such messages it to pay attention to the first message related to hunger; and have something to eat. Accordingly; the best way to move out of acting is to leave it for benefic reasons and not to suppress it for malefic reasons.

Coming back, as you don’t have anything against acting and you simply love being a scientist more than being an artist at this time; there is no negativity related to acting. Since you have expertise related to acting from past lives though you may not know it consciously, this is what may happen. Your unconscious mind may suggest you to engage in acting in order to earn money as money may be the first thing you may need at that time, in order for your life to operate in a smooth way. The ways of your unconscious mind are hidden as well as mysterious and you may not be aware of them at all.

For instance, you may have an artist friend or a director friend who’s working on a movie. As you happen to meet him randomly; you may not know but your unconscious mind may suggest you the idea of being an artist. For instance, you may tell this artist friend that you observed him during the shoot and you feel that a particular type of emotion should be portrayed in a different way; so that it may look better. You may even try and portray that emotion in order to make him understand better; and you may do so with benefic intentions of helping him out.

Your artist friend may not only find the emotion portrayed by you much better than the one portrayed by him; he may also be surprised at the way you portrayed such a difficult emotion without any effort at all. The reason for this is that you’ve already portrayed this emotion many times in your recent past life and hence you’ve perfected it, though you’re not consciously aware of it. Considering your friend is also a good native, he may suggest you to try acting as he sees acting potential in you.

You come back home and whenever you are free, his suggestion starts coming back to you again and again. In reality, it is the act of your unconscious mind which encouraged your friend to suggest you this idea; through the display of perfect piece of acting by you. Hence you may think it is your friend’s idea; he’s only been used as a medium in reality; and the root cause lies within your unconscious mind. Considering a number of logical probabilities from here, if this friend doesn’t suggest you this thing, your unconscious mind may keep putting this idea into other native’s head until a number of them suggest you to act.

Even if your friend suggests, you may give it due thought but you may still not be able to make up your mind about acting. If that happens, your unconscious mind may keep getting you such suggestions till the time you’re sure to give it a try. You try acting and you achieve success at a fast pace. All you may know consciously is that it was your friend who put this thought into your mind, but this is part information. The missing piece of this information is that it is your unconscious mind which put this thought into your friend’s mind that he should encourage you to be an artist; through the suggestion you gave him regarding that emotion; as well as through the perfect piece of acting that you delivered before him.

Coming back to the main topic, the native under consideration may have to engage in acting though he may want to become a scientist, as he may not be able to achieve success as a scientist or he may not even be able to become a scientist to start with; due to lack of expertise in the field of science. If that happens; though this native may have nothing against acting and he may even like it; he’s acting under a condition and it is not his first natural wish at this time. It means that he wants to be a scientist at this time but he has to be an artist for financial reasons. Hence he has become an artist in order to earn money and not in order to fulfill a wish related to acting.

Therefore, your profession may not be the natural expression of your unconscious mind at times and it may be something done under a condition though such condition may be a subtle one and you may not even realize it. However, when it comes to your free time; it is the time when you’re not bound by any duty and you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do or anything which is not your first choice. As you’re free from all types of conditions, you’re in a temporary state of liberation and this is when your natural expressions will come out. Hence if you’re a mixture of two character types; the one that expresses through your free time is the one that you really want and accordingly; it is the one you’re trying to shift into.

Have you ever wondered that even if you engage in certain activities which may demand a significant amount of physical work when you’re already tired from the day’s work; you still feel relaxed? This is due to the reason that while engaging in such activities, you temporarily go into the state of liberation and all that joy is coming from being liberated which means doing what you truly want to do.

For instance, you may be tired due to a long day’s work as a scientist but you may still feel the urge to dance for a while. As you do so; you feel truly relaxed and you may not even understand how you could dance after being tired so much. Well your unconscious mind can always supply you with energy which it keeps reserved for the times when you feel like expressing yourself in the most natural way; whichever is that way for you at any point in time. Hence your free time decides what character type you’re going to be in the next life.

