This enemy can take control of your mind for a short duration of time and it can make you say or do things which can cause damage. At times, this damage can be irreversible in nature.
It is the trait of having excessive aggression. This trait can spoil best of the things achieved by you and it can make people leave you though you may possess a number of good qualities. Hence you must get rid of excessive aggression if you have it.
Certain amount of aggression is needed in order to achieve your goals as without aggression, many goals may not be achieved. Hence aggression is not bad in itself, not knowing how to channelize it is. Excessive aggression may not stop you from achieving many of the big thing in life, but it may cause problems when it comes to sustain them. It can especially cause serious damage in the sphere of relationships as your dear ones may leave you or move away from you due to this trait. Hence you need to work on it.
Let’s look at the root cause of this problem. We all have aggression though some people may have more than average and some may have less than average of it. Some may be good at channelizing aggression through various practices whereas some others may not know how to channelize it.
People who can channelize aggression in proper ways may achieve a lot in their lives since aggression is a very helpful quality if you wish to achieve success, especially in the sphere of profession. Majority of successful people have more or much more than average amount of aggression. However, they know how to tame and channelize such aggression. Hence they are able to control aggression instead of letting it control them.
People who can’t control aggression may suffer from the problem of excessive aggression. Such aggression may come out in the form of physical or mental aggression from time to time. It may keep building inside one such person and when he’s not able to control it any longer, it may burst out like lava from a volcano. Hence this problem has its root in having excessive physical and/or mental energy and not knowing what to do with such energy.
Depending on which type of energy is in excess, the outcomes may vary. People who have excessive physical aggression may often express it in the form of physical activities like fighting with other people, throwing things around, hitting other people and things or even hitting themselves. People who have excessive mental aggression may often express it verbally and not physically. Hence it may come out in the form of too many arguments, heated arguments, complaints, accusations and other such things.
Therefore, in order to treat this problem, you first need to learn which type of excessive aggression you have, if you have it. Considering physical aggression first, you need to find ways to release excessive physical energy so that it doesn’t bother you. Engaging in physically demanding activities is the best way to do so. Through such practices, you may release the extra energy on daily basis and there may not be any buildups.
Majority of successful people don’t suffer from excessive physical aggression. This is because their jobs are so demanding that they consume all the extra energy they have. In fact, it is partly due to such extra physical energy that they are able to achieve so much. For example, take away that extra physical energy from a sportsman, politician, actor or a businessman and he may not be able to achieve the same amount of success, even if the rest of his abilities remain the same.
Looking at some activities, you may engage in activities like running, mountain climbing, cycling, playing football, tennis, swimming and many other physical activities which give you opportunities to release physical energy. You should choose to engage in those physical activities which you find yourself the most comfortable with.
Make sure that you don’t engage in any type of physical activity which builds more and more muscle in your body. It means you should avoid doing much weight training as such training may increase the intensity of your problem. This is because when you engage in weight training, you start building more and more muscle. Hence more and more physical energy is stored in your body, in the form of extra muscle that your body is gaining. As you have more physical energy available, you may need to find more ways to release this extra energy. Since you are already suffering from excessive physical energy, inviting more physical energy to your body is not advisable.
Hence engage in physical activities where you don’t gain much extra muscle. However, if you are a diehard fan of weight training and you feel very comfortable with it, you should mark some boundaries for your gym training. Plan your gym training in a way that you don’t gain muscle beyond a certain point. Such point should be reasonable and you should not aim for a lot of extra muscle.
Looking at verbal aggression, you should engage in activities which help you release excessive mental aggression. You may choose to engage in activities like writing articles, books, poetry or songs; painting, singing, acting, dancing, giving advice to people, motivating others, crossword puzzles and other puzzles, video games and other types of games or activities which require mental effort. Apart from them, you may engage in a wide variety of other activities which give outward expression to mental energy. Engage in activities that you like the most and you may start feeling relaxed.
In the beginning, you should not engage in such practices which bring aggressive mental energy to you. Hence don’t read many books which offer more and more information or the ones which are dramatic, dark or serious. Instead, go for books falling in the genres of comedy, romance (comic and not tragic) and inspiration. Such books may send in energies which may be the opposites of the ones you have. Hence they may counteract such energies and you may feel relieved. On the other hand, a murder mystery, a book filled with violence, a mentally or emotionally disturbing book or a sad book may send in energies which may be similar to the ones you already have. Hence such energies may aggravate your problems.
When it comes to books which offer knowledge, you should choose selectively. In the beginning, try to avoid as many of them as you can. Only use those ones which offer knowledge related to your profession or other important spheres of your life. Avoid books which offer knowledge related to the spheres which don’t have anything to do with you at this time. This is because more knowledge means more mental energy. Hence such books may provide you with more fuel in the form of knowledge. It means you may hold your arguments longer now, since you have gained access to a number of new facts. Hence stay away from such books until you have reached third or fourth level where you may handle the energies of such books.
Watching movies and television programs which fall in the genres of comedy, music and romance (not tragic love stories) may also help, due to similar reasons as those for books. Such movies or programs may transfer such energies to you, which may counteract a number of such energies in your aura, which cause mental aggression. Among these genres, comedy may prove very helpful during all levels.
This is because majority of comedy movies, programs and books don’t feature much logic and comedy is mostly without logic or reason. Logic is a serious thing and comedy is as light as it gets. Hence such programs make you laugh without much logic and this practice helps. The energy of these programs sends messages to your subconscious that you can laugh and be happy without logic or reason. As that happens again and again; you may start believing less in logic and more in the moment.
Since most arguments need logic in order to sustain, you may witness reduction in your tendency to engage in arguments. This is because you’ve started paying less attention to logic deep down, which means subconsciously. Apart from that, you may start enjoying a number of such things or situations around you, which don’t seem to have much logic but which are good. As a collective result of these factors, you may witness reduction in mental aggression.
Musical programs, music videos or plain music have similar effect on your mind. They tend to counteract negative mental energies by trying to relax you, though they may not be as effective as comedy programs; especially during the beginning levels. Drama shows and daily soaps may be the worst ones to watch. This is because most of them are full of negativity, scheming, plotting, cheating, conspiracies and other negative activities.
Accordingly, these shows may send more and more aggressive mental energy to your mind and your problem may intensify. Therefore, you should stay away from such programs which send aggressive mental energy to your mind instead of sending energies which may pacify mental aggression.
To summarize, you should engage in activities which offer outward expression of physical/mental energy, depending on the type you have in excess. At the same time, you should stay away from such activities which provide aggressive physical/mental energy. In case you have excessive mental energy, you may benefit through programs or books which offer comedy, music and comic but not tragic romance.
Himanshu Shangari