Article 023

More and more people have become addicted to various types of vices after 1990. One reason for this increase is that after this time, more and more such products have appeared, which have the potential to cause physical as well as mental damage.

Be it smoking, alcohol, various types of natural and synthetic drugs, excessive physical indulgence in women, especially in the company of paid sex workers; and all other such practices, they all cause damage to the body as well as mind. As the body and mind start losing their potential, the chances of achieving and/or maintaining good things decrease.

All such pleasures need resources. Accordingly, they reduce the amount of positive energy in your aura, since you spend more and more positive energy to avail such resources. Hence you start losing positive energy from your aura. It means you start having less chances of achieving success, unless you keep adding more and more positive energy to your aura by indulging in more and more good karmas and you are able to maintain the balance of positive energy in your aura.

It may seem interesting that many rich people use these things and they’re still successful. The primary reasons is that they had big amounts of positive energies in their auras at the beginning of their lives. It means they gathered such energy during their past lives. Looking at the secondary reason; many of them keep collecting fresh positive energy by engaging in a number of good karmas as well as practices. This way, they may be spending less than they may be earning.

Let’s try to understand this concept with the help of an example. Suppose there are three individuals and each one of them spends USD 5,000 per month, towards various expenses. Suppose the first person earns USD 8,000 per month, the second one earns USD 5,000 per month and the third one earns USD 3,000 per month. After expenses, the first one will save USD 3,000 per month and the second one will save nothing per month, since his income and expenses are the same. The third one will face a deficit of USD 2,000 per month since his expanses are higher than his income.

He may make up for such deficit as long as he can, through savings, loans and other such media. However, if he keeps doing so, a time may come that it may become difficult to manage such state of affairs and he may face problems. If he has saved money or wealth which he may have got from his parents, he may last longer. However, he may eventually collapse as such savings may be exhausted one day.

It means the first person can still save money after spending so much; the second one may be able to manage and the third one may land into problems if he keeps spending the same amount of money.

It is the same in case of positive energy in the aura. Accordingly, people who have large amounts of positive energy from previous lives may afford to spend more. Some of these people may earn more or much more positive energy in their present lives; than they spend. Hence they may still witness increase in positive energy, despite spending so much of it. However, such increase may be much bigger if they don’t spend so much of their energy.

A healthy person can eat lots of sugars but a person with high blood sugar should keep his sugar consumption in check. Here again, the situation is different in case of these two individuals. Hence don’t copy others and find out what is suitable according to your situation. If you have vices and they’re hindering your growth significantly; it is the time to act.

For some addictions, you may need to go through courses of de-addiction. If such is the case, then get it done. For all other things which you can control on your own, though with difficulty; there are some tips which may help.

For example, if you want to quit smoking, it may not be a good idea to quit it all at once, as the level of resistance may be much more than your conscious ability. Your subconscious has a strong script of ‘I want to smoke’. As a result, it may put strong resistance if you try to quit all at once. Hence you should start by reducing the number of cigarettes per day. Suppose you consume 20 cigarettes a day. Trying going for 18 in the beginning.

Once you’re comfortable with this level, you may go for 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 0 per day. Here again, don’t bite more than you can chew since you may end up aggravating your problem. Go slow and have patience. With time and efforts, your subconscious may replace the old script of ‘I want to smoke’ with ‘I don’t want to smoke’. With subconscious mind; time and repeated conscious efforts are the most important factors.

In case you consume alcohol in heavy quantities on daily basis; you should try a different approach. You should not try to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume every day. This is because drugs and alcohol weaken your conscious mind as long as they are effective. After a certain quantity of alcohol goes into your body, your conscious mind may not be able to resist. Since there is a strong script of ‘I love alcohol’ on your subconscious, you may often end up drinking a lot; after you consume a specific quantity of alcohol.

This is why people may speak truth after drinking a lot. The subconscious never lies and it is the conscious which puts filters on what wants to get out. Since the conscious may go very weak after drinking a lot; whatever the subconscious has to offer may get out without any filters. It means the conscious mind may not be able to manipulate and raw truth may get out. For this reason, people may be more trustworthy when they have drunk a lot.

Hence it may not be a good idea to reduce the quantity of alcohol. Instead, you should start by reducing the number of days per week, you consume alcohol. If you consume alcohol every day, reduce one day and stick to 6 days per week for some time. Once you’re comfortable with this level, reduce one more day. This way, you may get out of it slowly and surely. Faster you quit; faster you may relapse. Longer you take to quit, less are the chances that you may relapse. With subconscious; speed is almost always your enemy whereas patience and perseverance are you best friends.

Looking at another tip which may help during the initial levels, plan something you love at the same time when you consume alcohol, on your day off. If you don’t engage in anything, your subconscious may keep reminding you that this is the time to consume alcohol. As a result, you may find it difficult to stay away from alcohol. Hence use a trick. Engage in something you love to do.

When you do that, your subconscious gets stuck between two things you love. Hence it may get confused and it may not be able to put much resistance. This is because it has to promote what you are doing, due to strong script of liking for such thing written on it. Hence the resistance may decrease and you may cross this level with less difficulty. You can spend your time watching your favourite movie, going out with your girlfriend, spending time on internet, reading a book of your liking or indulging in any other activity that you like a lot.

Once you’re comfortable with 6 days a week, you may drop one more day. When you get comfortable with this level also, you’re ready to reduce one more day. By this time, your subconscious may have started replacing the old script of ‘I love alcohol’. Hence you may not need to engage in special activities when you reach third or fourth level. It means you may follow your regular routines and stay away from alcohol at the same time. From there, you only need more time and effort in order to get out of this problem. Go slow and move to the next level, only when you’re duly comfortable with an existing level.

It should be noted that in case of alcohol, you need to control it only if you are using it in heavy quantities, many times a week. However, if you don’t drink a lot and you know when to stop, you don’t need to bother about getting rid of this habit.

Once again, it varies from individual to individual. Hence you have to find out first, whether the consumption of alcohol is affecting your performance or not. If the answer is yes, start working on it.


Himanshu Shangari