Looking at another probable combination in the same case, this native with type one and type two characters may engage in a profession suitable for an intellectual native like he may become a teacher, a scientist or a researcher. At the same time, he may be fond of expressing himself physically which means he may learn to dance, he may often go to parties, he may engage in physical sports and/or he may engage in other such activities where physical expressions are the dominant ones.

Contrary to the first example, the intellectual side of this native may dominate his profession and the physical side of this native may dominate his personal life. It is interesting to see that though both these persons are mixtures of type one and type two characters; the expressions of these characters may be different. The first native may be physical in profession and intellectual in personal life whereas the second native may be intellectual in profession and physical in personal life.

The reason for this obvious difference is the shift of these persons from one character type to another. Whenever a native tries to shift to another type of character, he may behave as a mixed type of native for some lives, in order to complete this transition. In this example, the first native has lived and enjoyed as a physical type for many lives and he is now in the process of shifting into an intellectual type. Since the transition is still taking place, physical type is dominating his profession whereas intellectual type is his preferred choice for personal life or free time.

It should be noted that though this native has chosen to shift to another character type, the abilities learnt by him while having previous type of character also remain with him. The unconscious mind has a record of each and everything learnt by you in each one of your lives.

Hence whenever you try to do something which you mastered in one of your past lives, it starts coming to you. The time taken by you to master such act in this life depends on how far back you had learnt this act. It means if you mastered this act in your recent past life, it may come to you naturally or so to say, you may be gifted with it in this life. Hence you may not have to engage in much effort to learn it and as soon as you try, it may start happening.

However, if you had mastered this act about fifty lives back and you again wish to learn it in this life, it may take more time. This is because so much time has passed and so many other preferences have been stored on your unconscious mind, after that life. Hence it may take some time for your unconscious mind to retrieve all that expertise, though it may still come to you easier than it may come to many other natives.

Coming back to the example, though this native now wants to shift to intellectual type, he may not have much expertise in professions related to this character type. On the other hand, he may have very good expertise in some professions related to physical type of character as he has recently spent many lives being a native of this type. Hence it may be easy for him to earn money through physical type than intellectual type. For this reason, this native may become an artist as a professional and he may choose to spend most of his free time in pursuit of knowledge. This trend may continue for a couple of lives and then he may finally move on to the intellectual type.

When that happens, this native may become an isolate intellectual type. It means he may become a scientist or a researcher and he may also spend most of his free time in pursuit of knowledge. In simple words, it may become difficult for him to draw boundaries between his professional and personal life. He may work as an intellectual type and he may live as an intellectual type. You may often find this native talking about his profession and looking for more knowledge.

This is the mark of an isolate type. There may be no obvious boundaries between his professional and personal life; and they may look like one. So when you find a native living his profession most of the time whether he’s officially working or not, you should know he’s an isolate type. A scientist engaging in researches even when he’s home, an artist who’s delivering acting performances even in his personal life and a businessman doing business even at family gatherings, they’re all isolate types. It means they have transformed to these character types some time back and at this time, they’re enjoying them a lot, with no intention to shift to other character types.

Looking at the native in the second case, he is shifting from an intellectual type to a physical type. Since he has much more expertise in intellectual fields, he may do better in intellectual type of professions. However, as he wishes to shift to the physical type, he may choose to spend most of his free time in physical type of activities. Like the first native, this native may also continue this trend for a couple of lives until the transition is complete. Once it happens, he may become an isolate physical type. For instance, he may become a dancer and he may simply love dancing.

He may not become a professional dancer because he wants to earn money through dance; he may become a professional dancer because he simply can’t imagine himself doing anything but dance. This is what happens when you become an isolate type. Whatever may your primary aim be like research, dance, acting or business; it may dominate your professional as well as personal life. In fact, it may start dominating your personal life right from your early age and it may then dominate your profession also, at a relevant age.

Hence a number of natives may have mixed character types, though there are primarily four types of characters. All these natives are in transitions from one character type to another and these transitions may take different times in case of different natives. It means a particular native may change into another type of character in three lives whereas another native may take thirty lives to complete the same transition. This is because the first native may have a strong wish to shift into another character type as he may have lived his present character type to the fullest.

On the other hand, the second native in question may have a wish to shift into another character type but at the same time, his wish for his present character type may also not die. Hence he may want to change into another character type and he may also want to enjoy his present character type. The transition becomes slow in this case as this native is not completely willing to shift into another character type. This native may be born as a mixture of these two types of characters in a number of lives, until he finally decides to quit one character type and shift into the other one completely.

It is interesting to note that some natives may keep oscillating between two character types for many of their lives. For example, a native may take thirty lives to shift from a physical to intellectual type and during these thirty lives, different character types may dominate his preference. It means he may bend more towards intellectual type for two lives and he may bend towards the physical type for his next 3-4 lives. The journey of each spirit is amazing and there are many milestones it has to cross before reaching its destination.

Coming to the level called physical level, your body is the biggest expression of this level for you and hence it becomes the most important variable related to this level. The kind of body you may get in this life depends on a number of variables from your past lives. The foremost two are your wishes and the fruits of your karmas from past lives, whether such fruits are good or bad. Though both these variables are important, your wishes may at times become more important than your karmas when it comes to have a specific type of body.

This is because the first thing lying in the root of each and everything is the wish element and hence it is but logical for the same wish element to lie in the root of your physical form. You may think that if wish is the foremost element, all natives in the world should be beautiful as everyone certainly wants to be beautiful and no one wants to have bad physical form. It may seem true but it is not so in the deepest sense.

As already mentioned in the first part of this book, your wishes need the support of benefic energy earned through good karmas, in order to be fulfilled. Not all natives have net benefic auras and a number of natives may have auras ruled by negativity. In case of these natives, the wishes are there but there may not be sufficient benefic energy to fulfill those wishes and hence they may remain unfulfilled. However, this is not the only reason and there is an even more significant reason behind this.

Almost all of us have hundreds of wishes to be fulfilled and almost none of us has sufficient benefic energy to fulfill all such wishes. In fact, the reason why these wishes are unfulfilled so far is because we don’t have sufficient benefic energy to fulfill them. Among these unfulfilled wishes, not all the wishes are marked with same intensity and different wishes have different intensities in case of different natives.

For example, though being beautiful may be the wish of everyone but this is what may happen. For one native, being rich may be a wish of much higher intensity than being beautiful, though the wish to be beautiful is there. Suppose this native doesn’t earn sufficient benefic energy to fulfill all his wishes and let’s suppose, only his top two wishes may be fulfilled as they may be big ones and they may consume majority of benefic energy earned by him.

If these two wishes are being rich and being famous, they’ll be fulfilled and the wish of being beautiful may remain unfulfilled. In fact, there may be many other wishes which may be more in intensity, compared to the wish of being beautiful. Hence the wish of being beautiful is there but it is not the primary wish. Accordingly, it may not be fulfilled in this case.

Taking one more example, another native may earn benefic energy and his primary wish may be to be beautiful. This native may become beautiful in next life though many other wishes of this native may remain unfulfilled. This brings us to another interesting fact and it also gives us another way of looking at this entire equation. More intense a wish is, more expected it is to be fulfilled at the earliest.

When you wish something again and again, your unconscious mind starts putting its strength behind such wish. It means your unconscious mind marks such wish as most important one and as soon as you have sufficient benefic energy for this wish to be fulfilled, your unconscious mind fulfills this wish. It should be noted that the circumstances and conditions have to be in harmony with the fulfillment of your wish.

For example, if being beautiful is your primary wish and you turn 60 by the time you have sufficient benefic energy to fulfill this wish, the circumstances are not in favor of fulfillment of this wish in true sense, for this life. Hence this wish is expected to be fulfilled in next life and so you may be beautiful in your next life.

Coming back to the topic, consider a scientist who spends all his life in research, constantly wishing that he may one day come across an important invention or discovery. However, the same may not happen during his lifetime as he may not have sufficient benefic energy to fulfill this wish. Closer to his death, this scientist may have very intense wish of reaching such discovery or invention and he may die. Look at the mindset of this scientist at this moment.

He may absolutely not want to spend any amount of his benefic energy to fulfill any other wish, before his wish of inventing or discovering something significant is fulfilled. He may not think about being beautiful and in fact, he may not have properly attended to his body, even in this life. There is an obvious disregard for physical beauty and there is an obvious craving for an invention or discovery. In other words, this scientist has unconsciously opted against a beautiful physical form, in order to use all his benefic energy for his primary wish.

As a result, he may not be born as a beautiful native but as soon as he collects the remaining amount of benefic energy in his next life as a scientist, he may hit an important invention or discovery. You see, though this native may also have wanted to be beautiful, his wish for a significant invention or discovery may have almost destroyed the former wish. This is the true power of wish element. Hence if you really wish to achieve something, keep desiring it more and more. The day when this wish becomes your primary wish, the chances of it being fulfilled are the highest, provided other conditions are satisfied.

The term ‘other conditions’ means benefic energy, circumstances and the freewill of another native, if one such native is a part of your wish. It has already been explained in the first part of this book that in case your wish involves things or rewards, all you need is the wish, the effort and sufficient benefic energy to achieve such thing. However, if your wish involves a native like if you want to marry someone, it is altogether a different equation.

The system of nature has granted freewill to all human beings and this freewill is of supreme importance. Accordingly, in order for two natives to engage in a relationship with each other, both of them should do so by virtue of their own freewill. If any one of the two is not willing, the relationship doesn’t happen. Hence if you wish to marry a woman and this becomes your primary wish, this is what may happen.

If the woman is not willing to marry you, you may not be able to fulfill this wish even if you have huge amounts of benefic energy in your aura. This is because the fulfillment of this wish primarily depends on the consent of this woman and not on the amount of benefic energy you have. Hence you may collect more and more benefic energy but this wish may remain unfulfilled.

The job of nature in this case is to create opportunities for your interactions and nothing more than that. It means if you’re not able to fulfill this wish in this life and it becomes your most intense wish which is unfulfilled, here is what the system of nature may do for you. During your next life, you’ll be born when this woman is born again and you’ll get a chance to interact with her in that life also. This woman may become your neighbor or classmate and you two may live in close proximity to each other for a long period of time, like for many years.

However, whether you’ll marry this woman or not is once again dependent on the freewill of this woman. As you like this woman a lot from this life, you’ll quickly develop strong attraction for her in next life, as and when you two meet. This is because your unconscious mind will recognize the aura of this woman and it will send you strong signals of liking, which come from this life. Hence you’ll start liking or even loving this woman.

If you interact with this woman and she also likes you, you two may develop a relationship and your wish may get fulfilled. Hence it will be deleted and another wish will come on top of the list of unfulfilled wishes. However, if this woman doesn’t like you in next life also, the wish may once again remain pending and it may become even stronger. You have desired for this woman continuously for two lives and hence this wish gains even more strength.

This sequence of being born in the same times may continue for as many lives as it takes for this woman to like you. Hence it may even take twenty lives for this woman to get attracted to you and if that happens, you’ll keep having this wish pending. You see, how long you may have to wait if your wish happens to be a native instead of a thing.

Coming back to the main topic, though most natives may have the wish to be beautiful, not all of them have this wish as their primary wish and this is what can make all the difference. Taking a look at one more example, a native may wish to become successful as a boxer or a wrestler and he may not care much about the beauty of the face. Accordingly, he may become a successful boxer in his next life, if he has sufficient benefic energy to achieve this goal and he may or may not be beautiful, depending on the variables already explained.

Even if being beautiful is your primary wish, it may still not happen as there are other reasons also, which can change this equation. One of these reasons may be the fact that you may not have sufficient benefic energy to fulfill this wish and hence you may not be able to do so. Another reason is the fact that you may have engaged in certain specific types of malefic karmas which may result in keeping you away from being beautiful in your next life. If that happens, there are two forces acting on your physical form in next life.

The first variable is your wish to be beautiful and the second variable is the malefic energy of your specific bad karmas which wants to prevent you from being beautiful. The chances are high in such a case that you may not be born beautiful in next life and on the contrary, you may have an ugly physical form according to the standards of beauty set by society; especially facial features. It should be noted that beauty and ugliness are relative and they don’t exist as such.

Looking at some specific bad karmas which can create this effect, if you keep mocking and hurting other natives for not being beautiful or for being ugly, you may create problems for yourself. The chances are high that you may be born as an ugly native in your next life and this is why it may happen. Of all the natives you mock or hurt on account of their physical forms, some of them may consciously or unconsciously curse you for doing so and they may wish for you to be ugly so that you may also go through this experience of being mocked on account of being ugly.

It means when you mock or hurt someone for being ugly, he may wish in his mind that Almighty should put you in same situation and other natives should mock you so that you may feel the pain he’s going through. Hence you’ve earned malefic energy of a specific type by hurting or mocking this native on account of his ugly physical form. The malefic energy generated by this native is not general type of malefic energy and it is targeted malefic energy.

Let’s try to understand the difference between general malefic energy and specific malefic energy. If you mock a native on the basis of his ugly physical form and he feels bad, two things may happen. This native may feel bad and he may even send malefic energy to you through such feelings, but he may not wish something specific to be done to you. It means this native gets hurt, he dislikes you and through his dislike, malefic energy gets added to your aura. This is general type of malefic energy as no specific wish has been attached to it. Very expected, this malefic energy will become the cause of an insult in future, though it may not be related to ugly physical form.

Hence this type of malefic energy may make you suffer from insult but such insult may not necessarily demand you to be ugly. Therefore, you may not become ugly due to this type of malefic energy and you may suffer in other ways. This is called general type of malefic energy where the suffering native sends malefic energy to you either consciously or unconsciously, but he doesn’t attach any specific malefic wishes to this energy.

The difference between conscious and unconscious malefic energy is that in case of conscious type of malefic energy, the other native is hurt and he consciously wishes for something bad to happen to you though that bad may or may not be defined by him. In case of unconscious type of malefic energy, the other native gets hurt and he feels something is seriously wrong with you, though he may not even wish for something bad to happen to you on conscious level.

In this case, the malefic energy rises from his unconscious mind as you’ve hurt him and he feels something is wrong with you. This malefic energy is forwarded to you with the code that such wrong in you should be fixed. As a result, you may suffer in future due to this malefic energy and the suffering may be such that it may make you think about not hurting other natives.

Looking at the trickiest type of malefic energy generated as a response by a native hurt by you, it is conscious malefic energy with a wish for something specific to happen to you. It means when you mock or hurt a native on the basis of his physical form, this native may generate a conscious malefic wish that you should also become ugly and you should feel exactly how he’s feeling. This is the most difficult to handle type of malefic energy as it has a defined target and it may not settle for anything else. Hence it may stick to your aura and it may keep residing there until it has served its purpose. This is why you should think twice when trying to mock someone on the basis of his physical form as he may get hurt and he may send such conscious and specific type of malefic energy to you.

However, your aura is a mixture of millions of benefic and malefic energies generated as results of your benefic as well as malefic karmas. Hence in most cases, the malefic wish of a single native may not be able to bring about a concrete result, and it has to be supported by other malefic energies of the same type. It means if you don’t receive such specific malefic energies from a number of natives where all of them wish you to become ugly and you also have strong wish of being beautiful, you may not be ugly in your next life.

As you may have a strong wish to be beautiful and at the same time, you may have sufficient benefic energy to fulfill this wish, you may in fact be beautiful. However, the impact of those malefic energies may make you come across an accident at a point in your life, which may distort your physical form and especially your face. If the sum total of all these malefic energies is not much, you may receive a scar on your face in an accident, at a point in your life. Though you may otherwise be beautiful, this scar may make you sad for the rest of your life.

However, this is what happens when you’re lucky and this is not the worse. If you keep hurting other natives on the basis of their looks and a significant number of natives send conscious malefic energy to you, where this malefic energy demands you to be ugly and be insulted, you may land into real trouble. The collective effect of these malefic energies generated through the wishes of these natives you have hurt can make you become ugly in your next life and you may have to bear insult many times in that life, on account of being ugly.

When that happens, you may feel again and again that natives should not mock someone on the basis of his physical form. Though you may become a beautiful native in your life after that, this Samskara (mental imprint) of not mocking natives on the basis of their physical forms may remain strongly present in your unconscious mind. It means you may be beautiful in that life and at the same time, you may not want to mock natives who are not beautiful. This is because there is pain inside your unconscious mind from past life experiences and that pain may tell you how bad it feels when someone mocks you on the basis of physical form.

Since this feeling is coming from your unconscious mind, the conscious effect of this process is a type of intuition which encourages you not to engage in such acts. If this Samskara is strong, you may even dislike it when other natives mock someone who’s not beautiful, as you can feel their pain in the best possible way, through the experiences of your past life. You see, when you’re punished for certain bad karmas, the whole point may be to make you realize through such punishment, the pain suffered by the targets of your bad karmas.

Hence you may suffer similar type of pain many times and this pain marks a Samskara on your unconscious mind that no one should suffer from this type of pain. Though the punishment gets over once the malefic energy is balanced out through it, the Samskara may remain present on your unconscious mind. This Samskara travels with you in your next lives also and it helps you stay away from the type of bad karmas which created this problem to start with. This is nature’s way of teaching you how to stay away from bad karmas, through punishment for your bad karmas.

You may have heard that in old times, a specific native cursed someone and that curse came true. Though some natives may think such curses are not logical and hence they don’t exist, it is not so. The curses are duly logical and if they fulfill certain conditions, they do come true. When you hurt someone and that native curses you in return, this is what happens.

A curse is an extreme type of conscious act of wishing something specific bad for someone. The native engaging in this practice concentrates a lot of his energy on such curse and he sends it to you. Whether such curse will come true partly or completely; and whether it will come true sooner or later, depends on the overall strength of the aura of the native cursing you.

It should be noted that curses or bad wishes operate on the theory of transfer of energy from one native to another. The native who curses you needs benefic energy in order to strengthen his curse and the amount of benefic energy so required depends on the intensity of his curse. It should be noted that when someone hurts you, you don’t have the need to wish bad for him on conscious basis. The system of nature takes a note of this action and it acts on your behalf. It means even if you don’t wish anything bad for such native, nature will take care and he will be punished at proper time and in proper manner.

However, if you want to wish something specific bad for him as he hurts you, benefic energy is needed for this action to be completed. The amount of benefic energy required for such wish to come true depends on how extreme or intense such wish is. It means if you’re wishing something very bad for someone and you don’t have sufficient benefic energy to make that wish come true, it won’t come true. In this case, your malefic wish will draw benefic energy from your aura, this energy will convert into malefic energy and it will stick to other native’s aura.

Over the course of time, if other natives wish similar type of bad things for him or if his aura gets very weak or very malefic, your specific wish may come true, though it may take 20 years or it may even take 2-3 lives. However, one thing is sure and that is the fact that if a harmful wish carrying malefic energy sticks to an aura once, it may keep sticking there until it has done some damage of the type it wants. This is why you should stay away from hurting other natives as many of them send specific types of malefic energies to you and these energies stick to your aura in order to trouble you in future.

When it comes to a native who has large amounts of benefic energy in his aura and who at the same time knows the art of focusing such energy in a particular direction, this is when the most troublesome results may happen. For example, if you hurt a hermit who qualifies both these conditions, you may land in trouble in the near future. Such hermit has a lot of benefic energy and he also knows the art of focusing this energy, which means he knows how to attach large amount of energy to his words or wishes.

Hence he has conscious control over the act of wishing, whether it is good or bad. It means whenever he blesses someone, he consciously attaches the required amount of energy to his wish and this energy is sufficient to make his blessing come true. For example, if you want to become a successful movie star, you need million units of benefic energy to achieve this task and you only have five hundred thousand units, this is what may happen if one such hermit blesses you.

If a hermit with large amount of benefic energy blesses you truly, he transfers the remaining five hundred thousand units of benefic energy from his aura to your aura, through this blessing. As you receive this energy, you aura has one million units of benefic energy and hence you qualify for being a successful movie star. This is why in ancient times, natives used to take blessings from saints and hermits, in order to fulfill certain specific and unfulfilled wishes. For example, blessings of saints were sought in order to have children, as the natives asking for such blessings did not have sufficient benefic energy to witness child birth.

As a saint transferred the required amount of benefic energy to one such native through his blessing in a conscious way, such native was able to have a child. Such hermits and saints had proper knowledge about the working principle of energy and they used it as and when needed. Many other such blessings can be explained on the same basis, including the ones where some saints revived some almost dead natives. These acts needed large amounts of benefic energy, these hermits had that energy and they knew how to transfer it to the needy natives and hence they were able to do so.

In the same way, when a native has large amounts of benefic energy in his aura and he knows the art of focusing this energy on his wishes, he can curse you in a way that it comes true at the earliest. This means such native can attach the required amount of malefic energy which is needed to fulfill his curse, through conscious focus. As this specifically targeted malefic energy gets attached to your aura, it makes his curse come true. Hence you may suffer in a way mentioned by such native. This is why natives used to respect as well as fear hermits and saints a lot, as they had the ability to create good or bad as and when they wanted.

It should be noted that even if one such native curses you, there are a couple of ways out of such curse. The first way is that if the same native knows how to take his energy back, he can do so and he can relieve you of this curse, partly or completely. This is the procedure through which a hermit can take his energy back from your aura and hence your aura gets free from this energy. Since the energy is removed, you don’t suffer.

The second way is to get this energy cancelled by someone who has a lot more benefic energy in his aura and who at the same time has even better command over how to control energy. The spirits which fit this description are generally called gods. These gods have extreme amounts of benefic energy in their auras and they also have the authority to remove malefic energy sent by someone to your aura, though they may do so only if they find it worthy of being done.

This is why some natives cursed by other natives; worshiped certain gods in order to get rid of those curses as these gods were in positions to remove the malefic energies carried by such curses from the auras of these natives. Isn’t it surprising to know how advanced the science of transfer of energy was in ancient times. In today’s world, we have put more focus on material objects and hence we seem to have lost control over finer but more effective things like energy.

Coming back to the topic, a hermit can make you become ugly with his curse as he attaches large amount of energy to his wish. Natives in general don’t have such type of energy and hence their wishes can create such effect only when they are supported by other wishes of the same kind. It means when more and more natives keep wishing for you to be ugly; they all keep sending specific type of malefic energy to your aura.

If this energy becomes sufficient to make you ugly, you may be born ugly in your next life or you may even become ugly in this life, by means of an accident which may destroy your physical beauty. It may sound scary but this is the whole point of being aware about the results of your karmas. If you’re aware in advance, you may not need to learn such lessons through pain. However, if you’re not aware or if you don’t care, you may have to learn such lessons through sufferings which may be of extreme quantum at times.

For instance, you can learn and agree that fire burns anyone who touches it and you may not wish to enter it in order to agree to this fact. However, if you’re not the aware type and you don’t pay attention to what experienced natives say, you may refuse to believe that fire burns anyone who touches it. Hence you may try to touch fire in order to see for yourself and as obvious, you may get burnt and you may learn your lesson. Therefore, you can either learn your lessons through awareness or through experiences.

Awareness means knowing through other native’s experiences or learning through your experiences at the earliest and hence it puts you in a position of advantage. It means you see someone getting burnt by fire and you accept that fire burns, you see someone falling into a pit and you avoid that pit in future. When it comes to learn through your experiences using awareness; you may accidently touch something very hot and you may learn this fact at once that all hot things should not be touched directly. Through this awareness, you learn to avoid directly touching all hot things. Since fire is the mother of all hot things; you learn to stay away from it though you’ve never touched it.

This is how awareness can help you through your own experiences. You face smaller problems, you realize their causes and you stay away from creating causes for those problems as well as for all other problems which are basically caused due to the same reasons; but they’re higher in quantum. For instance, if you fall into a six feet deep pit and you hurt your foot; your awareness helps you understand that if this pit is twenty feet deep, you may break your foot and if it is two hundred feet deep; you may even die. This awareness saves you time as well as trouble and hence the evolution of your spirit becomes faster. Applying it to the domain of karma, you see natives suffering because of their bad karmas and you learn that engaging in bad karmas should be avoided.

Similarly, you see natives getting rewarded for their good karmas and you learn that good karmas are worthy of engaging in. On the other hand, if you don’t have such awareness, you may keep engaging in bad karmas, you may keep getting punished and you may then learn your lessons through such punishments. In this case, you can learn your lessons fast if you’re an aware type of native whereas you may not be able to do so; if you’re not an aware type of native. Hence you may have to fall into a number of different pits in order to understand that all pits work on the same principal. This can slow down your spiritual growth significantly as you may have to fall into each one of the million or even billion pits in order to understand that they should be avoided.

The advantage of being an aware type of native is that you may once fall into a pit which may be created by a bad karma of yours, you may suffer and you may learn the art of staying away from other pits also. It means you may suffer on account of a specific type of bad karma and you may learn to stay away from all bad karmas of the same type. Depending on the level of your awareness, you may even learn to stay away from all types of bad karmas.

An aware native understands that falling into one pit is sufficient to learn that each pit is a pit. Hence he experiences something bad once or twice and he avoids all other experiences which are of the similar type. An unaware native has to fall into each pit separately, in order to realize that it is also a pit. As it takes a lot more time, it slows down the journey of his spirit.

Coming back to your physical form, it is decided by your wishes, your karmas and also by the type of malefic or even benefic energies sent by other natives, sticking to your aura. Whatever may be the resultant of such interactions is given to you. It means if the resultant says beautiful physical form, you may achieve it whereas if the resultant says ugly physical form, you may receive it. Looking into the benefic energies sent by other natives to your aura to the effect that you should be beautiful, they also work on similar lines.

For example, if you’re not beautiful in this life and you keep doing good things to other natives, some of them may wish for you to be beautiful and these wishes stick to your aura. Even if you’re beautiful in this life and you serve a number of natives or you make them happy, some of them may wish for your beauty to last. All such wishes carry specific type of benefic energy in the form of blessings and the goal of this energy is to make you beautiful. Hence this variable is also taken into consideration while assigning a new physical form to you in your next life. If a number of natives bless you to be beautiful and another number of natives curse you to be ugly; these energies may balance out and the remaining amount of benefic or malefic energy may stick to your aura in order to influence your physical form in a benefic or malefic manner.

The exact physical form you get in every life is the resultant of all these variables and hence all of them matter. Isn’t it amazing how even our physical forms may be controlled by our wishes as well as by our karmas. This is why you should wish to be beautiful and you should avoid receiving specific types of malefic energies which may curse you to be ugly, if you want to be beautiful in your next life.

It doesn’t mean everyone has to wish for a beautiful physical form and it only means if you want a beautiful physical form in your next life, this is what you should do. All other physical attributes can be explained on the basis of this theory. Hence each and every part of your body is the resultant of a number of variables; wishes and karmas being the most important ones.


Himanshu Shangari